Aprilmei : An all business woman

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Dec 21, 2008
Cnc welcomed. fire away,



four post and i still cant find any photographic merits,its still the same as your first post.im beginning to think that u dont have any idea what ur doin.:dunno:

four post and i still cant find any photographic merits,its still the same as your first post.im beginning to think that u dont have any idea what ur doin.:dunno:

To each it's own, merits or not, I am interested in constructive comments not immature hearsays:nono:. I feel you're looking for tit for tat. That my friend, you'll not pry from me. sorry.

To each it's own, merits or not, I am interested in constructive comments not immature hearsays:nono:. I feel you're looking for tit for tat. That my friend, you'll not pry from me. sorry.
wow immature hearsay??don make any weird assumption,CnC are given here w/o prejudice.if your expecting constructive comments please put some effort on your skills,creativity and lighting technique:nono:

Aprilmei chill yea, but if one is going to learn and gaining better skills its really important to take hard and bad comments in your stride.

This series pictures i can't rate it as poorly taken.. In my honest opinion I did rate it below that -> pictures to be totally scrapped.

it's as if you don't really know what your doing or really understanding what is portraits photography or rather what you are shooting. Composition wise, directing a model, getting the best out of a model, lightings, styling. I believe there are many non photographer who can whip up their handphone camera/compact camera and take better random pictures of their gf/frens. Seriously, it's this bad.

You need to focus ur thoughts while you are shooting for a start which is in a simple way -> How to take photos, compose and make them more interesting/nicer to look at then one from a really lousy camera such as a handphone camera. How to use your camera to your advantages w settings etc.

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four post and i still cant find any photographic merits,its still the same as your first post.im beginning to think that u dont have any idea what ur doin.:dunno:

I have to agree with the rest here. I think indaybadiday is being neutral and constructive here.

While you may have some ideas, it may not be put forth exactly.

Anyway, we are all here to learn from one another. I think shooting more helps.

Again, I have to repeat myself, (sometimes I wonders If I'm dealing with children here).

OK, I'll try to say it once more for those who seem a little "slow", constructive comments means, words to improve, i hope you understand what is required and not OT and dirty my thread.

Hey, I can take the bashing, but respect yourself and respect photography. Shoot straight, be honest and tell me as it is. Do not generalize statements i.e. getting the best lighting etc. that's what pretentious photographers do, don't they?

So far in my previous thread, I've gotten constructive comments, but in my latest thread, all I've got is immature hearsay. (and now you are trying hard to justify this).

You've given 4 to 5 postings and still zero constructive comment. What happen? Cat got your tongue?

Hi there, let me try.
get a 'softbox' or 'umbrella' to solve your 'harsh' lighting. 2ndly help yr model 'do' her hair.. more time is prob needed here than with the camera settings. lastly, i can't tell if the model is zipping up, or buttoning up in the second pic. you might want to consider adding makeup, either digitally or physically.

about the 1st pic, the model look like she's walking into the white wall ahead. this is further reinforced by the shadow falling on the bottom left region. i'm no pro, but maybe this pose will work better outdoor, or with a half-body shot.

hope these r constructive enough.

hmm aprilmei.. chill will ya.

juz a qtn, may i ask whats your thinking process when you shot this and what's the motive/objective behind these pics?

thanks for sharing ya. :)

hmm aprilmei.. chill will ya.

juz a qtn, may i ask whats your thinking process when you shot this and what's the motive/objective behind these pics?

thanks for sharing ya. :)

I'm chilling like a champagne bottle on ice. Just to share, in my last post, some members, gave me sharp critiques that were very useful. (you can dig those up).
Now,? all of the sudden there's very little to work with.

To your question,Thinking: I shoot to a title not a theme; in this case, "business attire representation".
Motive: To use symbolic representation instead of visual representation.

The suit (power suit to most male), was depicted on a woman to symbolise equal gender opportunity, The blue tie (it actually says screw you), that colour and phallic symbol was used to represent male predominance in the workforce.

Go ahead feekinc, give me a salvo to improve if you may. I promise not to bite when it holds water.

To your question,Thinking: I shoot to a title not a theme; in this case, "business attire representation".
Motive: To use symbolic representation instead of visual representation.

The suit (power suit to most male), was depicted on a woman to symbolise equal gender opportunity, The blue tie (it actually says screw you), that colour and phallic symbol was used to represent male predominance in the workforce.

