anything to take notice before buying a DSLR?

Sandara Park

New Member
Nov 20, 2010
im going to purchase a canon 60D soon.. but since its my very first own dslr.. i have no experience on what to be noticed of.. what accessories should i include? UV filter, cleaning tools? anything else? and i obviously have no knowledge on what cleaning tools should i buy..

may want a UV filter for your lens. cleaning tools can wait till you decide what you actually need or a 10 dollar lens pen will do the trick.

maybe a camera bag and a dry box/cabinet will be more necessary.

may want a UV filter for your lens. cleaning tools can wait till you decide what you actually need or a 10 dollar lens pen will do the trick.

maybe a camera bag and a dry box/cabinet will be more necessary.

how much does a cabinet cost normally? i have a vacumm cabinet or something like that which can keep things in vacumm condition.. does it function the same as the dry box/cabinet you mentioned?

how much does a cabinet cost normally? i have a vacumm cabinet or something like that which can keep things in vacumm condition.. does it function the same as the dry box/cabinet you mentioned?

recently bought mine new at abt 100+, btw it's function is to keep humidity down...

cleaning tools (puffer, lens cleaning solution, micro fiber cloth/pen), uv filters for each lens, an additional battery for camera (if not included) camera bag, drybox/cabinet (depending on ur arsenal of lense(s) screen protector for camera lcd :) tripods and monopods are optional though

Dry box/cabinet does what it's name implies. Keep things dry.
You might also want an additional battery. Cleaning kit can wait awhile but at least get a basic blower.

Personally, I would say, lenspen just in case you got your lens dirty. The rest kinda optional for beginning. For dry cabinet, I would say depending on how frequently you use your camera and lens. So far I've practically gotten all the general accessories except for a dry cabinet. I just dump the unused lens and camera in one corner of my very messy table ;p

When the BBB bug bites, you will worry about what not to buy instead. ;)

dry cab, extra memory cards and batteries? dont worry, when you buy your 60d, there is going to have quite a few free gifts haha.

get a better price by looking at the price guide. And pls get from reputated shop especially for first time. If in doubt, pls ask.

Pls note that it must be a local set and not a grey set. (local set is warranty by canon, grey set is warranty by the shop)

Be firm of what you want to get and don't get sawy by the saleperson. If in doubt, don't buy first, and do your research again.

check shutter count whether 0. u need not bring your laptop to check. just power on, make sure it prompts you to enter date/time. if it is not, then u need to double check if the shutter count is 0 via your laptop using a software (google for check shutter count astrogen)

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hello may i know how u check shutter counts? tks

thanks guys for the information.. they are really useful to me.. :)

hello may i know how u check shutter counts? tks


reason why i said so, depends where u buy the cam from.

my fren bought from song bros, left the shop , went home check the shutter count and found that the counter is 600+! :bigeyes:

One thing to look out for when buying a camera ... ensure it is Canon Singapore's warranty, not a gray set. At point of registration for your camera, do consider buying extended warranty for great peace of mind.

One other to look out for is a good book on photography.

One other to look out for is a good book on photography.

Scott Kelby's book is good. Very simple instructions that is simple to understand, no difficult jargons that left you wondering for hours.

in fact i got this introduction to photography part1-3 and CS4. now looking to buy lightroom 3.

Buy magazines on photography, they r uptodate n fun.

i recommend Practical Photography.

this was recommended to me by night86mare and he is kind enough to give me some past issues to read, from then on i fell in love with it! :)

I second this. Between all the mass of photography magazines out there, I love Practical Photography too. Their showcases, their "tasks", and their walkthroughs are indeed "practical". :thumbsup:

I second this. Between all the mass of photography magazines out there, I love Practical Photography too. Their showcases, their "tasks", and their walkthroughs are indeed "practical". :thumbsup:

not to recommend, u get lesser ads and more photography stuffs. as compared to some magazine that is half splashed with ads. :) this magazine is like 3/4 photography contents and 1/4 ads? :)

the latest issue is out and covers on 10 stop ND filters, can't wait to read it! (in my bag now)

Welcome to the world of DSLR.

Before you get confused, just go to a reputed shop buy the camera. But before that get 'e' or 'tele' quote from some of the shops and compare yourself. Check whether a memory card is included or not. If not, buy a cheapo one. buy NOTHING ELSE!!

You do not have much to check at the shop, specially when you have no idea how to use a DSLR. Only thing, trust a reputed shop like MS, Cathay.

I repeat, just buy the camera and memory card (if not included). People like you are the carrots for these shops.

Use you camera for sometime, understand camera lingo. Browse through different threads here, understand market and then identify what else you need additionally and at what price and from where. You must precisely know all these, otherwise you will be scammed!!

Your camera/lens will not be spoiled in few months if you don't use a dry cabinet or filter or cleaning tools. Understand the requirement and just buy what you need. Many of the cleaning tools, filters are just rubbish, do more harm than any good.

Dry cab is required, but you can add that after 2-3 months, don't worry!!

Buy the basic minimum and then expand based on your need.