Clubsnap magazine

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I do believe the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesian photography forums have their own local versions of a photography magazine already up and running in their countries..... for example Indonesia has an online mag that can be found here Exposure Magazine .... i believe they are onto the 18th edition already

Most of the content is localized information , filling up a niche..... and in their way, allowing themselves to stand on their own side by side international publications

continue discussion :) ....... and pro/con, please keep it open and friendly


here is the plan so far.. please correct me if you feel the plan is ready to be in the bin :lovegrin:

we outsource. since having it printed in singapore seems to be tough.. we need to outsource. in this case we can make everything simple. it will turn out like we just imported something in singapore and sell it and we can use our own home to stock the magz.. and jsut post them upon payment... can be paypal.. can be ibank..

registering to is just simple. :D

let us know your thoughts :sweatsm:

i think the next step is to form a committee and to meet up. pm each other your mobile. you can continue to generate ideas from this thread.

anyways, from the thread i have identified:
1. laposto - main contributor
2. shutterooz - design and adv
3. whizzard - ?
4. aidil omar - marketing and business mgmt
5. pokiemon - strategic marketing and finance
6. auralasia - ?
7. siandy - contributor

errrr MAIN CONTRIBUTOR :sweatsm: dun have money leh.
every members are willing to contribute and give out their professional service for FREE.

I in the other hand will be happy to make coffee for you all :sweatsm:

Overseas register magazine abit problematic. You need to register a MITA licence(even Singapore magazines need to apply) and will be review each month for content and any obsences photo. Do note, they are very strict in nude photos. (Publisher can publish nude photo in the name of ART but the subject should be less than 20% of the picture size)

The idea of overseas printing might be even costly if the print run is below 5000copies. First, cost for the freight / shipment is high. Secondly, there is custom clearances charges and lastly, you have to pay GST upfront for importing magazines to sell in Singapore.

Another problem you might face is the tight publishing date. The problem is advertiser always will be the last to submit their ads. You might want to cater the shipment timing too.

I like the idea of having a magazine for CS. As this requires a lot of commitment from volunteers, experts and much more on capital investments, why not as a start, revamp the site to have a clear "Article" section and start contributing there?

By looking at the number of "Quality" articles we can then discuss and finalize on which one to go on paper...

I like the idea of having a magazine for CS. As this requires a lot of commitment from volunteers, experts and much more on capital investments, why not as a start, revamp the site to have a clear "Article" section and start contributing there?

By looking at the number of "Quality" articles we can then discuss and finalize on which one to go on paper...

:thumbsup: i 2nd the motion. imo we need to assign specific tasks for specific members.
therefore... we need to build a committee first.

Overseas register magazine abit problematic. You need to register a MITA licence(even Singapore magazines need to apply) and will be review each month for content and any obsences photo. Do note, they are very strict in nude photos. (Publisher can publish nude photo in the name of ART but the subject should be less than 20% of the picture size)

The idea of overseas printing might be even costly if the print run is below 5000copies. First, cost for the freight / shipment is high. Secondly, there is custom clearances charges and lastly, you have to pay GST upfront for importing magazines to sell in Singapore.

Another problem you might face is the tight publishing date. The problem is advertiser always will be the last to submit their ads. You might want to cater the shipment timing too.

nice point :thumbsup:

i will get some opinion from a friend in the philipppines who does printing for his whole lifetime. they have a big printing company in manila who does most of the philippine mags.

ill post the notion in due time :lovegrin:

Good idea. I vaguely remembered that there is an online mag by CS. Only 1 or 2 issues then it die of natural death.

Good idea. I vaguely remembered that there is an online mag by CS. Only 1 or 2 issues then it die of natural death.

did you happen to know the reason why it died maybe we can learn from experience :sweat:

It's not a bad idea to start a photography magazine.
Singapore doesnt had a local photography magazine, and there's so many photographers in SG.
If it's cheap, and interesting, who doesnt want to buy?

I would believe there is a market for clubsnap magazine. There isn't a need to be an monthly edition. Maybe quarterly? If HWZ can have its magazine why not, Might get a chance to be bought over my some publishing firms. Lastly we will need a full time team to do the magazine. Team need to get paid else no money = no commitment!

I would believe there is a market for clubsnap magazine. There isn't a need to be an monthly edition. Maybe quarterly? If HWZ can have its magazine why not, Might get a chance to be bought over my some publishing firms. Lastly we will need a full time team to do the magazine. Team need to get paid else no money = no commitment!

noted.. i also agree about the team. must be willing and dedicated and willing to do for free.
we need the mods to assign :lovegrin:

I've a close friend who owns a print lab, let me know if you need help with printing.

Personally, I would want to contribute to the contents of the magazine. I don't expect to get paid much, or anything at all. I just hope the magazine don't become another of those photography magazines that's loaded with repetitive and beginner's contents over and over again. I believe if the content is good and unique, naturally, more people will buy it.

I've a close friend who owns a print lab, let me know if you need help with printing.

