Clubsnap magazine

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It's great to see the enthusiasm, ...
Sorry if this is getting to dollars & cents / business plans and stuff, but it's been my experience that the fun stuff (taking the photos, writing the articles) is easy to get excited about, but unless the base foundation (i.e. the boring stuff) is solid, you're building a castle on sand that gets swept away at the first big wave.


Hello, gentlemen.
I have been following this thread.
I think auralasia speaks, with experience, lots of sense here.

I agree we ramp up the website.
Don't forget there's google adsense.
If every member can click on the link everytime they visit, it could be nice little income for CS (speaking about hundreds of dollar - thousand each month).:lovegrin:

Hello, gentlemen.
I have been following this thread.
I think auralasia speaks, with experience, lots of sense here.
:thumbsup: agree

Nothing will happen if we dont have autorization from CS owners and if dun have commitee. :dunno:

Publish it every 2 months instead of monthly to test the market first.

Discovery Channel Magazine (nothing to do with photography) was every 2 months then switched to monthly after a year.

Publish it every 2 months instead of monthly to test the market first.

Discovery Channel Magazine (nothing to do with photography) was every 2 months then switched to monthly after a year.

we can learn from this strategy. plus auralasia is also experienced in business.. i can also contribute as i have a webhosting company and i can easily talk to my technical team to do some online marketing and branding for us... I can dedicate a server for clubsnap for free up to 1 year to cut down some cost. limited offer before i changed my mind :think:

oopppss there you go.. i already have changed it (jk). :bsmilie:

Team will include the ffg:

1 Consultant
1 Chief editor
1 Reviewer (language+grammar and ethics)
1 Assistant Editor
5 Columnist (story writer and researchers)
2 Marketing and business continuity planner (deals with adds and marketing strategy)
1 IT guy (answering emails, queries, online promotions and online development)
1 Kopi Guy (this is me :bsmilie: )

but first we need to get approval from owners of CS before we can vote for the committee. :) :sweatsm:

When the idea of setting up PPAS, everyone was most enthusiastic and recruitment was a breeze, and organising the first exhibition of members' works was rec'd with astounding support, so are the labs, cameras n equipment suppliers. It was amazing then.
and there exist one , quite good ( from my point of view, base on local standard ) photo mag ( can't recall the name, maybe some forumers here can ), after few years of running, had to fold up.
Even SPH, they have some mags which they find not viable after some financing years, scrap them.
And runnning a mag cannot rely on volunteers or just plain passion, even our ministers are not working for free.
The PPAs bulletin was flashing in the beginning but slowly dwindle to bi-monthly, quarterly and almost disappear.
This is not pouring icy water or what, one can always try, but i would suggest, get/find a very solid financial backing which at anytime is willling to pump in the financial resources.
Just like in every charity donating show, there exist an anonymous donor ( a megabucks org. or guy) which promise to top up the donation sum to the expected figure in the last minute, all these are prearranged.
Good Luck to all those who are prepared to jump.

:thumbsup: agree... i think we need to compute frst how much we need to spend and how much resources we need. but none of these will happen if we dont have a committee :dunno:

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having a coffeee talk with a mag publisher....
this is what he'd got to say..

any good idea or suggestion have to start off with $$$. ( that money no talk or just talk only. )

full time staff are needed for publication. cannot just depend on those volunteering part timer otherwise things will be get dragging.

a good editor shall deserve a payscale of between $3.3k - 4.5k./mth
anyone applying for this post ?

but wait a minute...who sign the paycheque, which bank account, where the money comes from ?

cannot just drink coffee, must have some toast or half boil eggs from ah koon mah.

Team will include the ffg:

1 Consultant
1 Chief editor
1 Reviewer (language+grammar and ethics)
1 Assistant Editor
5 Columnist (story writer and researchers)
2 Marketing and business continuity planner (deals with adds and marketing strategy)
1 IT guy (answering emails, queries, online promotions and online development)
1 Kopi Guy (this is me :bsmilie: )

but first we need to get approval from owners of CS before we can vote for the committee. :) :sweatsm:

I know it's not nice to be wagering on stuff, but I'm 99.999999% sure that the CS ownership branding issue will not resolve itself.

As for the committee, taking into account what cabbySHE has said, which is spot on (i.e. people need to be paid) I think the committee is too large - it should be 3 people

1. Editor / Writer / Contributor
2. Designer / Layout
3. Marketing Ad Sales

Unless you pay contributors, you'll discover that it's not a long-term option for getting articles in on-time after the first few issues. It could be part-time gigs for these people to begin with, but if it's successful (and I'm only interested in a magazine if it's a commercial success, sorry if the romance of doing a magazine escapes me) it could be full-time gigs at some point.

There will probably need to be a committee that acts like a board of directors to assist these 3, but you cannot run a start-up or small business by committee: the editor will have to have the ability to run the magazine the way he or she wants, to be able to reject the committee's suggestions (and they should be only suggestions, not directives or results of a vote by the committee / board) with the caveat that the editor can of course also be fired...

