Anyone wearing a Fitbit and thinks it's crap?


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2002
Upper Bukit Timah
Forced to wear a Flex. It said I walked 30 steps and burnt 800 calories! I'm more than happy to throw it away if anyone say I should.

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Forced to wear a Flex. It said I walked 30 steps and burnt 800 calories! I'm more than happy to throw it away if anyone say I should.

This kind of gimmick is just a overpriced toy.

Don't take it seriously

lol some survey paid me 30sgd per mth to wear this crap .

OMG i am even planning to buy fitbit surge coz dont want to carry phone while doing walking ir jogging. Man if its like this good thing i never buy it so exp so more.

Forced to wear a Flex. It said I walked 30 steps and burnt 800 calories! I'm more than happy to throw it away if anyone say I should.
More reliable sources state that 1h /20km cycling will burn 800 calories. Compare.

Looks like it's really meant for the bin.

Yeah. If 30 steps can burn 800 calories, there won't be so many ppl with medical conditions.... Lol

More reliable sources state that 1h /20km cycling will burn 800 calories. Compare.

The device actually works better for cycling use. ;)

Not sure if yours is malfunctioning or you misread the information.
I've been wearing Fitbit for a long time and recently my company had a campaign and a bunch of colleagues wore it and it has worked as it should. It has detected the steps we've taken very close to what we really did. We were aiming for 10k steps/day.

As for the amount of calories burnt, it has never hit pass 600 for us doing 10k steps.

I burn more than 400 calories just by sleeping.

Just to qualify, I don't believe in using such devices - way better to just be brutally honest with yourself whether you are getting enough exercise, and make it a way of life than to convince yourself to meet some minimum standards set by someone else.

But from my limited understanding, Fitbit does include Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in its measurements: see here.

And you do burn calories even when sleeping, else someone who is bedridden would never need to eat.

So anyways, based on a random BMR calculator here, a sedentary (read: no exercise) man of age 50 at 170 cm and 65 kg is estimated to burn about 1473 calories even doing nothing. This will of course vary depending on your physical makeup (% body fat, % weight as muscle, blah blah blah).

I'm not sure about your steps and calories though - gotta actually try one to know if this BMR thing featured as well, and I'm not interested!

[Back into hibernation...]

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I burn more than 400 calories just by sleeping.

aiyah bro every sec we are burning calories mah :p even if you're sedentary you will still be burning around or close 2000 calories a day. ^_^

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Ah.... i think there's some miscommunication...
but as some bros has mentioned, we burn calories everyday for our body to operate.
whether you're sleeping, eating or working--or else whatever we eat would be stacking up to a never-ending.

the tracker is merely used as a tool to measure how much activity you need to do ontop of your usual routine to burn additional calories to cope with whatever we eat. For example, you usually take the short-cut back home and that's maybe 1000 steps from the train to your home. instead, you take a longer route that requires 2000 steps--to burn a little more calory than you usually would.

it is to promote a healthier lifestyle. it works for some it doesn't work others. almost like a light meter, some uses it and has sworn by it... some don't need it and rely on their camera alone... (a random metaphor)

I don't use fitbit, but wear jawbone. Seem pretty accurate to me.
My average step around 15K, but what I like is the sleep tracker. At least I hv some idea, how well I slept last night, try to gain more deep sleep :)

think your set may be defective. I am using the fitbit charge HR and normally, i only hit 2000 calories at the end of a long day (around 8pm or so)and clearing that 10K mark. :)

Bro hope this is not too late. Just gotten my fitbit and the calories burn displaying in the main screen is your total daily burn based on your data you provided age, sex, and weight. This is on top of the exercise or activities you made like walking etc. if you go to your individual activities you'll see the total calories burn for each like for me i dis almost 1k steps and only burn 65calories.

Hope this help and hope you still have your fitbit.

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