Canon DSLR Price reduction! $200 off 40D!

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that's really for you to decide. how much is the peace of mind worth to you?

some like the cash upfront, some prefer the peace of mind. YMMV.

iiciicxi...btw, what does YMMV means? okok thanks for the piece of advice^^ its gives me a clear direction haha.. thankx

YMMV- Your Mileage May Vary.......... i think so....

unlikely as 40d still need to top 400d 450d.

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High chance that it will continue to drop but only by a little.... As there is still the lower end models.... So yep good time to get it now if 50D is released nex year means that sure got freaking loads of free gifts coming up

sorry if i come across ignorant, i'm not in Sing at moment (living overseas). Do Singapore Canon cameras come with international warranty? reason i ask is if 50D out in Oct (when i'm travelling there), i'd like to buy it there and take with me for the rest of my journey.

i was about to buy 40D then found out 50D announced....only reason i'm getting 50D is i don't see myself upgrading for awhile, so i'd rather get the newest model and hang onto it for a few years at least...

sorry if i come across ignorant, i'm not in Sing at moment (living overseas). Do Singapore Canon cameras come with international warranty? reason i ask is if 50D out in Oct (when i'm travelling there), i'd like to buy it there and take with me for the rest of my journey.

i was about to buy 40D then found out 50D announced....only reason i'm getting 50D is i don't see myself upgrading for awhile, so i'd rather get the newest model and hang onto it for a few years at least...

Good question, it varies from shop, certain shop carries grey sets (no warranty or in house warranty) where certain shops do come with international warranty or local warranty or both and of course, the price varies but slightly which factors in on the brand and model you buy.

Good question, it varies from shop, certain shop carries grey sets (no warranty or in house warranty) where certain shops do come with international warranty or local warranty or both and of course, the price varies but slightly which factors in on the brand and model you buy.

thanks - good news though - the Australian Canon site has the 50D listed already! can't find it in the SG site tho...guess pricing should be out soon...

18-200 lens :)

Does anyone have the latest price for 40D after the 50D announcement?
I am interested to buy the Kit 1 for 40D.
Just wondering whether the price has already started to drop after the announcement..

sorry if i come across ignorant, i'm not in Sing at moment (living overseas). Do Singapore Canon cameras come with international warranty? reason i ask is if 50D out in Oct (when i'm travelling there), i'd like to buy it there and take with me for the rest of my journey.

i was about to buy 40D then found out 50D announced....only reason i'm getting 50D is i don't see myself upgrading for awhile, so i'd rather get the newest model and hang onto it for a few years at least...

i don't think any camera bodies come with international warranty. only some lenses.

Does anyone have the latest price for 40D after the 50D announcement?
I am interested to buy the Kit 1 for 40D.
Just wondering whether the price has already started to drop after the announcement..

I can help you check tomorrow only, i will sms MS to help you check and will confirm with you ASAP. unless someone has the ans now :p but doubt it will drop just yet because the 50D isn't out yet. There is no point for canon to drop. Check comex tomorrow.

i don't think any camera bodies come with international warranty. only some lenses.


AP at Sim Lim quoted 1400 w GST when I visited them today

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