BayBeats Photographer

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baybeats itself is free..the only thing that the pass gives you is access to the backstage area..even then..its very tightly controlled..

ah i see. forget it then. so what's the point of the passes? i don't get it. Thought those passes would give me special access to the artists for portrait sessions or something.

baybeats itself is free..the only thing that the pass gives you is access to the backstage area..even then..its very tightly controlled..

True. But there's always a way. =D As a gig/rock photographer, you have to be daring at times to capture that shot you want. =) You may get caught and given warnings bout doing this and that but at the end, when you look at the pic you took, you will ended giving yourself a 'YES I GOT IT!' :bsmilie:

wah if ckuang sends in think the rest of the newbie no chance liao :)

believe me, my concert photography is nothing to write home about. in fact pulling out my concert photography from my college days, the images are downright embarrassing. out of focus, hand shake. Haven't shot a concert in years because i remember my ears used to hurt soooo bad for days after a concert, even with ear plugs. Don't know how the full time guys do it. hats off to them.

believe me, my concert photography is nothing to write home about. in fact pulling out my concert photography from my college days, the images are downright embarrassing. out of focus, hand shake. Haven't shot a concert in years because i remember my ears used to hurt soooo bad for days after a concert, even with ear plugs. Don't know how the full time guys do it. hats off to them.

Haha. Just listen to loud music and get use to it. ;)

Just wanted to share my experience about taking photos for Esplanade and in particular, Baybeats.

First of all, as some of you have mentioned, if you are an official photographer, all your photos taken at the gigs belong to them, regardless you are paid or free labour.
However, you are more likely to get away with using those photos for your portfolio provided the gig you are covering is a small act.
If you get to shoot the big name act, then hope that the act doesn't kick up a fuss and
a) threaten to sue your pants off
b) threaten to sue Esplanade's pants off
c) threaten to sue Esplanade and you for both your pants
d) threaten Esplanade to sue your pants off by threatening to sue Esplanade's pants off
when you use the photos for your "googlable" online portfolio.
In any case, Esplanade won't be protecting the photographer.

Lastly, the Baybeats shooters idea was a viral marketing effort that leverages budding photographers (preferably students) who want exposure in this area.
In other words, the organizer didn't have budget for professional photographers, so they use their backstage passes to lure photographers who want this kind of photographic experience.

Nevertheless, shooting for Baybeats is always a great experience, as an official photographer or otherwise. If you got a flickr account, tag your baybeats photos with "baybeats" and you might just find them on the website. (And then maybe you can sue Esplanade, but remember to all-rights-reserved your pictures first)

Just wanted to share my experience about taking photos for Esplanade and in particular, Baybeats.

First of all, as some of you have mentioned, if you are an official photographer, all your photos taken at the gigs belong to them, regardless you are paid or free labour.
However, you are more likely to get away with using those photos for your portfolio provided the gig you are covering is a small act.
If you get to shoot the big name act, then hope that the act doesn't kick up a fuss and
a) threaten to sue your pants off
b) threaten to sue Esplanade's pants off
c) threaten to sue Esplanade and you for both your pants
d) threaten Esplanade to sue your pants off by threatening to sue Esplanade's pants off
when you use the photos for your "googlable" online portfolio.
In any case, Esplanade won't be protecting the photographer.

Lastly, the Baybeats shooters idea was a viral marketing effort that leverages budding photographers (preferably students) who want exposure in this area.
In other words, the organizer didn't have budget for professional photographers, so they use their backstage passes to lure photographers who want this kind of photographic experience.

Nevertheless, shooting for Baybeats is always a great experience, as an official photographer or otherwise. If you got a flickr account, tag your baybeats photos with "baybeats" and you might just find them on the website. (And then maybe you can sue Esplanade, but remember to all-rights-reserved your pictures first)

I kind of agree with kormmandos, dun forget that those gigs you shoot are not locals, their perspective of copyrights/model release might not be the same.

Anyway, each to their own... I actually dun mind covering it (or such free public events), but I like to reserve my copyrights.

One more thing, nowadays it getting popular for demands of immediate delivery of a few pics for next-day press publicity... juz be aware wat you might be getting into. Go in with your eyes fully open, especially if there's written agreements.

Well, good luck to you then! Hope you'll get choosen. ;)

well i have send out the so call ' resume ' to the organiser of the baybeats 08....... hope can be selceted to be the photographer of that event......... ;p

You're welcome, escapologist. I just thought it would be nice to share it with everyone here. :) Some of us here might be interested, though.

hey relinquishingjunk, thanks for the notice.

and i dont see the point of all these hoo-hah. each to his own mindset pls.

