Canon 50D purchase: Is it worth it?

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If your budget allow why not! I don't have budget to get 5DMII, so I go for 50D. ;p I guess it's almost advisable to work within your budget since there are always new product and you can always upgrade if u got the money.

Be happy with the camera than let the $ stress you out! ;)

i just realised D90 runs on SD cards....

@ audiojack - I can relate to your experience. I sold ALL my Canon gears (literally, ALL) and made up my mind to jump into getting a D90, too! When I went to the shop, while I was trying get the feel of it, a 50D was placed right next to for another potential buyer who stood right next to me (who also got one...). Well, to make it short, I went home with a Canon 50D and never looked back!...wait! I still went back to the shop to get a couple of lenses!

since u now got your 50D, then start posting in the Canon forum, too! :) :thumbsup:

wah u more better than me lol...but nvm now you are happy can already..enjoy your 50D! maybe those 50D users can meet up to share experiences and techniques to the newbies heh. this forum is really helpful and awesome..

The 17-85 is a very nice versatile beginner lens to start. When i started with it, I can learn the diff focal length perspectives, the use (or misuse) of IS, the good and bad thing about the lens, what i can get with an upgrade (or cannot get). It like a good stepping stone for more to come. Good thing is that yr 50D can do better with higher quality lens ie its potential for upgrade and improvement in IQ is yet to be fully awaken. I dun even use 80% of the advanced features of the camera.
Dun worry about trivial things like ISO noise problem, it is no MUCH better or worse than Nikon or Sony equivalent to affect our casual shooting. I think u won't notice too much; i bet i cant tell a diff between a photo taken by 50D and D90 pic at ISO 3200 side by side.

Now to drag you further into the poison, you heard of L lens btw.....? :sweatsm:

Thanks for your great own a 50D too? I thought your sig states you are using a 5DM2..thats an awesome camera+full hd video..maybe next time upgrade to that lol. You must be a professional full-time photographer since you own few L lens..that must be some big poison haha...I saw some reviews of L lens..the kind that the professionals used at football matches. Anyway, I am going for a trip to middle east part during CNY (which is really near like a week time) and will include some desert + night safaris..I duno if my 17-85 is enough and I don't think it will be good enough to get some zooming shots...Should I really invest in another lens or is it too soon as I have not got used to my cam + lens? I read about the 18-200 IS which is a good general walkaround lens and gives that extra edge in zooming but doesnt really give as good image quality as 17-85USM. I plan to learn a lot in this trip and for future trips too.

guys, please dun compare a pro-amateur camera like a 50D to a prosumer SLR like D90 or 450D as they are totally in different classes or bands on their own.

Thanks for your great own a 50D too? I thought your sig states you are using a 5DM2..thats an awesome camera+full hd video..maybe next time upgrade to that lol. You must be a professional full-time photographer since you own few L lens..that must be some big poison haha...I saw some reviews of L lens..the kind that the professionals used at football matches. Anyway, I am going for a trip to middle east part during CNY (which is really near like a week time) and will include some desert + night safaris..I duno if my 17-85 is enough and I don't think it will be good enough to get some zooming shots...Should I really invest in another lens or is it too soon as I have not got used to my cam + lens? I read about the 18-200 IS which is a good general walkaround lens and gives that extra edge in zooming but doesnt really give as good image quality as 17-85USM. I plan to learn a lot in this trip and for future trips too.

haha.. you are slowly being poisoned by the L already!
Reading about them is slow poison, testing them hands-on is fast poison. :bsmilie:
I got no regrets on buying 24-70 and 70-200. The only sad thing is I'm tied down with work and not enough time to shoot more with them. I'm a 50d user btw. ;)

Your situation is a little sticky here. On one hand, I think its wiser to try out with your 17-85 first, before deciding what lens will be your next. On the other hand, your trip is so near! and you wont want to miss any good shots there right.... haha... maybe beg/borrow/steal a longer range lens from friends?

