Any RC Car Kaki from Bukit Panjang?

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wha.....thanks thanks for the camera man!

hi all, i like to get one RC car leh , but i am a total noob. are there such thing as Drifting RC Car? any good website for n00b? i wish to start from reading from beginning.


hi all, i like to get one RC car leh , but i am a total noob. are there such thing as Drifting RC Car? any good website for n00b? i wish to start from reading from beginning.


Hi, you can go through this forum. It also has Singapore Sub-forum in it. :)

Winnie! you got business! :bsmilie:

my cam n ur cam is the same lor......mi waiting for phoa to take for us leh....kekek

bro u still dare to say.....when u coming to join us....time to roar ur falcon leh...

Yoh, the car is ever ready....time to let the FALCON fly! Maybe this weekend morning? :)

I think i got no fate/luck in seeing your falcon fly.
damn....this sat me cant.

personal point of view.....for playing of will get sian after short while. i myself change to GP after 3 wks with EP. and i am a happy GP car player now.


wha...buying engine today liao leh!!!!!!!

wha....everyone got new toy/ can i be left out.....

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