Charby's Angel - Sexy Veronica

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New Member
Aug 20, 2005
Eastern Singapore
Just sharing my takes... ;)

1. Miss u so...


2. U want me?


3. What takes u so long?


Thanks for viewing. ;p

All 3 pictures are underexposed, the lights are flat and boring. However, let me concentrate commenting on the first picture.

What did you do to Veronica? Her eyes are lifeless. How you managed to disfigure her face is beyond me! Look at the the patch of skin between her nose and her cheek bone. Looks like burnt scare to me. How you did it?

All said, this picture is worse than SUCKS! There is absolutely nothing to recommend re improvement, it's beyond salvage, download straight to trash bin quality.

All 3 pictures are underexposed, the lights are flat and boring. However, let me concentrate commenting on the first picture.

What did you do to Veronica? Her eyes are lifeless. How you managed to disfigure her face is beyond me! Look at the the patch of skin between her nose and her cheek bone. Looks like burnt scare to me. How you did it?

All said, this picture is worse than SUCKS! There is absolutely nothing to recommend re improvement, it's beyond salvage, download straight to trash bin quality.

Thanks for the feedbacks.

Whahaha... she was rather pissed off with me that day cos me keep complaining about her make up n etc... Maybe that will explain the lifeless eyes? Heehee... ;p

As for how to make such a lousy pic... tat was trade secrets. Sorry.

Cheers! :cool:

I have noticed her lifeless eyes in a number of similar pictures posted by forumers

I think she could have been bored and tired by the shoot; she certainly looks bored and tired to me

I dont know how you can improve this aspect; seems to be largely beyond your control

pic 3 is underexposed...

I have noticed her lifeless eyes in a number of similar pictures posted by forumers

I think she could have been bored and tired by the shoot; she certainly looks bored and tired to me

I dont know how you can improve this aspect; seems to be largely beyond your control
From their reply, this group of photographers are definately not looking to improve. They are happy as long as there is a model wear not much in from of their camera. If they can also press the shutter, they are thrilled.


From their reply, this group of photographers are definately not looking to improve. They are happy as long as there is a model wear not much in from of their camera. If they can also press the shutter, they are thrilled.


Haha... thank god that its onli ur perception.

I believe most pples here are most than willing to improve themselves.
If just being happy that the model is not wearing much... I think might as well go into nude photography instead?

Very sad statement to others i believe.

No hard feelings DP...
It doesnt mean u are wrong... u maybe rite too.
But its not really nice to overturn the boat when onli one or few of them are the black sheeps. Just imagine u are in tat smae boat. Dun think u wanna sink with them for nothing rite? Heehee...

Not very nice choice of pics ! Looks like the model has a big headache !

Face expression is not too good leh !

I have noticed her lifeless eyes in a number of similar pictures posted by forumers

I think she could have been bored and tired by the shoot; she certainly looks bored and tired to me

I dont know how you can improve this aspect; seems to be largely beyond your control

For certain reasons... she was really looking tired that day.
However, I wouldnt say its her who make the pic dun look good...
Mostly its bcos of the photographer n tats me.
Heehee... :sweatsm:

Haha... thank god that its onli ur perception.

I believe most pples here are most than willing to improve themselves.
If just being happy that the model is not wearing much... I think might as well go into nude photography instead?

Very sad statement to others i believe.

No hard feelings DP...
It doesnt mean u are wrong... u maybe rite too.
But its not really nice to overturn the boat when onli one or few of them are the black sheeps. Just imagine u are in tat smae boat. Dun think u wanna sink with them for nothing rite? Heehee...
Alankpy, look forward for you and the gang to prove me wrong, shoot better pictures.

From their reply, this group of photographers are definately not looking to improve. They are happy as long as there is a model wear not much in from of their camera. If they can also press the shutter, they are thrilled.


Totally agree with dp...haven seen one which i would say that its worth looking at or give good comments so far. They are just in to the woman on set not the pictures..sadd

Totally agree with dp...haven seen one which i would say that its worth looking at or give good comments so far. They are just in to the woman on set not the pictures..sadd

Thanks for the feedbacks.
Do share with us when u have found one thats really good.
Then all can learn here.
Heehee... ;)

i was initially appalled by dp's harsh comments..
but after reading through and through i must comment his willingness to stand out to point the thread starter's "mistakes"

like many had said: keep shooting!

Hey Alankpy,

I messed up a bit with you pic in picasa software.

1) auto contrast.
2) light fill.
3) Changed the white balance to colder tones.
4) Sharpening a bit.
5) Finally softfocus around her face to get a perspective on her face.

Hope you dun mind? Is the result ok with you ?? (Can or not?)

Try picasa it is free to download on the web. :thumbsup:

Uncle Loupisk quick tuning


Original pic


dont need to repeat what the others have said here.

so ill just add the pose in the first pic is very unflattering - especially in the way it portrays her ... bottom part. one must give some decorum to the model. even if u want to pose them sexily.

Hey Alankpy,

I messed up a bit with you pic in picasa software.

1) auto contrast.
2) light fill.
3) Changed the white balance to colder tones.
4) Sharpening a bit.
5) Finally softfocus around her face to get a perspective on her face.

Hope you dun mind? Is the result ok with you ?? (Can or not?)

Nice try Uncle .....
Very appropriate effort to go with your sig ...

Anyway, I just want to ask Alankpy if yours is the ladst group to shoot Veron that day ... Maybe that can also contribute to the lifeless eyes ... after a long day of 15 photographers 4 hour shoot.

Sometimes these mass shoots are good fun to get to know people and practice ... but ultimately what are the percentage of keepers after the shoot? Try to work with a small group of 3 to 4 friends and 1 model ... You will prob have more control and get better results ...

Keep Trying .... :D

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