I agree. :)

True. But there's always a way. =D As a gig/rock photographer, you have to be daring at times to capture that shot you want. =) You may get caught and given warnings bout doing this and that but at the end, when you look at the pic you took, you will ended giving yourself a 'YES I GOT IT!' :bsmilie:

Thank you so much kormmandos for sharing your experiences with us all. It's greatly appreciated. :):thumbsup:

Just wanted to share my experience about taking photos for Esplanade and in particular, Baybeats.

First of all, as some of you have mentioned, if you are an official photographer, all your photos taken at the gigs belong to them, regardless you are paid or free labour.
However, you are more likely to get away with using those photos for your portfolio provided the gig you are covering is a small act.
If you get to shoot the big name act, then hope that the act doesn't kick up a fuss and
a) threaten to sue your pants off
b) threaten to sue Esplanade's pants off
c) threaten to sue Esplanade and you for both your pants
d) threaten Esplanade to sue your pants off by threatening to sue Esplanade's pants off
when you use the photos for your "googlable" online portfolio.
In any case, Esplanade won't be protecting the photographer.

Lastly, the Baybeats shooters idea was a viral marketing effort that leverages budding photographers (preferably students) who want exposure in this area.
In other words, the organizer didn't have budget for professional photographers, so they use their backstage passes to lure photographers who want this kind of photographic experience.

Nevertheless, shooting for Baybeats is always a great experience, as an official photographer or otherwise. If you got a flickr account, tag your baybeats photos with "baybeats" and you might just find them on the website. (And then maybe you can sue Esplanade, but remember to all-rights-reserved your pictures first)

if i am not wrong , the lens they uses is the 24-70mm and the 70-200mm lens f 2.8........ ;)
Having a 50mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.4 will be really handy unless you have a D3, D700 or 5D. Be prepared to shoot at ISO 800 even at f/2.

i think if the event takes place in singapore, then singapore's law applies to whatever legal issues.

this is a good opportunity for those who want to shoot as official photographer in these events. IMO, what to deliver to the organizer is up to you. ;)

how big can baybeats bands be??? anyway im a fulltime photographer who has no issues doing this for free. but i still can choose what i would give to the organiser.
Anyway everyone has their own thoughts bout this. U wanna shoot join. Don't want don't join. simple...

this is a forum so i don't think it's simply a matter of 'if you want, shoot. if you don't, don't'

hate to say this but baybeats has been around for awhile and i doubt that the organisers have so much probs with their finances that they can't pay a competent photographer to do the coverage.

i really don't think that this is a case of 'hey, let's do somethin gd for the photographic community and let some lucky dude shoot!' Come on, this attempt is plain clumsy. What irks me the most isn't the fact that the eventual photographer won't receive any monetary compensation, but the fact he/she won't be ANY form of compensation at all other than the naggy, empty feeling that 'er, i think i got exploited... HEY, maybe i can... no, i can't use the pics for my portfolio... sigh...':cry:

hell, they even went to the extent and EXPENSE of priniting posters and glossing it all up for this wonderful endeavour. Hooray! hey what about paying the photographers?:eek:

gotta agree with changster there, they went to the effort and expense if designing, printing and disseminating this poster, but thy don't even want to compensate the photographers for their efforts?

Passion is one thing, but you can indulge in your passion and get compensated for your work at the same time. Especially since this is something which can and should be paid for. They want overarching rights to your photographs but aren't willing to provide even a nominal sum? thats just odd.

Granted of course, it IS a good experience for us nascent photographers who want more experience and exposure. And that I don't know the exact details of this thingmajig, meaning that they could be providing an allowance for food and transport, just that it isn't in the poster.

Baybeats is a festival for Indie music. So you could say it is a niche market.
But thanks to the Internet, many of the bands performing at Baybeats already have quite a good following.
It is actually pretty huge and growing year on year. All the acts drew crowds and packed the place to the brim.


The Thread Starter received the information through EMAIL. The only expense born by Esplanade is the effort to craft the email.
Esplanade being a non-profit organisation means that they have to be extra careful about their resources.
It doesn't make monetary sense for them to pay photographers, professional or otherwise, for the gigs which are mostly public and free.
In simple terms, Esplanade spends the money on a festival like this fully knowing that it will never ever break even, let alone make profit.
The important thing for them is the increased patronage to justify that it is an event worth putting up every year for the visitors to enjoy.
So if you don't like how money is spent, then advise all the people you know to stop betting on 4D, Toto, Score, etc from Singapore Pools since they fund Esplanade.

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