Going on your thot process ....

1) if you are going for the symbolic representation ... then focus on that ... at the moment i do not see the focus yet and a lot of your representation is lost because of the execution.

2) power suit and all is fine ... but not the smiling model. that just makes it a smiley happy shot that totally takes away for the power look ... i would have done it in a low key light with more musculine pose and a more serious make-up ... Make it look like she means business ....

3) the blue colour tie is all lost in this mess of black shirt and the hands ... AND we do not see the "screw you" that you had mention. (i know it is in the other post) You need to show more of the tie and the words if that is your symbolism. now it looks like one of those how to tie a neck-tie step by step photo ...

Hope this helps a little ... and of course there can be other interpretation and other ways of depicting your thots and theme as well ...

1st pic. Light fall off at the bottom right gives a half-baked background. If you like to look into details, please tidy up her fringe and not cover up the left eye (ball). Sorry, that pose is so 007, nu qiang ren don't hold their coat this way.

2nd pic. I don't know what she's doing with the tie or just pinching her blouse? What's up with the harsh lighting on her hair? It is so distracting and causing shadow dividing her face into two distinctive tone.

Hi there, let me try.
get a 'softbox' or 'umbrella' to solve your 'harsh' lighting. 2ndly help yr model 'do' her hair.. more time is prob needed here than with the camera settings. lastly, i can't tell if the model is zipping up, or buttoning up in the second pic. you might want to consider adding makeup, either digitally or physically.

about the 1st pic, the model look like she's walking into the white wall ahead. this is further reinforced by the shadow falling on the bottom left region. i'm no pro, but maybe this pose will work better outdoor, or with a half-body shot.

hope these r constructive enough.

Good. well said. I'm using an umbrella.
2nd pic : The model is adjusting the tie. (yea, but you have another interpretation, thanks).
Make up, I've toned down make up because she's suppose to be business like. (but point noted).
1st pic :walking into a white wall, (my intention is a static shot, but a good interpretation from you too.)
half body shot: did you see her knees and legs? (just kidding).

Appreciate your earnest comment. :thumbsup:
hair: yeah, not silky smooth. will take note. thanks.
I don't want to do outdoors, sorry.

I'm chilling like a champagne bottle on ice. Just to share, in my last post, some members, gave me sharp critiques that were very useful. (you can dig those up).
Now,? all of the sudden there's very little to work with.

To your question,Thinking: I shoot to a title not a theme; in this case, "business attire representation".
Motive: To use symbolic representation instead of visual representation.

The suit (power suit to most male), was depicted on a woman to symbolise equal gender opportunity, The blue tie (it actually says screw you), that colour and phallic symbol was used to represent male predominance in the workforce.

Go ahead feekinc, give me a salvo to improve if you may. I promise not to bite when it holds water.

I feel not the sense of your blue tie bringing forth the meaning of "screw you" but rather a little extra piece of prop you might have brought along just to make the suit the model is wearing slightly more complete and formal.

Your style of shooting to title instead of theme cannot be felt here as, instantaneously after reading your thread title, an image of a confident business woman came into mind. However upon clicking on the thread I was greatly disappointed. I do not feel the title drawing to me much less the thought process behind it.

And for pic no. 2, i think this is not the best angle you can bring out from the model. You made her look like she has a huge nose.

Last but not least, yeah, these pics and title do not work for me.

Going on your thot process ....

1) if you are going for the symbolic representation ... then focus on that ... at the moment i do not see the focus yet and a lot of your representation is lost because of the execution.

2) power suit and all is fine ... but not the smiling model. that just makes it a smiley happy shot that totally takes away for the power look ... i would have done it in a low key light with more musculine pose and a more serious make-up ... Make it look like she means business ....

3) the blue colour tie is all lost in this mess of black shirt and the hands ... AND we do not see the "screw you" that you had mention. (i know it is in the other post) You need to show more of the tie and the words if that is your symbolism. now it looks like one of those how to tie a neck-tie step by step photo ...

Hope this helps a little ... and of course there can be other interpretation and other ways of depicting your thots and theme as well ...

