Asking for Advice on a walkabout lens.

There was an unofficial comparison where usm failure rate is around 2 to4 % and 10% or so for sdm. Problems are sdm uses micro motor where others use ring motor. Also sdm die easily if you use manual too often. Please add salt where necessary.

u have been harping about sdm failure across so many threads and always hammering about the same point: it fails, it fails, it fails.

your evidence? anecdotal evidence from the vocal minority on the internet peppered with hearsay and rumours.

the most amusing thing to me: you do not even own a single SDM lens :bsmilie:

In the spirit of sharing. I want to buy but not available.

In the spirit of sharing. I want to buy but not available.

Then let me share also that this is not news to most pentaxians.

You are merely rehashing tired old "chicken little" cries and spreading unnecessary alarm. so many pple use also bo tai ji. but u insist on hammering on the minority that failed.

trash talking c and n users would love to point to your post as "proof" that "see? Cannot make it one. very easy spoil. that lightbulb post so many time already. he must be right. "

I hope that makes u happy.

Ok no more sdm from me I promise :D

I still think wr screw drive pancake primes sexy and cute.Heres hoping.....

Ok no more sdm from me I promise :D

I still think wr screw drive pancake primes sexy and cute.Heres hoping.....

SDM failures were solved so long ago . . . After a few years, a newbie comes along and creates panic for something that is not an issue with most users here . . .

I have had my DA*16-50mm F2.8 since 2008 and it is still fine after so many years of usage. I use this lens as my main "kit" lens for taking photos of school kids and I never had to worry about the lens. If you know how to treat the lens properly, then the lens will feel loved and work well.

SDM failures were solved so long ago . . . After a few years, a newbie comes along and creates panic for something that is not an issue with most users here . . .

I have had my DA*16-50mm F2.8 since 2008 and it is still fine after so many years of usage. I use this lens as my main "kit" lens for taking photos of school kids and I never had to worry about the lens. If you know how to treat the lens properly, then the lens will feel loved and work well.

is it really solved? i heard of failures recently not only from this forum but from PF. looking at the dates of the post some were late 2010 and some were early 2011 (not sure whether all new or some bought 2nd hand). not trying to stir up more panic here but just wondering if it is really solved as part of the production run improvements or something...

is it really solved? i heard of failures recently not only from this forum but from PF. looking at the dates of the post some were late 2010 and some were early 2011 (not sure whether all new or some bought 2nd hand). not trying to stir up more panic here but just wondering if it is really solved as part of the production run improvements or something...

not to be critical but that place has some of the whiniest pple u'll ever find anywhere, for any subject. there's a tendency to blow bad news out of all proportion.

anything with complex electronically driven moving parts will fail sooner or later. the SDM is no different.

furthermore, pple tend not to talk about it unless it fails. so u have lots of pple enjoying the lens and taking beautiful pictures with it without saying anything, and 1 disgruntled user who posts 100 times across 5 different threads and 3 different forums when there's a problem.

see what i'm trying to get at here?

nothing wrong with asking "is there a problem?" or replying to say "yes, there is a problem". but base it on something more concrete than other pple's forum posts or some dodgy website with an agenda (or a vendetta even).

same as felix, i have a copy of the 16-50, i've used it for some time and its working fine. its a fantastic lens.

the production floor's records are not open to us. we don't know if they've managed to do enough kaizen to solve the problem completely. all i know is, the lens works for me. your mileage may vary.

is it really solved? i heard of failures recently not only from this forum but from PF. looking at the dates of the post some were late 2010 and some were early 2011 (not sure whether all new or some bought 2nd hand). not trying to stir up more panic here but just wondering if it is really solved as part of the production run improvements or something...

It could be there are some old stocks lingering around. Serial number will probably shed some light on those few defective ones.

WR Screw Drive primes are all I need though....... *salivate*

It could be there are some old stocks lingering around. Serial number will probably shed some light on those few defective ones.

WR Screw Drive primes are all I need though....... *salivate*

Just to linger on your "drool" point a bit...

what WR prime would u want, bearing in mind that such a new lens (a) needs to have a real world application and (b) must not cannibalize / duplicate existing product offerings.

i can only think of 1: a wide angle WR prime for pple who like to take landscape pictures at the beach - like a 10 or 12mm rectilinear.

the other most common focal lengths would either duplicate or cannibalize sales from an existing product (e.g. FA31 Ltd, DA35, DA35Ltd, FA50, DA*55).

very low chance imo.

A WR 12-24 would be nice!

There were some rumours about a DA*12-35 - that is quite a nice focal range actually and would be a great alternative to the 16-50.

It could be there are some old stocks lingering around. Serial number will probably shed some light on those few defective ones.

WR Screw Drive primes are all I need though....... *salivate*

so you just need 1 lens which is DFA WR 100mm Macro?

A WR 12-24 would be nice!

There were some rumours about a DA*12-35 - that is quite a nice focal range actually and would be a great alternative to the 16-50.

12-35 would be nice if they can keep the weight down. One of the great things for pentax prime is lightweight and compact. Adding WR to it might swing some Canon owners over as their L primes are heavy and expensive due to USM and IS.

You don't always need a wide angle lens as walkabout option, the most used focal range would be somewhere around 36 to 105mm (35mm FF equivelent). Just get this one, and you'd have the best walkabout lens ;)

You don't always need a wide angle lens as walkabout option, the most used focal range would be somewhere around 36 to 105mm (35mm FF equivelent). Just get this one, and you'd have the best walkabout lens ;)

if i had the money i would... it looks like i would last heaps longer than a tammy 28-75
I used to be a zoom guy when I started, but that lasted a few months, and stopped right after I 'got' the FA 50, both in the literal and figurative senses. Now I use primes only (not even mostly, but only).

(It's not the or even a better way, I want to stress here, just that it suits my style.)

First, I see better with primes, cos I already know how to frame the subject. This makes for better photos, for me.

I think the most important part of using primes, for me at least, is to accept I will not get some shots, because the 'wrong' lens is on at that moment. But I keep in mind that even if I have a super zoom, or a pair of 16-50 and 50-150 for quality maximum coverage, I will still miss some shots. And this is where the zen part comes in. Let them go, it's not possible to get every shot we want.

And the other key factor is, I can last longer when using primes. How so? When I use a zoom, the bulk, the weight and the zooming itself tires me out faster, so I get more uncomfortable and fatigued easily. It's both a physical and psychological thing, I guess.

Hope this throws some light on why and how some people use primes exclusively! Cheers!

Love the zen part. Totally agree witcha!

Sorry to dig up an old thread but a friend linked me to this page which reminded me of what we discussed here...

work with what you got and make the best use of your present equipment :)