Bukit Panjang Shooters -Part II-

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i'll be free this fri,next tues-sunday..then...... ORD LO !!!!!!!! :bsmilie::bsmilie:

you ORD, i going ICT next week for 2 weeks... sians man!! ATEC somemore...

Anyway, pouggol beach when?? can confirm?? ;p

for those who missed today's rainbow. At that time it was still drizzling...sky isn't that nice :confused:

taken from top floor...a bit block :confused: so went downstairs.
can you see two rainbow?


The rest view from here.

i saw the rainbow too... too bad, my camera not with me... :(

Wow! Poungol Beach! Can count me in.

Anyway... Anybody interested in a Bukit Panjang Shooter Portrait Shoot? Noticed most people who take good pictures of others seldom have a good picture of themselves.

We can all Gather at one place in Bukit Panjang, A CC for example and take Portrait shots for one another. :-}

I am interested to do a Black and White Series of Posed Portrait by the way.

What says?


Was in sch when I saw the rainbow. Only got my handphone to capture it. Saw lots of people taking it though....


Was in sch when I saw the rainbow. Only got my handphone to capture it. Saw lots of people taking it though....

u managed to capture the blue sky :)

Bike asia any going this saturday. Got my tickets at half price coz of student price. Anyone going? and ya tml ladies free entry:bigeyes:

wow! i free entry but not really interested leh...any guys wanna wear skirt to get free entry?? :bsmilie::bsmilie:

wah... sounds so exciting...

sorry will not be able to join any time soon. need to work on my resume for the time being... lost my job ;( :hung: :mad2:

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