Blur the Gackground ??

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Senior Member
Mar 18, 2002
somewhere near...
I like shots when the subject is focused yet have a VERY blur background... HOw do you actually adjust the settings? While taking such it for days better?? And do you use the flash for such shots??


Originally posted by siron
I like shots when the subject is focused yet have a VERY blur background... HOw do you actually adjust the settings? While taking such it for days better?? And do you use the flash for such shots??


Reduce the f-value as indicated on your cam dsiplay, to the smallest possible given your DC or lens(for film-based cam users); in short the smaller the value, the blurrer is the background! ;)

The further the subject away from the background increase the blurness too :)

To add to what adam said, besides setting the widest aperture, also don't forget to use the longest telephoto zoom and move your subject as close to the camera and as far away from the background as possible.


Note: It is VERY HARD to get a good blur background if you are using a consumer digital camera (e.g. G1/2, F707, 99x, etc). This is because the inherent depth of field of such cameras is very high due to the small sensor and relatively 'wide' lenses used. So you can only maximize the effect by using the telephoto end of the zoom and as big an aperture as you can get.


Originally posted by ckiang

Note: It is VERY HARD to get a good blur background if you are using a consumer digital camera (e.g. G1/2, F707, 99x, etc). This is because the inherent depth of field of such cameras is very high due to the small sensor and relatively 'wide' lenses used. So you can only maximize the effect by using the telephoto end of the zoom and as big an aperture as you can get.


Sorry but can you tell me what do you mean by using the telephoto end of the zoom ? Is it zoom to the fullest??

like this??


taken with F707

F3.5 (should have use F2 instead)
ISO 100 (should use high or low ar?)
EV -2
no flash
macro mode (heard that macro mode can increase DOF)


For the above, i have to admit that i use PS auto level to increase the DOF a bit and to make the object look like poped out of the screen (similar effect of using slide?)

Originally posted by kamwai
For the above, i have to admit that i use PS auto level to increase the DOF a bit and to make the object look like poped out of the screen (similar effect of using slide?)

paiseh huh can you elaborate what you meant by using auto-levels to increase DOF? Me a bit puzzled. :)

from what i know...u use higher iso when its low light and brighter lights u use lower iso.....
am i right?

Originally posted by kamwai
like this??

For the above, i have to admit that i use PS auto level to increase the DOF a bit and to make the object look like poped out of the screen (similar effect of using slide?)

How you use PS to adjust DOF? Me very interested to know. Can disclose??;)

Originally posted by sneezybum

How you use PS to adjust DOF? Me very interested to know. Can disclose??;)

i just use auto level, i dunno much abt PS also

i think i show u the original photo without auto level then u will understand.....

Originally posted by kamwai

i just use auto level, i dunno much abt PS also

i think i show u the original photo without auto level then u will understand.....

to my knowledge, auto-levels will only adjust the levels in the image. The difference in DOF may be just an optical illusion.

One way to make DOF more shallow using photoshop is masking then gaussian blur.

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