anyone can buy a DSLR and be a wedding photographer these days

It seem like TS = derricksony is the same person as zaren the CS moderator :bsmilie:

see links below


No. Zaren just edited derricksony's photo and hosted it on flickr.

actually, photography is more like a form of art with different styles, each and everyone has a different style. so i guess that ts shouldnt be criticized for his style...

nowadays, with so many people owning a dslr, it can be easy to say that anyone can take wedding photographs. out of maybe 100 shots one might have 5 good usuable shots many shots you need to take just to amass a collection of "good shots" for the couple? you will really need the experience and the eye for details in order to pull this off...

just my two cents worth.

Defensive action has never been so entertaining. Even with fire support. :bsmilie:

Running a business is different from taking pictures. You don't need to be "artistic" to know that.

What an incendiary thread!

Hey derricksony, TS, stop trolling all of us! Just browsed through your photos on flickr... you are more than capable of nicely exposed (and sharp) photos! The photos you posted...well. they are white-washed, lack contrast, some are OOF, some blurry, some too grainy. Could be in-cam, or your processing...some finetuning perhaps? That said, I really do think your style is nice, and interesting compositions. You get the moments too. About the comment on your gear...that's more than good enough what.

I know you feel that you have some better shots than some professionals do. Don't forget that as that as a non-main photographer, you have more liberty to try out the fun stuff. The first time I took photos at a wedding, I only had my DSLR for a month and a newly bought flash on the same day - and I think I did comparable to the paid photographer, some award winning one. I don't deny, for awhile I had an inflated ego, but I've grown wiser...there's so much more to learn. For your sake, you seem to have some egotitis problem now judging by your response to lifestyle1881; Do take a step back :)

The thread title is too suggestive. All of us can take photos, perhaps even good, or better ones at weddings! Being a wedding photographer on the other hand, is another matter.

ps. added on flickr.. nice photos

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What an incendiary thread!

Hey derricksony, TS, stop trolling all of us! Just browsed through your photos on flickr... you are more than capable of nicely exposed (and sharp) photos! The photos you posted...well. they are white-washed, lack contrast, some are OOF, some blurry, some too grainy. Could be in-cam, or your processing...some finetuning perhaps? That said, I really do think your style is nice, and interesting compositions. You get the moments too. About the comment on your gear...that's more than good enough what.
I don't think he's trolling us, but it's probably because he learned some cool new processing technique/style and wanted to emulate it, just that it didn't quite work out for those kind of shots. It's like when I first learned HDR processing and wanted to use it for every shot.

Haha, the title and the rebuke are all fun reading.
The credit maybe should go to the dslr and pp makers.
They come with so many features, it is getting easier to take great wedding photos.

Professional wedding photographer = doing it for $$$?
So, some points about the business and satisfying client needs are justified.
The low barrier does mean there are some not so good photographers "professional".
I do agree that the tools are only tools, it still takes great amount of skill, good eye and some luck to freeze the magic moments.
Video is even harder. The tools are going to make it easier and more people will get into this.
I think this is a good thing. The important thing about this posting is the passion you all show here, including TS.
So even if you are professional and want some credit for your skill, just keep the passion and fun doing this, the credit will come.
Otherwise, it might be good to think more as a hobby or do something else.

i smell a clone hmmm

Only one?

Good move by mod to the newbies corner, this is hardly portfolio showing. And the TS had achieved what he intended; 7 pages of attention and discussion.

As I mentioned early on this thread, this is selfish attention seeking with not much concern for the couple. Imagine if your the couple how would you want pics of your private event (and speaking of that a very important life's event) to be used as someone's tool in fanning controversy? That's the difference, real pros act professionally, wannabes wants to play, afterall it's just a hobby for them.

If the TS meant this to be portfolio thread, then should title it properly and responsibly.

And I regret vested too much time and energy into this thread, and had even act intensely. Feel so silly now, so good luck to TS and all.

Hi TS! I can not totally understand the main point why would you tell us that your not a good at photoshop while you actually are your published HDRs in flickers are a proof of that unless you were stealing some body's photo and published it as your own. (. Though your main points has been achieved in creating a stir for this thread the method in my point of view is totally wrong and unbecoming as a club snap member.

though some of the replies here may be totally harsh and rude to your posted works on this thread, at least they were honest to what they think.

just my two cents. :)