Let me start the ball rolling on possible magazine names if the CS issue doesn't get cleared up. It's probably way lame, but here's a suggestion


I'm not trying to be a wet blanket here. But if its feasible just start it and monies will come rolling in, why is there a need to be a clubsnap magazine? Will clubsnap branding attract more readership? What we need is a photography magazine. I doesn't need to come from clubsnap! Any more talks and the idea will just get killed by itself.
Just my 2 cents.

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket here. But if its feasible just start it and monies will come rolling in, why is there a need to be a clubsnap magazine? Will clubsnap branding attract more readership? What we need is a photography magazine. I doesn't need to come from clubsnap! Any more talks and the idea will just get killed by itself.
Just my 2 cents.

That's pretty true.

If there were a ClubSnap magazine, it would have been and should have been started by the founders of clubsnap, not its members.

Anyone tried proposing to the person who owns clubsnap?

Btw, i'm supportive of the idea:D:thumbsup:

I'm supportive of the idea and i have done some journalism back in sec school. took mass comms though i never ventured to the line fully.

we can come up with all the ideas, but as long as no proposal with the top brass of CS aka the Admins/owners, its just another idea that comes and goes.

i vote for having all those interested invovled to sit down on a date, give ideas then write a proposal to admin/owner of CS

whether we used clubsnap for branding will depending on whether there is value in the brand. and if there is, is the marginal recognition worth paying for? if not, the magazine should be independent. personally i am for an independent magazine.

It's encouraging to see the enterpreneurial spirit amongst CSers. Unfortunately being in the business world for too many years already in Singapore, I cannot help but being slightly pessimistic in my views on this project.

The main issue is that I think the market in Singapore is a wee too small, and given the demographics of the ppl here, there isn't much money to be made...even defraying the cost of operations, mktg is an issue. It is difficult to get Singaporeans to part with their money, so there's a limit to how much one can get ppl to pay for every issue.

One can simply look at the revenue side equation...

Say we can only net $2 per mag (after deducting printing, distributor, agent, courier, etc).
We sell 1,000 per month (I feel this is already optimistic).
There are about 60 pages per issue, and we can sell 20 pages at $400/page on the average for ads.
So, total revenue works out to $10,000 per issue...and we need to pay ppl for their work, and I really mean professional publishers, writers, etc who will deliver quality work.

So, how to increase revenue?
1. Increase readership - this means a mass appeal mag, so you will definitely leave out the serious readers and pros
2. Increase price per issue - the mag has to compete with foreign ones, and they already win in contents, so there is a limit that locals can pay.
3. Increase advertisement - too many ads will be a put off to readers; getting advertisers will be a problem - would it make sense for them to pay ad$ if mag distribution is so small?
4. Sell overseas - ...I think some ppl would have discussed this already...

My opinion is that this will be a tough sell in Singapore. If some of CSers are really keen, you may like to try a once-off MAGBOOK concept to gauge response and learn from experience?

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so many photography magazines already. all same same. how would this magazine differentiate itself from others?? i have no experience with publishing but am an avid reader. i personally would not pay for a hardcopy clubsnap magazine (especially if the magazine intends to focus on camera/lens reviews, basic/intermediate tutorials, or WTS/WTB classifieds).

so many photography magazines already. all same same. how would this magazine differentiate itself from others?? i have no experience with publishing but am an avid reader. i personally would not pay for a hardcopy clubsnap magazine (especially if the magazine intends to focus on camera/lens reviews, basic/intermediate tutorials, or WTS/WTB classifieds).

because its for us... and by us. :lovegrin:

through this magazine.. everybody will strive harder to master the craft and someday to be able to be featured in this magazine. through this magazine everybody will have hope and hope is a wonderful thing.

hope + inspiration + hardwork = success and exposure

how would u like it.. if you can see the life behind the lens of the admired photographers in CS or maybe some admired photographers of CS?

what if this photographer is you? ;)

It's probably way lame, but here's a suggestion


FOCUSSING - the lens behind the chicken rice. :bsmilie: (kidding)
:thumbsup: its a good brand actually..

you made a point about your post. this thing will require a full time job then. :think:

so many photography magazines already. all same same. how would this magazine differentiate itself from others?? i have no experience with publishing but am an avid reader. i personally would not pay for a hardcopy clubsnap magazine (especially if the magazine intends to focus on camera/lens reviews, basic/intermediate tutorials, or WTS/WTB classifieds).

correct me if i'm wrong, but all(?) of the English lang photo mags out there are ang moh ones, either from europe/US. This is based on my experience in libraries and Borders. The only local mag I've seen is Photovideo which was quite entertaining I thought, but it died out already. I believe a photo mag targeted at Asian market may be good as there are differences in the products available here and perhaps there may be differences in techniques etc too? :think:

Of course all these are just my thoughts and not backed up with any stats so feel free to correct me if my assumptions are wrong. :)

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