Aprilmei : An all business woman

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Generally if the basic are right, good lighting, pose, post-processing etc, nitpicking details HELPS to improve slightly on an overall good photo (not including personal preferences like "Its a little -0.5ev under, head need to turn slight 5 deg blah blah bullshiting).

A fail image like the obvious case here, rather than gathering all the changes required or comments that you been longing for, which infact-> numerous, just face it, reshoot.

TS, as above, it is as clear as crystal that whatever you have posted here is or is not getting the required response that you desire (whatever that might be).

The reality here is that the pics as I have said, is nothing short of boring and lifeless. Like I have told others before you: bring it. If you think that you have pics that in your opinion can put every single post on CS down, esp in this section, bring it on.

Members like Futagoza, I respect, like Zeckson as well. For Futagoza his works are nothing short of brilliant and I give due when it is called for. For you, as you have said, the balanced lighting is a bore for you. Then please put some pics here where your lighting is deemed balanced for people to critique.

play nice people.

jOhO, it's tough when the TS selectively chooses which comments are constructive to him/herself and deem the rest as "immature" and "childish".

it's amazing. like what's that, gold 90.5fm? "hear only the good things."

To sohwayne,
chill will ya.
1) I've made referral to your thread as a respond to deadpoet, There’s nothing to do with you.
2) “why do u dig up my thread as an example? trying to stir up something again?”-sohwayne
It was a case in point that Isabella wrote back to deadpoet that I was interested in. There’s nothing to do with you.

3) “u agreed with DP critics, but are u putting them in use in REALITY... it seems Ur NOT !!!”- sohwayne
All I said was DP (deadpoet) is a harsh critique (as per Isabella’s comment) but DP gave me valid points in my other thread. That does not mean I agree with him entirely. Again I responded to DP. There’s nothing to do with you.

4)” if u r trying to follow DP style of critics, sorry to tell u ... U FAILED deep deep”- sohwayne
I’m not DP and DP is not me. Tho, DP does offer very direct, in-your-face comments, that I find useful in the future. I posted photos, DP doesn’t (again referring to Isabella’s story). There’s nothing to do with you.
5) “ u keep asking for 'constructive comments' but ask urself, r u in anyway constructive in accepting comments or r u just trying to 'CHIONG' posts counts.” - sohwayne
There were some constructive comments given, posted and I’ve said my thanks to those members. Don’t make sweeping statements about “chiong” post counts.

6) “i dont know Y in the first place u are able to produce this kind of photo and passing ur OWN standard to even start a post in the forum”.- sohwayne
I guess the simplest answer is “no one is perfect” not me, (because I’ve been paid harsh comments) and not any TS who posted in CS. Again, there’s nothing to do with you.

To sohwayne,
chill will ya.
1) I've made referral to your thread as a respond to deadpoet, There’s nothing to do with you.
2) “why do u dig up my thread as an example? trying to stir up something again?”-sohwayne
It was a case in point that Isabella wrote back to deadpoet that I was interested in. There’s nothing to do with you.

3) “u agreed with DP critics, but are u putting them in use in REALITY... it seems Ur NOT !!!”- sohwayne
All I said was DP (deadpoet) is a harsh critique (as per Isabella’s comment) but DP gave me valid points in my other thread. That does not mean I agree with him entirely. Again I responded to DP. There’s nothing to do with you.

4)” if u r trying to follow DP style of critics, sorry to tell u ... U FAILED deep deep”- sohwayne
I’m not DP and DP is not me. Tho, DP does offer very direct, in-your-face comments, that I find useful in the future. I posted photos, DP doesn’t (again referring to Isabella’s story). There’s nothing to do with you.
5) “ u keep asking for 'constructive comments' but ask urself, r u in anyway constructive in accepting comments or r u just trying to 'CHIONG' posts counts.” - sohwayne
There were some constructive comments given, posted and I’ve said my thanks to those members. Don’t make sweeping statements about “chiong” post counts.

6) “i dont know Y in the first place u are able to produce this kind of photo and passing ur OWN standard to even start a post in the forum”.- sohwayne
I guess the simplest answer is “no one is perfect” not me, (because I’ve been paid harsh comments) and not any TS who posted in CS. Again, there’s nothing to do with you.

a very simple answer to ur 'it doesn't concern u' ----------- u use my thread as an example
it concern me, satisfied with my reply?
i can see that up to this point, there are still an unCERTAINTY in urself. a shoot involved photographer and model, if thats the answer u need, do an abstract rather than a portraiture.
and why dont u SHUT me and some of the people that reply to your thread with some of the photo which u tink is BALANCED FLASH PORTRAIT and that is TOO SIMPLE for u ... SHOW US, COM'on DONT BE SHY

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I can see some drama going on here :p
Take it easy people lol...

hmmm, never seen my name mentioned so many times in apost and in a thread.