Personally, I would want to contribute to the contents of the magazine. I don't expect to get paid much, or anything at all. I just hope the magazine don't become another of those photography magazines that's loaded with repetitive and beginner's contents over and over again. I believe if the content is good and unique, naturally, more people will buy it.

thank you so much for the offer.. maybe we can start for free for the first issue since the first one will determine if we need to continue the producing prints.. if the figures are good at first then we settle down the $$$$ :thumbsup:

Just some random suggestions...

It would be great if the magazine was-

1.) family friendly (I personally wouldn't read a non-family friendly magazine)

2.) cater to the 'audience'. Why write tons of reviews on camera bodies, lens, flashes, etc. when we can just google it online? I prefer reading interviews.

3.) photo-critique section (that'll be interesting)

Well, I'm still thinking of more. ;p.

Just some random suggestions...

It would be great if the magazine was-

1.) family friendly (I personally wouldn't read a non-family friendly magazine)

2.) cater to the 'audience'. Why write tons of reviews on camera bodies, lens, flashes, etc. when we can just google it online? I prefer reading interviews.

3.) photo-critique section (that'll be interesting).......

Also can include nyce places to shoot the camera (reviews can be written by CS members experiences and maybe can include pictures if they willing to share)

errrr MAIN CONTRIBUTOR :sweatsm: dun have money leh.
every members are willing to contribute and give out their professional service for FREE.

I in the other hand will be happy to make coffee for you all :sweatsm:

bro - main contributor doesn't mean financially. it means you are the project leader! we take orders from you. :bsmilie:

i think the next step is to form a committee and to meet up. pm each other your mobile. you can continue to generate ideas from this thread.

anyways, from the thread i have identified:
1. laposto - main contributor
2. shutterooz - design and adv
3. whizzard - ?
4. aidil omar - marketing and business mgmt
5. pokiemon - strategic marketing and finance
6. auralasia - ?
7. siandy - contributor

I'll be happy to help out as an editor. I've no prior editorial or publishing experience but straight As for my English in O and A levels. MBA graduate and former Managing Director of investment banking for a bank.

bro - main contributor doesn't mean financially. it means you are the project leader! we take orders from you. :bsmilie:

its the other way around.. i take your order.. kopi sir? :bsmilie:

we need to build a committee first... so many volunteers in cs.. and i know for a fact that they wont volunteer if they know deep inside their selves that they cannot do it. :think:

so many positive people here offering good FREE service... nothing is free in singapore anymore.. sooner or later even air we breathe got ERP. this is a good opportunity to start the progress of CS instead of just a photography forum.. we need to take another step up. :thumbsup:

think big, dream big. every home will be fiber optic soon.. internet users will be more active than before... its a nice foundation to advertise... and also people would like to have hard copies to read.. like me.. i have soft copies of books and mags but i prefer the hard ones.

harder better! ask the lady boss :bsmilie:

It's great to see the enthusiasm, but there is a BIG problem here that no-one seems too concerned to address, and perhaps it may be because there is an assumption that no-one will object when the issue arises: who owns CS and who would grant the committee the right to use the CS name / logo on the magazine? Certainly not the members: simple membership (esp. since it's non-paying) doesn't confer any ownership (and I would argue that in the T&C of membership, everyone who posts grants an unlimited license to CS to display whatever you type, with the caveat that the poster is liable for any subsequently arising legal issues such as defamation, libel, etc.).

This enthusiasm for a CS magazine is potentially worthless unless someone can answer how the publisher (and is this CS publishing the magazine?) can proceed with a business plan and project income / expenses over a 3-year period using the CS banner. There are independent publishers, including MediaCorp and SPH, who have deals with some well-known overseas magazines and print a local edition - TopGear, FHM, Harper's Bazaar, etc. - but they do so by having an iron-clad deal with whoever owns the brand.

As for who works on this magazine, be it electronic (my preference; have a look at, which uses realview software to present an electronic magazine that cannot be downloaded, and which therefore also provides an accurate readership, which is the absolute backbone of advertising sales) or hardcopy (wherein you immediately say sayonara to 55% of income to your distributor as well as a large number of other issues when dealing with a distribution network: the immediacy of online for me is surely the way forward for all magazines, and once Apple announces their iSlate / iTablet on the 26th, getting your magazine on the go will be the way forward), they have to have relevant experience - the quality of the team will determine the outcome of this magazine far far over any other issue, except perhaps cash reserves and cash flow.

FYI, I own and run my own company that works on creating content: primarily we have been focussed on audio content (TV / documentaries / audiobooks) but for over a year now, we have been working with some photographers who want to expand their portfolios in Singapore, a quasi agency / management role in such that we do the boring backbone muck work, while they do the creative stuff; a Singapore-based photographic magazine that is driven by all that is (apologies to STB) uniquely Singapore could be something that we'd invest in, but as mentioned above, without a clear-cut deal to use the CS name / branding, we would instead look at a magazine that we can brand ourselves and own the intellectual copyright as related to the branding.

Sorry if this is getting to dollars & cents / business plans and stuff, but it's been my experience that the fun stuff (taking the photos, writing the articles) is easy to get excited about, but unless the base foundation (i.e. the boring stuff) is solid, you're building a castle on sand that gets swept away at the first big wave.


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