Am I a dinosaur ?I'm out of touch.........

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I have gone through a similar path, with an old Contax system from the 80s, and a Canon DSLR system now. I recently got an adaptor (with AF confirmation) and will test it out with my old Zeiss lenses soon. But there are some things you might want to know as you along:

- unless you're getting a (more expensive) full-frame DSLR, the sensor is smaller than a 35mm film frame, effectively narrowing the field of view of each of your lenses. This is commonly called the crop-factor. With most Canon DSLRs, the crop factor is 1.6, so for e.g. your 50mm would be similar to a 80mm on your old SLRs

- because the sensor is smaller, the focusing screen and image in your viewfinder is considerably smaller (worse on a 4/3 models such as Olympus with a crop factor of 2). I live with it cause I can't afford to go FF (full-frame) yet, but it's a bit of a pain. The viewfinder magnification on the budget Canon DSLRs is lower than for the semi-pro and pro models (it is significant for me).

- no split-image/microprism. Since DSLRs are all autofocus, they never bothered with these, so manual focusing is more difficult. If you get an CY-EOS adaptor, get one that enables focus-confirmation.

For DSLR detailed specs and reviews, I'd suggest

Don't abandon film, it's still a lot of fun :)

Hi Edwin ,
Learn so much today !

So it's either I buy into a full frame and a adapter with AF confirmation or gotta bear with a 1.6magnification on my current manual zeiss lenses .

Hmm... with my worsening eyesight as years goes by , I think I'll start with finding the adapter with AF confirmation function first and built up from there , I don't think I'll go into full frame as it's not a priority maybe I'll end up with some cheapo canon kit package ..

CZ also have support for other camera brands

ZF: F Bayonet Mount supported
ZE: EF Bayonet Mount supported
ZK: K Bayonet Mount supported
ZS: M42 Screw Mount supported

Thanks but I intend to use my current contax/yashica mount zeiss lens then to buy into new one.Doesn't seems to have much improvment over the old lens coating .

Great!But I'm thinking of using a Sony Dslr because of it's arsenal of CZ digital lenses which I may plan to acquire later....
Is it possible ? Is there a adapter for older CZ mount to the sony mount?

Sorry if I'm getting irritating.

Thanks but I intend to use my current contax/yashica mount zeiss lens then to buy into new one.Doesn't seems to have much improvment over the old lens coating .

i am referring to your statement on your plan to acquire later
so you can broaden your choices

i am referring to your statement on your plan to acquire later
so you can broaden your choices

Oh my bad:p things has been evolving so fast , I have totally forgotten .:sweatsm:

Wow...Contax G1 is really a legend...

thank you ,but I prefer to buy it locally .Maybe I should check around peninsula area.
You can find them at either OP in SLS or maybe TCW in Peninsula.

what is OP ?
TCW = The Camera Workshop aka Don?
Orient Photo. It's on the 6th floor in Sim Lim Square. Definitely one of the best shops in SLS.

I see , what about those megapixel stuff ? Some are 8 some 10 and some 12 .... does it make any difference to the final pictures? ( sorry for being such a snoob ..I'm completely clueless )

Primarily it gives you the possibility to enlarge the image. The more MP the larger you could print. For 4R you need at least 2MP. (Search a bit for 'print resolution').
The other factor is the pixel density (ratio of sensor size and quantity of pixels on it). Higher pixel density directly relates to noise. While at ISO 100 even PnS can be quite good at higher ISO values they start having lots of noise where Full Frame DLSR is still very good. Compare the values and results at; gives a direct comparison of the sensor performance.

thank you for the brief yet detail answer .
I guess it's time for shopping .

So , is film still very much alive and can I said buy a digital SLR body and mount the above contax lens onto it?

Any suggestion/recommendation/comment are welcome !

I'm leaning towards sony dslr , is it possible ?Sorry if it has been discussed before.

Your best bet now is the Canon 5DmkII and see if an adapter is available to mount your contax lenses. Otherwise, you'll have to change the entire system which means all your current lenses will be rendered useless. Sony is using Minolta Alpha(dynax) mount.

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Thanks but I intend to use my current contax/yashica mount zeiss lens then to buy into new one.Doesn't seems to have much improvment over the old lens coating .

Not just that.. They are all made in Japan now.. But having said that, the optical formulae may have been reoptimized for digital. :dunno:

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