Changeable Hawk Eagle pale morph

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Feb 21, 2007
These photos of the Changeable Hawk Eagles were taken over several months from different aprts of the island. Tks for viewing






Nothing is more rewarding than to encounter such a rarely seen magnificient bird of prey in the wild, and to be able captures its beauty. Nice is an understatement...Wonderful shots :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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great shots

wow, fantastic shots :)

Great Close up !

wow you spotted it so many times with photos of such detail. :thumbsup:

just asking, what lens did you use to capture these shots? the bokeh seems rather harsh? refering to pic 1,2,4

I was using a D3 and Nikon 600mm plus a 1.4 x teleconverter. Settings for the first 2 pics were 1/500s f/8.0 at 850.0mm iso1250. Pic 4 was taken using 1/250s f/8.0 at 850.0mm iso800.

I'm really still a novice,and i say this because there are many many who are very much better at this. I have always struggled between sharpness of subject (I found f8 sharpest) and the desire to have a smooth bokeh (better achieved through a bigger aperture). All pictures were taken without tripod, using improvised support. Folks familiar with NS will identify with "prone supported" and "sitting supported".
Again, a perennial struggle whether to shoot is tripod or no tripod. With tripod is great for stability but it reduces mobility. This is a preference ;i prefer mobility and really do not like to flash too much. Also this has something to do with the type of birds I am looking to encounter. Small birds, under thick undergrowth - no choice, tripod.

Thanks for viewing and tanks for the comments. Good day, all. See you around.

the 1st is the best, if only the perch was changed to a branch

Really great shots there! The CHE is one very skittish raptor and you have done really well getting them in several different environments.

These are great shots ! :thumbsup:

Tks all for kind remarks. Just trying to be better whenever I can. Really, sometimes the subject can drive you up the wall, refusing to come out, whereas sometimes, it can be really compliant, as if responding to your soft coaxing. Philip, I always remember what you said once, "look for a clean and pleasing background." It's tough though.

cheers, everyone

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