Beware of this seller

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well you go to a restaurant, eat the food, the next day you got food poisoning, will you be going back to the restaurant owner to tell him ok, is your fault that you never check the food is in good condition to eat so owner bear 75% and you bear 25%.

Furthermore, the seller has expressly claimed that it is in very good condition. Will you go check till so detail?

no. i will report to HSA.

and of course i will check. where got so naive to trust someone i don't even know.

if you had bought the 5D you won't check until so detail just because he say good condition? man easy target for the wolves at bns :thumbsup:

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when i sell something, i'll double or triple check my items esp. when i dare to put the item as 'Very Good Condition'. Don't have to look whether the buyer check or no check. seller 100% at fault. no excuse, he have to make a full refund. irresponsible, ignorance..are what i can think of the seller, i hope it's not something worse than these.

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well you go to a restaurant, eat the food, the next day you got food poisoning, will you be going back to the restaurant owner to tell him ok, is your fault that you never check the food is in good condition to eat so owner bear 75% and you bear 25%.

Furthermore, the seller has expressly claimed that it is in very good condition. Will you go check till so detail?

if i open shop, i like customers like you. i just anyhow bullshit then u buy from me. Great! i hope all my customers like that.

well you go to a restaurant, eat the food, the next day you got food poisoning, will you be going back to the restaurant owner to tell him ok, is your fault that you never check the food is in good condition to eat so owner bear 75% and you bear 25%.

Furthermore, the seller has expressly claimed that it is in very good condition. Will you go check till so detail?

dude... so far i've not seen one good comment from you... it's best you now shut up and observe. it's definitely the seller's fault right here, although TS is partly to be blamed for being rash in his purchasing decision.

when buying something that expensive, no matter how the owner says it's in good condition, you would also check right?

when i bought my motorcycle, the mechanic claimed it was in good condition. but on closer inspection by my ex-boss and i, we discovered things that needed changing. i wouldn't leave my life in the hands of others' words.

in the same case, right now, can we trust that the seller had no idea that there was no fungus? there's obvious intent to cheat. if it was clearly an "honest mistake", then the seller should be gracious enough to take it back. however, the seller right now is trying to throw the blame to the buyer and run away scot-free.

so since there is an intent to misrepresent the facts as they are, and to cheat, TS certainly has a case against the seller. furthermore, the seller wants to absolve himself by creating a "holier-than-thou" image, but he's obviously falling flat on his face.

Basically, I don't think the 75% and 25% blame on which ever party works here. It is a 100% blame on the seller for selling defective or fungus infested product while claiming it to be a very good condition set.

It is also a 100% blame on the buyer for not checking the product carefully before buying irregardless of whether a lens is provided on spot to check because as we all know, if you want to buy a camera, it is best that you bring along some lens so that you can check and do not rely on buyer bringing their lens for you to use and check.

Therefore in this case, it is not a simple matter of... well... 75% blame to seller and 25% blame to buyer. Both of them should be 100% at fault. although it is arguable that the buyer are decisively being deceived by his own trust for the buyer. That is why I had stated before - Live and Learn...

And the cost of the camera is not of priority here. Because even if it cost 10cents, the ad specifically said that it was a very good condition camera so it was basically a false advertisement, so no need to go into how much the buyer pay for the cam, it is not an issue.

comon la...fungus so seller didnt even mention to the buyer? touch ur heart n say if he isnt trying to sell it off, hoping the guy wont notice it at all....

if he mentioned that its fungus infected n the buyer still wan to buy then i bet the price difference to negotiate will be alot different...

sometimes in real situations its realli impossible to check so detail...esp fungus on sensor, LCD is so small to spot the difference some times..and say..who in de right mind will check the sensor in public risking dust to enter?....if u say lens, most prob the ideal situation is ask for 2 days from the seller to check thoroughly at home..

the last round when i was buying a minolta tlr..the seller told me its clean n clear...when i open n see...the taking lens was almost 40% coated w fungus...while im inspecting, can tell he is pretty nervous....he told me might be dust...its damn obvious lo...its really unethical...risk ur reputation n integrity for that amt of money...

99% seller fault.

he should have checked it throughly (if he did not) before scamming others.

read his comments on taking action and etc.. attitude problem at his best.

btw, i think is fine to put his contact here to let other buyers aware on this person

#1, you posted your own phone number at your own threads, you can't blame others for revealing your phone number. anyway, out of good will, I will remove it from this thread.

#2, there are countless of threads complaining shopping experience, we allow them to exist and let members exercise their own judgment for future dealing, RebelXsii is here to voice out his experience with his recent dealing, as like many members done that before.

ouch... to the seller.

if i open shop, i like customers like you. i just anyhow bullshit then u buy from me. Great! i hope all my customers like that.

it depends on whether you want to open your shop for 3 months or for one generation.

it depends on whether you want to open your shop for 3 months or for one generation.

Oh... come on. If you are the customer that had already been affected by dishonest shop, what are you going to do about it? It affected you... are you going to wait for 3 months to see if that shop closes down?

