CASTING CALL: Photographers/Extras

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Hello everyone.

I have a shoot this coming Friday, 01 February 2008 for a Channel 5 trailer and I am in need of extras because I have a scene where I will need a group of journalists/photographers/press.

I need 12 extras and all don't have to be photographers. Some of you will be given clipboards and folders to play the journalist roles.

As for the photographers, I need those who owned DSLRs, including external flash (to achieve the "press" vibe).

The shoot will be whole day, but this scene will take around 2-3 hours. A payment fee of $50 per head will be given. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

So gather your friends! You don't have to be a 'real' photographer, you can even borrow your friends' DSLR and you can play the part.

Please PM me or email me at for more details.

Thank you! I hope to hear from all of you. =)

Extras needed: 11


I'm sorry for the double post, I couldn't figure out how to edit my first post.

About the first post, please give me your name, contacts and a small photo of yourself.

Also, I am looking for someone who owned a very, very, very, very nice-looking car, say like BMW, Mercedes and etc. It is also for this Friday's shoot but we require it for just 1-2 hours at most.

Please PM me or email me at the picture(s), your name, contacts and a photo of yourself. Or SMS/ring me at 96707482.

Did I also mention that you will be working with Eunice Olsen?

Thank you, hope to hear from all of you very soon.


Hi everyone.


Thanks for those who have replied me via email and sms/ring me. I have got the extras that I needed and will hope that everything will go smoothly once production starts.

I will post more if I ever need more casting in the future.

Thanks again everyone, nice to see that there are still people out there who are willing to help out!


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