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haha.. you are slowly being poisoned by the L already!
Reading about them is slow poison, testing them hands-on is fast poison. :bsmilie:
I got no regrets on buying 24-70 and 70-200. The only sad thing is I'm tied down with work and not enough time to shoot more with them. I'm a 50d user btw. ;)

Your situation is a little sticky here. On one hand, I think its wiser to try out with your 17-85 first, before deciding what lens will be your next. On the other hand, your trip is so near! and you wont want to miss any good shots there right.... haha... maybe beg/borrow/steal a longer range lens from friends?

Hahah no la i beginner only.... just read to see poison lol...wont buy till some point of time if I really begin to need it or I can make a living of it..that would be worth it..haha...I should have gone with the 18-200 IS lens + 50D package at AP...that one is add about $200 more and for general and beginner use for me, can cover a wide range. Haiz.

hey...i was like you too you know..i just bought my 50D 1 month plus back. It's also my very first DSLR and first digital camera that i own. i've borrowed friends one before la. Why 50D? dunno leh. at first i was looking at 450D. then at that time no SGD to buy. so wait. then skali 50D come out. but after reading some reviews like not so good. Anyway, when the time came i totaly just went and bought it. Never regretted it. Even though that meant lugging this camera all the way to spain and walkabout with luggage, laptop and a thick jacket..:bsmilie:

i know the feeling la...just relax and go and start taking photos in the middle east. and share on the forum. HAve fun ya.....i will tell you also that to read the manual is a must. reading in CS is also a must. :bsmilie: enjoy.


Anyone regret buying the 50D can sell it to me, i'm looking for one used one, willing to pay 80% of the new price, and no question asked.

PM or sms me 91762145

Does a 50D bought in US include international warranty?

hey...i was like you too you know..i just bought my 50D 1 month plus back. It's also my very first DSLR and first digital camera that i own. i've borrowed friends one before la. Why 50D? dunno leh. at first i was looking at 450D. then at that time no SGD to buy. so wait. then skali 50D come out. but after reading some reviews like not so good. Anyway, when the time came i totaly just went and bought it. Never regretted it. Even though that meant lugging this camera all the way to spain and walkabout with luggage, laptop and a thick jacket..:bsmilie:

i know the feeling la...just relax and go and start taking photos in the middle east. and share on the forum. HAve fun ya.....i will tell you also that to read the manual is a must. reading in CS is also a must. :bsmilie: enjoy.

Thanks for your feedback and review...good to know your situation as well. Its hard to decide when you are new to cameras and photography. So many things to look at and lenses as well. We will want a close to perfect camera to start off with which there isn't any perfect one at all. Every camera will have its flaws and greatness.

Anyway I tried to exchange at AP for 18-200 for my 17-85 within the first 7 days..they said they will charge me $700 to just change the lens and they don't normally do exchanging of lens after you have purchased unless you are exchanging the same type of lens but not different. I guess most shops practise this.. Am surprised CP allow to exchange lenses. In the end, I think I will stick with 17-85 for my trip and explore more with the lens...I think its a great lens to start off though I miss out on the focal length I can play around and zoom with. Maybe I could get the 55-250mm or 70-300mm next probably.

Anyway, I am going for a trip to middle east part during CNY (which is really near like a week time) and will include some desert + night safaris..I duno if my 17-85 is enough and I don't think it will be good enough to get some zooming shots...Should I really invest in another lens or is it too soon as I have not got used to my cam + lens? I read about the 18-200 IS which is a good general walkaround lens and gives that extra edge in zooming but doesnt really give as good image quality as 17-85USM. I plan to learn a lot in this trip and for future trips too.


In December I went to the middle east too and I've got the 50D and the 17-85. The combo served me great in varied surroundings including desert, water (Nile river) and sea (Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea).

I took pics of sunrise over the sea, sunset in the hills, stark pictures in the deserts and handheld night shots at temples. All pictures came out fine in my opinion and I've got some of the most bluest skies that I've ever shot even without using a polarizing filter or tweaking on PS.

