Can someone recommend me a good and cheap luggage?

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Senior Member
I am looking for a luggage for 2 weeks travel, anyone wants to recommend? My budget about 100 +/-, looking for a good quality one, of course willing to raise budget if got justification.

What do you mean good quality?

If you mean just need to survive the two weeks, almost anything goes, so long as it's large enough. Unless you're going to the South Pole or something? =D

haha, not really. I want to get those large luggages. Good quality as in won't break/tear under pressure knowing how horrible american airlines are...

If you're looking for absolute quality, and you'll be using that size for very long, then splurge on Samsonite, I guess. =( Definitely more than $100. If not, really, anything that is hard case and not too expensive should be ok.

haha, not really. I want to get those large luggages. Good quality as in won't break/tear under pressure knowing how horrible american airlines are...

what is so wrong with American airlines? You think SQ will treat your luggage gingerly? If you so worried, then don't take American airlines.

haha, not really. I want to get those large luggages. Good quality as in won't break/tear under pressure knowing how horrible american airlines are...

That has nothing to do with airlines. It really depends on that particular airport baggage handler. Airlines don't handle your luggage.

I was just kidding about the luggage handling... Anyway, so anyone wants to recommend me anything? Don't really want those hardcase ones as they are quite heavy and huge...

I was just kidding about the luggage handling... Anyway, so anyone wants to recommend me anything? Don't really want those hardcase ones as they are quite heavy and huge...

hmm......i just use echolac, kind of cheap, and so far, no problems after 3 years of usage.

btw, american airlines(or airport) do handle baggage kind of harshly. two of my lugguage belts broke when travelling domestic in US. did not have this problem when travelling SQ or asiana. so, just make sure you pack your things properly and cushioned.

cheap ? good ? strong ?

go get the Army barang bag ! after so many years... mine is still going strong. Bought at Beach Road for just 12 bucks.

cheap ? good ? strong ?

go get the Army barang bag ! after so many years... mine is still going strong. Bought at Beach Road for just 12 bucks.

Ha...ha. :bsmilie: think that really fits the requirement.

I bought a big Samsonite luggage from Salvation Army thrift Store many years ago, only $25.00.
very good condition, got no problems in airport, so easy to identify my luggage, cos it is pink color.

I was just kidding about the luggage handling... Anyway, so anyone wants to recommend me anything? Don't really want those hardcase ones as they are quite heavy and huge...

My wife just got compensated with a new luggage, after hers when missing and she bought a new one before the replacement came. Maybe i go take some pics tonight and post and show you whether you interested or not...... cheers!

Trying going down to Mustufa. Their baggage there is cheaper that most places and they have a wide range to choose from.

Sorry, my wife just passed his new luggage to her sister.......... probaby for free again... haiz.............. :(

Trying going down to Mustufa. Their baggage there is cheaper that most places and they have a wide range to choose from.

I also found the prices to be competitive but taxi fare from there to boon lay expensve!

So samsonite is a good brand?

I also found the prices to be competitive but taxi fare from there to boon lay expensve!

So samsonite is a good brand?

got mrt mah, u just have to pretend like a tourist... :bsmilie:

I also found the prices to be competitive but taxi fare from there to boon lay expensve!

So samsonite is a good brand?

Samsonite is very good but a bit expensive. But if you do consider the quality it's worth it. If you want some cheap ones, can go to Chinatown or check out the shopping malls. Carrefour always have some cheap ones. Quaity is not too bad.

Samsonite is very good but a bit expensive. But if you do consider the quality it's worth it. If you want some cheap ones, can go to Chinatown or check out the shopping malls. Carrefour always have some cheap ones. Quaity is not too bad.

how u test quality? u can do a drop test or crash test at the shops? ;p

This forum has given me more useful opinions than the traveller forums I have posted my question in... I wonder why... :(

This forum has given me more useful opinions than the traveller forums I have posted my question in... I wonder why... :(
Maybe they think you're too noob. :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

But seriously though, if you're not going to use that luggage size that often, don't splurge. Simple!

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