Charged $1 for receiving an unsolicited CNY greeting SMS

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am I right to say that any company can claim that this phone number from the telco has subscribed to a service and will be charge $xx? please process accordingly.

:think: very nice...

yanyewkay said:
today's copy of ST ah? i go check it out tonight
it is in TODAY's paper today.. page 50. the advertisement page.

No have the time to read all the threads, .... but wondering this Mtouche is register by who? :lovegrin: Maybe it is some sort of so call 'fund raising' too ? Just like we always see TP so hard working lo?

OT abits : Anyone lasttime sms and vote for thier idols? At the end, who win? The one who started this sms games lor ... :bheart: No wander now so many SMS voting games on tv recently ... 第一次很好吃,真是越吃越有滋味。

Ai ya, dun know lar, i am just a cat, i catch and eat my rat, but those have 2 or 3 handphone one, haha ...

Here is the announcement from mTouche. (from


Its a big PR fallout and both ST and Today already have news on it - now just waiting whether there's any further official statements, especially from the telcos

At least give them some lesson.:thumbsup:

And I learned about this unscrupulous error billing here from 'Clupsnap' first :thumbsup:

what if not only the CNY period is affected?
anyone checked for xmas?

Well, if that is so, they should release a prese statement.

mpenza said:
think IDA played a significant role behind the fast response besides the media blowup :)

The letters were also published on page 25 of 17 Feb's Today.

I received a phone call around 3pm from M1 today. She mentioned that the 3 telcos will jointly issue a statement around next Monday or so to address the questions raised.

Just got my M1 bill, no charges from mTouche.

Canew said:
Here is the announcement from mTouche. (from

so, a case of 'i punch u first then i say sorry'?

sorry no cure?

i'm really pissed with their audacity to charge us for receiving unsolicited sms! even though it's 'only' S$1/. but imagine how much they could've rip all the other subscribers if this wasn't highlighted by a fellow member??


espn said:
Just got my M1 bill, no charges from mTouche.

i have leh...

so am i suppose to also call M1 to make "noise" ??

Cheesecake said:
so, a case of 'i punch u first then i say sorry'?

sorry no cure?

i'm really pissed with their audacity to charge us for receiving unsolicited sms! even though it's 'only' S$1/. but imagine how much they could've rip all the other subscribers if this wasn't highlighted by a fellow member??

Second that!!! I've friends who were unaware of this whole saga until I told them over coffee break yesterday. They searched thier respective mobile phones. Two of them received the Chinese CNY greeting from 77330. I told them to revert back to their telco. (incidentally both were with Singtel)

today's ST got published a combined letter from the 3 telcos... basically, the tone is the same as the M1 customer officer who called me 3 days ago...

its not my (ie telco) problem, so dun bother me (ie telco) and go bug mTouche... :rolleyes:

k3nn3th03 said:
i have leh...

so am i suppose to also call M1 to make "noise" ??
Yes u should, and if the operator tell u dont bother her (usual M1 reply, I kanna that), ask to speak to her manager.

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