Club 1000D- TCSS part III

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Oh no, as long as we don't go beyond that point will be alright. Most of the pictures we took are before that signboard. There is nothing much beyond the signboard anyway. ;)

Me and Jimmy came from that direction. There's some interesting stuff along our 'LOST' mission. Will post up my pictures later. :bsmilie:

Me and Jimmy came from that direction. There's some interesting stuff along our 'LOST' mission. Will post up my pictures later. :bsmilie:

Sorry for the misinterpretation. Can go in but cannot take photo. :embrass:

lol... in that case, sure can take photos, but dont get caught.

Haha ya. The guard was inside the building watching tv. Dunno why i snap halfway he decided to come out and stop me :(

Me and Jimmy came from that direction. There's some interesting stuff along our 'LOST' mission. Will post up my pictures later. :bsmilie:

got meh?? :think:

Technically do at your own risk and not get caught. Hehe! :bsmilie:

He actually threatened to call the police when we continued to snap as the train was approaching really fast.

got meh?? :think:

Got. If only the clouds and sky is to my liking. Those short stopovers that you shot. Have a valley feel and that can create depth and infinity vanishing point but the sky no good.

Haha ya. The guard was inside the building watching tv. Dunno why i snap halfway he decided to come out and stop me :(

u need to master a trick call 'now u see it, now u dont!'
lol... the guard might hv spotted u when he was on his way to answer nature's call.

He actually threatened to call the police when we continued to snap as the train was approaching really fast.

I dun see any train. Haha! Walking on the track somemore. LOL! And was at the house and snap the levers that use to change the tracks. :bsmilie:

I dun see any train. Haha! Walking on the track somemore. LOL! And was at the house and snap the levers that use to change the tracks. :bsmilie:

this one?


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