Beware of this Photographer, stylist & Editor

Sad to hear this bro.

But I guess its a lesson learnt.

Good Thing Doesn't Come Cheap
Cheap Thing Doesn't Come Good

yes, these are the final products he gave me. Seriously, if he have solve the problem by doing a reshoot, I will at least still say he is professional enough but he didnt. He just kept delaying and delaying then go MIA.

I think he already run away to another country by now :(

I think anyone of us newbie here with a cheap camera can take better photos than this guy :)

You should ask one of us for help, some of us may offer free services to get the experiences :D

I'm reading this thread with amusement & hey, I thought:-

At merely $1.65 K , let' s say a fair split among the 3 'Pros' + 1 Talent, and here we're talking about a super micro budget shoot. TS had initiated the hiring of people whose capabilities are limited & thought this was 'reasonable quote' for Professional. Should have smelled the rats !!

Yet many in CS thinks that 1.65K is a damn juicy budget that deserves more, some even suggested someone here is more than willing to shoot for free.

No wonder this place is notorious for cheap hiring.

Wonder what's next :embrass:

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helping you to link the photos..

No stylist worth his/her 2 cents will accept/propose such pose/styling
No photographer worth his/her 2 cents will accept such shots
No editors worth his/her 2 cents will put their name on the line and recommend the above 2

Either there is a rat somewhere or TS have been taken for a ride :think:

So, we have a unanimous verdict, and now it stands 100 : 0.

I do understand the predicament of the TS, as I had experienced client showing me pictures which done by others during a job interview, as they will generally asked the same question... " Can you do somthing better than this ? "

From what I understand, it is one ripping away another, as I'd experienced some ads and graphic design company trying their cheap trick to rip me, hey we recommend you this assignment and you cover us 20% on your quote. ( but this doesn't mean this is the case, only quite possibly .)

For technique wise on the product shot, it is obvious that product photography is definitely not the forte of this photo studio... passport ID, or some portraiture, graduation ceremony....maybe.

Only thing puzzle me is...does a sensor of a digital camera becomes so degraded ? Due to ?

Leaving the body cap of the camera open beside a busy village dust road for a few days? :bsmilie:

No, that will not cause the sensor to be so dirty,
the camrea will get stolen first. :bsmilie:

I'm reading this thread with amusement & hey, I thought:-

At merely $1.65 K , let' s say a fair split among the 3 'Pros' + 1 Talent, and here we're talking about a super micro budget shoot. TS had initiated the hiring of people whose capabilities are limited & thought this was 'reasonable quote' for Professional. Should have smelled the rats !!

Yet many in CS thinks that 1.65K is a damn juicy budget that deserves more, some even suggested someone here is more than willing to shoot for free.

No wonder this place is notorious for cheap hiring.

Wonder what's next :embrass:

Not every enterprises can pay the same amount of money to get a pro to shoot for them; There are also many small businesses that are budget conscious. I think for this kind of product shot, an amateur photographer can easily do it.

And if someone want to offer free service, why not? Afterall, companies that can afford to pay, will choose the pro with a good track record. :)

My attempt to savage:


Took me 30mins of post processing. A lot of things still cannot cure. Like the inherent posing and weird angles, compositional lapses for example. Digital files wise, it can at best be savaged to use as small sizes for web, forget about printing them. IMHO, getting a professional retoucher/photog/image specialist to savage these pics would not be cost effective either.

I feel sad for the lady :cry:

Reading the Exif, that photographer was rocking a Canon 30D shooting at f20, which explains the obvious dust bunnies.

he's a moron, that's why...

Not only does he not know how to do product shoots, he doesn't know how to shoot in a studio, for certain.
It's downright disgraceful to charge money for this kind of result.

Maybe someone should go down to DTE and shake the photographer's hand, and say: "wah....u power man...shoot at f20!" :bsmilie:

actually, there's nothing wrong to shoot at f20, some pros shoot at max f. whenever possible.

(Edit: should not have add the quote )

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My attempt to savage:


Took me 30mins of post processing. A lot of things still cannot cure. Like the inherent posing and weird angles, compositional lapses for example. Digital files wise, it can at best be savaged to use as small sizes for web, forget about printing them. IMHO, getting a professional retoucher/photog/image specialist to savage these pics would not be cost effective either.

I feel sad for the lady :cry:

Reading the Exif, that photographer was rocking a Canon 30D shooting at f20, which explains the obvious dust bunnies.

Not bad ;)

Not every enterprises can pay the same amount of money to get a pro to shoot for them; There are also many small businesses that are budget conscious. I think for this kind of product shot, an amateur photographer can easily do it.

And if someone want to offer free service, why not? Afterall, companies that can afford to pay, will choose the pro with a good track record. :)

If I am TS, I would shower the $1.65 to a Photogr with that good track record instead of spending on the other 2 to split the loot :think:

Free service is 'not' wrong but should be viewed with highest suspicious unless one doesn't believe in golden business equation of Quality Time = $

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