If I get paid each time, 5Dmk2 here I come.

btw, I am not 9involved in this tit-a-tat, don't drag me in, I might just get itchy and start real slamming :)

Again, I have to repeat myself, (sometimes I wonders If I'm dealing with children here).

OK, I'll try to say it once more for those who seem a little "slow", constructive comments means, words to improve, i hope you understand what is required and not OT and dirty my thread.

Hey, I can take the bashing, but respect yourself and respect photography. Shoot straight, be honest and tell me as it is. Do not generalize statements i.e. getting the best lighting etc. that's what pretentious photographers do, don't they?

So far in my previous thread, I've gotten constructive comments, but in my latest thread, all I've got is immature hearsay. (and now you are trying hard to justify this).

You've given 4 to 5 postings and still zero constructive comment. What happen? Cat got your tongue?

There's "constructive", and then there's spoonfeeding... If your pics are good composition, good lighting but bad direction or whatever, we can give pointers on the missing subject. But in this case, it falls flat on all accounts. What can we do except tell you to scrap it all and start from scratch, this time after putting some thought into what you are trying to achieve?

hmmm, never seen my name mentioned so many times in apost and in a thread.

If I get paid each time, 5Dmk2 here I come.

btw, I am not 9involved in this tit-a-tat, don't drag me in, I might just get itchy and start real slamming :)

Sir, maybe i conclude one point here... he seems to only listen to u and not others, do advice him so he can improve.

hmmm, never seen my name mentioned so many times in apost and in a thread.

If I get paid each time, 5Dmk2 here I come.

btw, I am not 9involved in this tit-a-tat, don't drag me in, I might just get itchy and start real slamming :)

here's a banana. :bsmilie:

"he's a lay man but the way he's talked and carried himself sure as hell contradicts that...he's no critic. nor is he an appreciator. he's just pure EGO." - The Question

Sweeping statements with nothing to back you up, makes you very vulnerable in a forum like CS. (you're a notch...down, I'm afraid :thumbsd: ).

"edit: oh, btw, your profile may say you're a male, but it feels like you're typing like a female, and the way you phrase your stuff actually reminds me of AverRal. if you are, good to see you holding a camera now, maybe you can cut down a little on those TNP stuff." - sequitor

Don't know who AverRal is, but your credibility has been nullified. Thanks for participating. Do come back when you're old enough to keep up.

Fiip : read your post, there were some useful insights. Some were rather subjective. Some were mentioned/highlighted earlier by other members. Still many thanks ya.

Happy new year to other members who's been following this thread like a soap opera.

Both their credibility and their "notches" are faaaaaaar above yours. Especially with your sub-neoprint pictures posted here.

Sir, maybe i conclude one point here... he seems to only listen to u and not others, do advice him so he can improve.

hahaha ... right ...

there is criticism, and there is instruction, I will slam, I know nuts how to instruct :)

btw, no need to get trampled by me to improve. Many times, looking at comments on other pictures, you learn just as much. Even better, start commenting and critiquing other pictures, none of those politically correct BS, real criticism, you will be surprise what that will do to your photography.

hahaha ... right ...

there is criticism, and there is instruction, I will slam, I know nuts how to instruct :)

btw, no need to get trampled by me to improve. Many times, looking at comments on other pictures, you learn just as much. Even better, start commenting and critiquing other pictures, none of those politically correct BS, real criticism, you will be surprise what that will do to your photography.

who are u and what have you done to the real dp? :bsmilie:

yawn yawn. Wanna people to CnC, but post with an incorrect attitude. In the end, instead of getting tons of NON-OT posting, only get tons of CnC on attitude. What's the point of posting ? You wanna say that there is some that commented well ? Well, if you come with the right attitude, you can get more tons of better comments, but you end up... including THIS POSTING, something to comment about your attitude more than your photos.

Don't wanna get too OT, which is why I posted in the first place, back to your photos.

I don't see a business woman. I only see a woman dressed in #1 powersuit, #2 a lady trying to fumble over her tie. So does it constitute a biz woman ? I highly doubt so. Put her inside the middle of raffles place area, do a bottom up shot with her looking far, one hand holding on to a brief case, another hand a pair of sun glasses make a much better composition to tell about her as a biz woman. When you are talking about Biz woman, you wanna tell tales on her ambition in the career arena, meanwhile I don't see any of such feel in the photos. Harsh light has harsh lights usefulness, here, it's not meant to be nor good on the model to be. Regretfully, I bend to agree you might just wanna reshoot the whole thing. Visualize on what you wanna portray and how to portray before you start clicking away.

My 2 cents worth. Thanks

I thought the TS will welcome critisms?

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