Canon Users Get-together - Grand Finale for 2008

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Some suggestions so far :

1) Marina Barrage - Sunrise Shoot

2) Esplanade - Sunrise + Christmas Lighting Shoot

3) Orchard Road - Christmas Lighting Shoot

Most preferred to combine both together, i.e. coffee session + shoot

I have a nice idea is that have a coffee session and shooting in the afternoon and late afternoon 'chope' a nice view at the 'durian' for a firework shoot at midnight and go to marina barrage to have a shoot the 1st sunrise of 2009 and also need to charter a mini bus or 'route march' to the marina barrage......... ;p

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I hope that I can join ;) hehehe newbie can rigth? :D

can i join..newbie here...

when is the outing?I wouldn't be in Singpore during year end

As 2008 is coming to an end, I am thinking of organizing a get together session where veterans and newbies can mingle around.

Either we have an outing to go out and shoot or a coffee session. Let me know your thoughts. :)

I am open to join, but what guys and ladies normally do at a gathering ?

Lol, during the gathering, usually they would chat about mainly photography(and everything under the sun), try out fellow canon users stuff(like the 5d Mark II), learn from the other more experienced photographers and lastly SHOOT:D

BTW seasonal greetings from a Nikon user:D your outing sounds like fun haha! Time to BUY BUY BUY!

Lol, during the gathering, usually they would chat about mainly photography(and everything under the sun), try out fellow canon users stuff(like the 5d Mark II), learn from the other more experienced photographers and lastly SHOOT:D

BTW seasonal greetings from a Nikon user:D your outing sounds like fun haha! Time to BUY BUY BUY!

definately i would like to hands on a more powerful camera and let the seniors show what the diff between a basic dslr and advanced what i read is soul to what i read.

maybe you guys can start by putting up the list so its easily contactable ;)

how about letting me to start the ball rolling?


definately i would like to hands on a more powerful camera and let the seniors show what the diff between a basic dslr and advanced what i read is soul to what i read.

Yah! I'm sure they would show you their camera. Just go there with one purpose, enjoy!

maybe you guys can start by putting up the list so its easily contactable ;)

how about letting me to start the ball rolling?


USM already has a mailing list for those who e-mail him their addresses for Canon users.

Hi Hope u guys and gals enjoy your outing, wanted very much to join but too bad not in town, anyway a pre Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all clubsnapers!!:D

i might turn up if the date/time is suitable for me.

USM, when u looking at?

any special appearance, such as "cough" 5DMII "cough"?

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Would love to join, and learn from fellow CS-ers.. but i guess my GF will kill me if i told her tat i decided to accompany my camera throughout the whole countdown rather than spend the whole night with her. =/

Would love to join, and learn from fellow CS-ers.. but i guess my GF will kill me if i told her tat i decided to accompany my camera throughout the whole countdown rather than spend the whole night with her. =/

:think: take her to the countdown also..

USM already has a mailing list for those who e-mail him their addresses for Canon users. to be part of the gang?:confused:

Hi Guys,

According to the weather forecast for December, it is not a good idea to stay overnight to catch the Sunrise.

Also, as festive season is round the cornor, many of us will be spending time with friends, families, etc. Hence, I do not wish to jeopardize your time with photography.

For those who are interested in this gathering, please email me according to this thread.

For those who are going for the this Saturday gathering, 27 Dec, please check your email.


just mailed you, hope to hear from you soon! :D

Put me in your list please...

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