CANON-THE NEW PAPER Young Photographer of the Year

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I'd recommend it to those of you who are genuinely interested in photojournalism, especially if you are fresh out of school, or want to switch jobs, and are looking for work experience in the field. The internship will come in useful for learning the ropes, as well as networking with media folks, and newsmakers (the public, celebrities, VIPs).

If you've never done events or news shoots before, you can look forward to long hours, and various types of shoots. :) Working in a newsroom and out in the field, covering sports or breaking news can be a rush, on the flip side, things like press conferences can be less exciting.

I've worked alongside one of their veteran photographers Mohd Ishak. He's a really good photographer and a nice guy to boot. If you get to learn from him, good for you.

All the best!

u went for internship wif TNP?

Just to clarify, I am not an intern nor a photojournalist with SPH. Sorry, should have said that earlier.

I have, however, shot and written features for a news and editorial agency. I was actually hired as a reporter but over time, began shooting as well. We covered mostly local community events. Because of my work, sometimes covering the same news as these New Paper, ST, WB photographers, and attending press conferences with them etc, I got to know them as well as a few SPH reporters.

Most of the people I met were friendly, and despite of my newbieness and age, (I was 19 when I started) I sometimes got invited to the news desk office, or we would have coffee, and we'd share informally how we worked etc. My employers themselves were former reporters and editors with SPH, and they were very open and taught me a lot. I was also fortunate to get to speak to a couple of Reuters photogs. Every part of the job was a learning step, not just about technique, but about ethics and etiquette in the field.

Which is why I think this internship competition is a good opportunity for those who are keen, not just to shoot for New Paper, but to network.

Anyway, this is going a bit OT. I'm no longer in this field of work. If anyone would like to know more, I'd be more than happy to share what I know of my work experience. Just PM me.

I've worked alongside one of their veteran photographers Mohd Ishak. He's a really good photographer and a nice guy to boot. If you get to learn from him, good for you.

All the best!

I'm working "beside" him. :bsmilie:
Photo department's next to Art.

Closing date just round the corner. Remember to submit your entries on time. :) :thumbsup:

submitting now.

Wondering if you guys are willing to share your entries. Maybe after the deadline so people on CS can vote on their favourite :)

submitting now.

Wondering if you guys are willing to share your entries. Maybe after the deadline so people on CS can vote on their favourite :)

Here's mine..not much or new since i submitted quite early into the competition


Forgive me if I misunderstood, but colour correction includes b&w conversion as well?

Not sure. I submitted mine in all color...although in the link in the posts above a picture was in b&w..

actually for those who are still 36 yrs old this year, still can join.... for sure i know, i am ;) so start submitting. closing date 29th Mar!

actually for those who are still 36 yrs old this year, still can join.... for sure i know, i am ;) so start submitting. closing date 29th Mar!

did you call them up to verify?

I'm born in 1971.Birthday in November.
I checked with them. As long birthday not over the submission date is OK.

Able to submit more than 1 entry?

Just submitted my entry.;)

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