Brexit - will it happen ?

....good news!

Oh Happy Day :)

Finally and thank god disappears England from the EU.
Scotland is now finally soon a sovereign state
and to split from England.
Ireland and Northern Ireland should unite
and also get rid of the English bulldog.

The people of UK has spoken.... now its time to pay the piper for their decision....


A whole bunch of British baby boomers have bought retirement homes all over Europe. Cheaper prices on everything making their money go as far as possible. If Brexit happens they can no longer get their pension checks unless they move back home. Their new retirement cottages will be worth much less than what they paid. Baby boomers don't give a flying crap about anyone but themselves they want to take everything with them. They care not about immigration either. British expats living elsewhere like Belize SG etc would be interesting to see their vote.

I'm with Fai...a big mind screwing if I ever saw one.

Next up

True. But may be that is what the poor want.
The rich move back to their home country so that they can be taxed.

BTW, the rich will lose many benefits when UK lose EU membership.

see what benefits the rich enjoy as EU member

Shockwaves through UK, esp since the people who voted are quite divided...

It's by no means a mandate is it?

The ironic thing for me is that finally after so many years and so many lives lost it appears that the bag piper and the leprechaun might finally shed the yoke of the bulldog.

As I said I think the world is fixing to go into a tailspin soon enough wait until after our next vote and you'll see what I mean.

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Well... maybe they can keep Trump as their president.... and spare the rest of USA from Emperor Trump for the next 4 years....


No worries mate, the Brits calling for a revote.

Well... maybe they can keep Trump as their president.... and spare the rest of USA from Emperor Trump for the next 4 years....

Good reasons for letting Texas fall into the Gulf

1. The cowboys killed JFK which...

2. Gave us Johnson, a Texan, and a war with the Cobra

3. Gave us a C average Dumbya, National Guard, read he got to stay home, who later grew up to think he was a great Commanche warrior. Thinking so he started a war in the desert which has directly resulted in Brexit and possibly the dissolution of one of the major trade groups in the world that was intended to promote peace and welfare.

So you see one cannot trust Texas. :)

At least Trump is from NY although I do not know if that makes much of a difference.

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CIA & FBI may have a hand in this.

USA tends to benefit from a weakened EU and divided UK.

Trump can then do whatever he wants in world stage. :)

The only nation that benefited from the two World War is the eagle!

The eagle has landed on EU.

CIA & FBI may have a hand in this.

USA tends to benefit from a weakened EU and divided UK.

Trump can then do whatever he wants in world stage. :)

Highly doubtful...neither agency is that competent. Trump on a got that right. No worries with him he'll be to busy building his wall, playing golf, and looking at his daughter. Lol

It is not over yet. The people voted yes but the .....

Bulldog has not applied to leave EU...

Heard just now that immigration, which is what drove the vote, will not really change at all because UK will have to maintain open border. So folks who have been feeling like no one is listening to them will go from angry to willing to listen to demogogues which can be very dangerous. Sort of like what seems to be going on in US a la Trump. And this is why I said just wait until after our vote...

more infos from "GB"

The English have to adapt to the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union
to higher taxes and less government services.

This tells the Exchequer George Osbourne few days after
the vote.

Oh great - a shot into his own leg.

Citizens in England are now determined cheer and celebrations. :bsmilie:

The Australians and New Zealanders are now more nervous ...!

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