It don't work this way in the real world buddy. As consumer, it is your own duty to protect yourself and stop being so naive that whatever was put out by advertiser that the things are true... then when being hit, would just scratch head, suck thumb, go to CASE, call police, call gangster, whatever... the thing is... the simpliest and less troublesome thing to do was to take everything with a pinch of salt, test out the product you want to buy, then get on with it.

And forget about people opening shop for 3 month or a generation or whatever crap. There are people out there who are all out to cheat for quick cash, then fold up their shop and disappear (and by your theory, then those affected can only suck thumb.)

dude... so far i've not seen one good comment from you... it's best you now shut up and observe. it's definitely the seller's fault right here, although TS is partly to be blamed for being rash in his purchasing decision.

when buying something that expensive, no matter how the owner says it's in good condition, you would also check right?

when i bought my motorcycle, the mechanic claimed it was in good condition. but on closer inspection by my ex-boss and i, we discovered things that needed changing. i wouldn't leave my life in the hands of others' words.

in the same case, right now, can we trust that the seller had no idea that there was no fungus? there's obvious intent to cheat. if it was clearly an "honest mistake", then the seller should be gracious enough to take it back. however, the seller right now is trying to throw the blame to the buyer and run away scot-free.

so since there is an intent to misrepresent the facts as they are, and to cheat, TS certainly has a case against the seller. furthermore, the seller wants to absolve himself by creating a "holier-than-thou" image, but he's obviously falling flat on his face.

If the seller has claimed it is in very good condition, under the officious bystander rule, it implied the camera is in very condition as expected by a majority people. The implied term must "go without saying".

Implied Term for the seller is to ensure the items he sell is in a workable condition, but since here, the seller have EXPRESSLY claimed that it is in very good condition which the court will not default any buyer who never check and buy the thing.

Whether or not the seller know the fungus is there or not, TS has the right to go for rescission, i.e to put him back into pre-transaction state, in layman term, to get a full refund.

well you go to a restaurant, eat the food, the next day you got food poisoning, will you be going back to the restaurant owner to tell him ok, is your fault that you never check the food is in good condition to eat so owner bear 75% and you bear 25%.


Furthermore, the seller has expressly claimed that it is in very good condition. Will you go check till so detail?


it depends on whether you want to open your shop for 3 months or for one generation.

aren't you slapping your face with your own words?

so if i open shop and tell u everything is good, very very good! will u believe and buy?

i open a restaurant, tell u the food is number one in sg and very clean, will you check my food and eat?

u are contradicting yourself here and there.

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Oh... come on. If you are the customer that had already been affected by dishonest shop, what are you going to do about it? It affected you... are you going to wait for 3 months to see if that shop closes down?

It don't work this way in the real world buddy. As consumer, it is your own duty to protect yourself and stop being so naive that whatever was put out by advertiser that the things are true... then when being hit, would just scratch head, suck thumb, go to CASE, call police, call gangster, whatever... the thing is... the simpliest and less troublesome thing to do was to take everything with a pinch of salt, test out the product you want to buy, then get on with it.

And forget about people opening shop for 3 month or a generation or whatever crap. There are people out there who are all out to cheat for quick cash, then fold up their shop and disappear (and by your theory, then those affected can only suck thumb.)

of cos not, that why I advise TS to go to CASE (but cannot, due to it not a biz dispute) and go to make a police report.

seller and TS not even posting any more. why care.?

Thanks for creating this thread.
Will avoid and advised my friends not to get from this seller. :thumbsd:

Will inform my friends too but problem is that the seller could create another nick to sell things


As much as there r bad sellers, there r bad buyers. As mentioned to him, he checked on the spot and even agreed to buy after reducing my price. As far as I know, the condition was ok before sale.

Your attitude is not commendable either.

If it is indeed fungus, it CANNOT be caused overnight. If I were you, I would apologise and refund the buyer because I would be a doofus who knows nothing about fungus, hasn't taken care of my camera, and pass it off as "good condition" when it is fungused.

For other matters, like cracks in body, AF not working, sensor just went bust, shutter went bonkers, that one is not so clearcut. It could be that buyer went to throw it into lion enclosure in Mandai Zoo, and is trying to pull a fast one for his act of stupidity. Can always meet up to verify, no harm.. A lot of people find it harder to lie face-to-face.

Fungus is clearcut - the onus is on you, not the buyer, in my book.

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well you go to a restaurant, eat the food, the next day you got food poisoning, will you be going back to the restaurant owner to tell him ok, is your fault that you never check the food is in good condition to eat so owner bear 75% and you bear 25%.

Furthermore, the seller has expressly claimed that it is in very good condition. Will you go check till so detail?
What a bad analogy, food and cameras are two very different things, next you will be saying that when you go marry a girl, consumate the marriage, then have STD, you will go back to the parents and tell them that they never tell you she got STD. (Yes, this analogy is worse than yours, just to highlight how bad it is.)

Electronic goods have little to do with food (and girls and marriage, for that matter).

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