Thanks. Now, I'm going to sit back to digest your advise. You got a very valid presentation. Which also means I need to study it over and over again. :thumbsup:

wow immature hearsay??don make any weird assumption,CnC are given here w/o prejudice.if your expecting constructive comments please put some effort on your skills,creativity and lighting technique:nono:

I'm chilling like a champagne bottle on ice. Just to share, in my last post, some members, gave me sharp critiques that were very useful. (you can dig those up).
Now,? all of the sudden there's very little to work with.

To your question,Thinking: I shoot to a title not a theme; in this case, "business attire representation".
Motive: To use symbolic representation instead of visual representation.

The suit (power suit to most male), was depicted on a woman to symbolise equal gender opportunity, The blue tie (it actually says screw you), that colour and phallic symbol was used to represent male predominance in the workforce.

Go ahead feekinc, give me a salvo to improve if you may. I promise not to bite when it holds water.

im definitely unsure what was the immature comment for. as simple as mentioning a generic term or area to improve on, you should have dug out more information for yourself. i'm sure there are tons of business photos out there to reverse engineer from and concept wise if it was mentioned your creativity needs more effort, its justifiable to set you rethinking about your shots - what went wrong? why ? how?

did the photo come to a normal audience what you had intended? if not then it failed isn't it. i didnt get it. Wouldnt it meant that the message was not brought across? As harsh as it might sound, did it set you wondering why others did not understand and how you can improve on it. "i dont get your concept" is still a valid constructive comment to me as a sentence itself.

You might have been interpreting critiques too literally and not understanding what is needed more from yourself, yourself and yourself.

ive read about others mentioning about using umbrella to reduce the 'harsh' lighting so you mentioned good, well said, i'm using an umbrella. SO? why so harsh still? why not ask why was it still so harsh?

my god..

nowadays whenever i am trying to appreciate fellow photog work.. to try to learn from comments and feedback, I seems to see more quarrels here and there...
maybe all these should go to elsewhere... or i should go elsewhere...

please all ppl.. keep this place what it should be.. and not what you want it to be.

seriously, aprilmei, what is your problem?

comments and criticism need not be directed at the photos alone. you can't expect people to go "oh #1 is like this and this, oh #2 is like this and this" all the time. commenting and critiquing on single images as they stand alone do not work.

in this case, many have told you to go and improve on your technique and creativity, and that's what you should do.

face it, nobody likes bad criticism - especially on themselves. you direct people to criticize your images but shun away from those that criticize your skills - please don't forget that you are the one who produces the photographs, the images, those that you put up here for critique. when people start looking beyond the images, they see a photographer who has no idea what he/she's shooting, and they comment on the basis of it all - the photographer.

you have a train of thought, nice, good, well done. all is lost in the execution. blue tie what? all i see is the head of the tie. powerful businesswoman in the corporate world, smiling that kind of smile and posing that kind of pose in such flat lighting?

knowing what 1/8 1/4 1/2 1/16 power of your flash is not going to work, who gives a crap about all these technical ratios? moreover, every flash has different full power guide numbers, so 1/8 of a sb24 is not going to equals 1/8 of a sb28, or a 550ex, 580ex, 430ex, 420ex, whatever.

i suggest, like many others have, to go and shoot more. and i mean, shoot more without thinking of using flash, shoot more without any stupid technical crap, and shoot outdoors. there's a giant strobe in the sky free of charge, and i bet you don't even know how to use it to your advantage yet, and here you are going 1/4 1/8 1/16 and all that jazz.

seriously, if you can't forget the technicals, go try to shoot lomo or something. the lomo people who lose their technicals can produce much better images than many of us.

my god..

nowadays whenever i am trying to appreciate fellow photog work.. to try to learn from comments and feedback, I seems to see more quarrels here and there...
maybe all these should go to elsewhere... or i should go elsewhere...

please all ppl.. keep this place what it should be.. and not what you want it to be.

this is cs. quarrels are common place.

A good Sunday.

Oh, I opened this thread and found new comments.

If you've notice, valid comments, constructive comments (bad and good), and idea bearing comments were replied (some courtesy put in for good measure).

The invalid, immature, corrupting, (some comments were a bit long winded for my speed reading) and philosophical ones will be left as it is. I jolted a though, "many pretentious photographers are also philosophers? "
My least favorite,: "shoot more without any stupid technical crap, and shoot outdoors"-sequitur
I leave it to other readers to digest that in your own accord, ya.

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