I also had my efs 55-250. I also love this lens but frankly didn't find too much need for it, expect for taking some shots of birds on the Nile. Another point: In the desert area there's a lot of sand blowing around and so it's not a good idea to change lenses in the open often.

Conclusion: My non-professional view is that the 17-85 is a better lens than given credit for, especially if you are an amateur photographer (like me).


In December I went to the middle east too and I've got the 50D and the 17-85. The combo served me great in varied surroundings including desert, water (Nile river) and sea (Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea).

I took pics of sunrise over the sea, sunset in the hills, stark pictures in the deserts and handheld night shots at temples. All pictures came out fine in my opinion and I've got some of the most bluest skies that I've ever shot even without using a polarizing filter or tweaking on PS.

I also had my efs 55-250. I also love this lens but frankly didn't find too much need for it, expect for taking some shots of birds on the Nile. Another point: In the desert area there's a lot of sand blowing around and so it's not a good idea to change lenses in the open often.

Conclusion: My non-professional view is that the 17-85 is a better lens than given credit for, especially if you are an amateur photographer (like me).

Thats awesome....thanks for would be great if you could share us those great landscapes you took of :D...Do you use any UV filter? I am using the vitacon one and I ran some tests on some objects with the filter on and off and to be frank, I couldnt really see the difference. I hope to utilize my 17-85 lens greatly. In fact I travel there this Sunday to Oman & Dubai! Did you visit those places?

For me, 50D is a great camera.

I am not a professional that really need to shoot in extreme situation or pixel level sharpness. For me, a picture that tells the story is the most important thing and what is 50D offers is sufficient for me right now.

Went down AP at SLS just now... 50D is :thumbsup: 3" screen is to die for. Pictures are bright and crisp and when zoomed in all the way still looks sharp. Either the LCD or my skill is good :bsmilie: and the sound of the shutter is quiet and pleasing to the ear...

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Went down AP at SLS just now... 50D is :thumbsup: 3" screen is to die for. Pictures are bright and crisp and when zoomed in all the way still looks sharp. Either the LCD or my skill is good :bsmilie: and the sound of the shutter is quiet and pleasing to the ear...

ooh did you buy it in the end? I was trying to get a martin fields SP for my LCD screen but mobilesq and funsq at fareast dont do customization. I guess I have to go chinatown to do it.

hhmmm.. perhaps you should have considered a 2nd camera instead of "blowing your budget".... then again it is not your $$$. As for me I started with 400D... took thousands of photos and thoroughly enjoyed the camera. One year later, decided to upgrade, choice between getting a D300 or 50D.. I can say that D300 is definitely a good camera but having used Canon since G7 days, I decided to stick to Canon, my old camera has a new owner, my wife, my daughter gets the G7, for me sticking on to Canon save $$ and learning curve. the 3 of us uses the same software provided by Canon, I can share lens with my wife... so no regrets with my purchase.

The camera has survived 6 x 13 hours flight and temperature of -8 degree centigrade (bbrrrr).. If you ask me if 50D is a good buy (for me), I would definitely say "Yes":D

Some shops in SLS offers customization.

ooh did you buy it in the end? I was trying to get a martin fields SP for my LCD screen but mobilesq and funsq at fareast dont do customization. I guess I have to go chinatown to do it.

I would suggest you start making pictures with it than worrying about all the things you read on the internet. The 50D is a great tool. So is the 40D. And the D90. And the D300. And the 450D...I could go on, but you get the point. Use it, enjoy it, make some pictures, learn, make some more pictures.

All that talk about performance and frame rates and resolution and review grades is getting in the way of the actual photography. If all that bothers you more than the images you make, I suggest you sell the camera because there isn't one that is perfect.

I second that. I own a 50D too and it's been sweet. Just enjoy your camera, spend time learning about its many settings and then shoot, shoot, shoot along the way. Equipment isn't everything.

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