Bubbling Blabber...

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Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2007 will be a meaningful year for 1 and all...

Also hope that 2007 is the year I can start diving again...

can lah can lah....i started the moment the kid was out. in fact, no one year was i "completely dry"

places you can bring the kid along - Tulamben Wreck Divers in Bali. Tony can loan you microwave (warm food, warm milk, steam milk bottles). Bring the mum and kid along since it's shore dive and you are back after every dive. Also a pool for the kid to play in if you want.....At less than six months, they sleep most of the time anyway. you wife can do massage in room and catch up on all the dvds - LOST, SMALLVILLE, CSI, PRISON BREAK....better still, bring along Korean dramas . TV and dvd player avail in room :)

Hey Eric, will try will try. Can't believe he's 7 months old already. Keep me informed of your 'family-oriented' dive trips!

Happy New Year to all.

Happen to watch the repeat telecast of "Living Treasures" on CNA (Channel News Asia) last night. But don't which episode is that.

Found out from CNA website they are having multiple telecast on following time:
Friday 8.32pm
Monday 10.33am
Tuesday 1.32pm
Wednesday 5.32pm

Do try to catch them to have a first hand news on our local marine environment.

"papa, see! i can make the big box with the round thing in front blow bubbles in the plastic tub!"


Read on Mac User Forum.
Dad found iPod in tub with toy fish.
Son : 'I want Nemo to listen to music.'

moderator locked up thread!!!! what did the last time something like this happened? i was hving good fun killing time reading that thread. :)

i actually learnt some new things:
1. Lovells like to bring students to sandy patch, just so the sun reflects off teh sand and he can see his female students more clearly
2. Dive logic won more than just one miserable international first prize. way to go!
3. and he owns appareal store and is a professional photographer. Now is he married?
4. and on marriage, for a while i thought lester married an environmental group in UWS.
5. Dylan will have a nudi named after him very soon. but will be ivan something though...
6. Luv4nature will only focused on photography equipment and photography and nothing will sway him
7. Beivied still cruises in this forum, moderating
8. photosmart still the equipment seller of choice among many here. But if all want him to sell us cheap cheap, then where hr got money to go here go there to dive? and he HAS BEEN diving! Ask for a further 20% off!

btw, tks for putting sharks fin off my palate. now i know who to blame.

moderator locked up thread!!!! what did the last time something like this happened? i was hving good fun killing time reading that thread. :)

I was having pretty good fun too :)
But don't worry kthan, it looks like it's starting again on a new one...
I'm just wondering who will shoot back first... If somebody does... :dunno:

I was having pretty good fun too :)
But don't worry kthan, it looks like it's starting again on a new one...
I'm just wondering who will shoot back first... If somebody does... :dunno:

nah....going by the way things go in that thread, it is never going to be blown out of proportion. everyone is too friendly for a start....shall we start the name calling here as this is the only thread in u/w photography for discussing irrelevant stuff.

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