Any member of PSS here?

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2002
hi, just wondering if there's any members of PSS here (Photography Society of Singapore) here. i'm thinking of joining up and enrolling in some of the courses there to brush up my camera skills (which is sadly lacking).

any comments, pointers about PSS?

thanks!!! :D

Not a member but did considered before to join...
Heard from a friend that most of the members are experienced old timers. You can consider joining the SAFRA photography club through the courses/ photo trips they conduct.

Not a bad deal, if you join the darkroom course, you get to use the facilities(darkroom, studio) for free. Got the info from a colleage of mine who is also member.


Originally posted by panz
Heard from a friend that most of the members are experienced old timers. You can consider joining the SAFRA photography club through the courses/ photo trips they conduct.
oh SAFRA has a photog club? hmmm mabbe i should consider that instead... the old timers at PSS is a bit intimidating... :eek:

i'm not thinking of the basic photog course, more for any intermediate seminars or class they might have. i also a bit paiseh to go for their outings leh, with my few lens and F90x (although i think that might be the best way to learn...)

anyone here a member of the SAFRA photog special interest club here? been looking at the safra website but not much info there... also they don't seem to have much courses or seminars...

dun worrie.. the older gentlemen at PSS dun bite... was there with a friend [she member, I busybody]... had a pleasant conversation with them... the membership there is cheaper now... abt $76 for 2 years... firefox, you wanna compare your 90x with my fm2?? Den I shud be more paiseh liao!

thanks 3rd eye... yah i've been to the PSS website, saw the reduced prices. now seriously considering joining as member. think i really need some advice and pointers from old-bird "sensei" photogs... :D

Hey thirdeye,

Is the club at PSS big? they have a darkroom/ studio?....curious leh ....quite interested to join them.
:embrass: but no kaki.....

30 Selegie Road, Selegie Arts Centre Singapore 180030.

it's near the Mister Bean place opposite Paradiz & Peace Centre.

Eh sorry!!...saw the website....know where the place is already.:embrass:

But the courses is a bit steep leh. Still considering.....:rolleyes:

B & W/ Color Printing courses and maybe the photojournalism shoots courses.

Done B &W prints before but lost touch been a decade ago.;p

yah you're rite a bit ex, but then there's few of such courses available here. dunno if the SAFRA Photog club got this kinda courses or seminars...

Yes, they have. Got this info from a ex colleage of mine. But SAFRA is also offering these courses at almost the same price as PSS. But my x colleage told me that the usage of the darkroom is free and sometimes the print processing chemicals are free as well......some of the members buy in free for all to use it before shelf life ends:thumbsup:


I'm a member there at PSS. Activities are around twice per week and often, one will be a studio session while the other will be an outdoor shoot. There's often a lot of people at the shoot and for studios, can be a little difficult (I believe they are currently looking at ways to change it). As for the comments on all the 'old birds' at the club, there's really nothing much to worry about. 'Old birds' brings the added benefit that you can learn something from them. Furthermore, there are quite a lot of new and inexperience members at the club. Just a few days back, I've posted a couple of studio shots in the forum and they are actually taken with PSS You might want to take a look. They are in the Portraits and Poses forum. In case that you can't find it, I have included a link to them below...

Studio shot - Cheongsam

Studio shot - Lingerie


Originally posted by firefox13
hi, just wondering if there's any members of PSS here (Photography Society of Singapore) here. i'm thinking of joining up and enrolling in some of the courses there to brush up my camera skills (which is sadly lacking).

any comments, pointers about PSS?

thanks!!! :D

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