Car Accident @ Ulu Pandan Road, Clementi.

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Yep, think stayed there for about 2 to 4 years? Can't remember already. Moved out around 1990. After that, the price for the flats there shot up. My parents probably lugi quite abit. :bsmilie:
Ya loh.. now the residents are asking for >$2 million a unit for en-bloc. Too bad recession now. :(

It'd be good that the driver has an in-car camera installed. I've got one ever since my wife started driving my car.

Of course, every accident is unfortunate. However, to be frank again, I will not pity them. I do have few relatives driving such cars, and I also know how they behave on the road. Well, they are rich of course. So, if they crash out, haha, why should I bother? They can pay for everything or even buy another one. To them, "as long as money can solve, it's never a problem." Trust me, many of the rich believe in that statement, consciously or sub-consciously.

Another recent case is that red WRX (drivers are my friend's friends)... do you pity them? Try and guess what they have inside the car engine? Or, think of what could be the cause? It's all human behaviour, and it's controllable as a driver to prevent and avoid that kind of accident.

But for a poor pedestrian who got nothing to do with them and get involved with their accident, all because of how they behave on the road, what do the poor pedestrain get in return?

Please note my point of view, taking the fact of how badly the cars are damaged, and the power to cause it by those fast and powerful cars, being the owner may be rich or just average.

Well, it's just my personal believe and share.

Erm... They crashed. That can't be good. Destruction Derby maybe, but not F1. :bsmilie:

that's a good one!

the photos are pretty good overall, it covers the event from multiple angles (for an editor to have a choice of angles)

honestly, i think it's quite surprising you didn't get shooed off from taking photos... how did you accomplish it?

it is also novel to see how instead of Mr Bean's 3 wheel nemesis, there's a new 3 wheeler in singapore...

that's a good one!

the photos are pretty good overall, it covers the event from multiple angles (for an editor to have a choice of angles)

honestly, i think it's quite surprising you didn't get shooed off from taking photos... how did you accomplish it?

it is also novel to see how instead of Mr Bean's 3 wheel nemesis, there's a new 3 wheeler in singapore...

I probably looked enough like a PJ? Hehe.

To be fair, there was only one TP present there when I went down to shoot. The Civil Defence people were all gone. There was an SPH photographer and reporter (probably from Shin Ming, as she was speaking in Chinese to the witnesses and TP).

Just based on the impact points, damages and tyres marks shown in the pictures to make a wild guess and paint out 1 possible hypotasis or scenario.

...................................dislodged the front bumper and eventually broke off after rolling over the drain plus pressing against the bush.

If this is really what happened, imagine if the MR-S hit at the driver's door instead, and there also is a front passenger?

I have been driving for decades, but having a hard time understanding the hypothetical analysis. The amazing details...
Do you do this for a living? too?

I have been driving for decades, but having a hard time understanding the hypothetical analysis. The amazing details...
Do you do this for a living? too?

Hehe I find it a bit hard to assume he is, because the MR-S was hit on the driver's side :what:

See here again:

wow , just happen to see this thread , used to live there about 10yrs ago , blk 1B , but it seems that that part always seem to have accidents.... every year like can recall the road signs/but stop sign get hit/ damaged .....

that is one real sad MR-S. haha the honda stream not so important ;p

that is one real sad MR-S. haha the honda stream not so important ;p

what if that is your honda and your wife is driving it with your new born baby.

just notice your nick, and it really make me wonder or rather sick.

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they nvr chase u away?

I totally agree with Tomcat. And, its not the bend that cause the accident, its the driver. My guess is both drivers are females... no offfence to the ladies, but....:nono:

that's actually a dangerous corner.

A few years ago when I was serving NS, I did a transport supervisor course and one of my course mates was a regular from PROVOST.

I was in a bus that passed by that corner and a white SAF car was on the curb like the cars in the pictures facing the other way.

I guess the car was PROVOST and thought of my course mate and that he would have a bitch of a time typing up the accident report.

I later found out he was the one driving.... :bsmilie:

Frankly, I never pity the owners/drivers of both cars, especially car like that MR-S or of similar value and type. It would be good to see more of these cars getting accident and crashed out to unrecoverable state then removed from the road totally, than to see any of decent pedestrians got involved with them or injured.

People are damn rich nowaday to afford and repair them and also to get out of any kind trouble. But do they have the skill and character/behaviour to handle them while not creating troubles for others? Only the God will know and decide what to do. We have seen too much and it's enough!

OH! Sorry TS. Think you have put these photos here to share and not for comment on the accident. Well, they are definitely very well taken and in great details for us to appreciate how well damage those cars are. My personal feelling is "YES!" and "HURRAY!!!":bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

someone i knew was killed as an innocent bystander at the traffic light (not even crossing the road) in a mass casualty of 5, hit by a speeding driver who was only 21 year old. ever since i started paying attention to reckless drivers, most of which are young and drive sports car. at the same time many motorcyclist with accidents are also young NSF or regulars. seems that lack of cheap and good public transport is part of the reason, and that we have so far been too lenient to offenders.

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someone i knew was killed as an innocent bystander at the traffic light (not even crossing the road) in a mass casualty of 5, hit by a speeding driver who was only 21 year old. ever since i started paying attention to reckless drivers, most of which are young and drive sports car. at the same time many motorcyclist with accidents are also young NSF or regulars. seems that lack of cheap and good public transport is part of the reason, and that we have so far been too lenient to offenders.

Yeah, the numbers of dudes driving pass with loud, flashy sport cars are getting younger, just witnessed a really tense scenario a few days ago. I'll attribute this phenomenon to the rising popularity of street racing in mainstream media, i.e., your video games + movies about such reckless behaviours on roads.

These are some pretty clear & detailed car crash pics. :)

By the looks of the two cars, one being a sport car, I can rightly guess they were trying to out do each other and lost control because neither one, knows their driving skills limitations, and road holding abilities of their vehicles and tyres.

Seen it all too often... even saw an idiot in a Honda Civic, trying a Ferrari was a royally stupid, foolish, and embarrassing scene. :bsmilie:

you will be surprised wad a civic can do... i guess wad u want to put across was how a cheap car wants to race a expensive car?

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