Advice needed: Warranty Card

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New Member
Jun 25, 2004
Hi Bro,

i forgot to send my warranty card when i got my D70 abt 3 weeks ago. Now I need to send it to Nikon for back focus calibration. :confused:

Can I just bring the camera with kit lens to Nikon with my warranty card and request them to calibrate? or they need me to send in the warranty card before sending the camera? :dunno:

Also would like them to help me do a firmware upgrade. will they charge me?

Can any kind bro help me? ;)


you sure your camera needs calibration. I bought mine 1 month back and it's ok.

regarding firmware upgrade. can help you do it if you can bring it my office.

or i suppose if you go to Nikon Council meetings during the weekdays at Spinelli's at Peninsula, the guys will be able to help you. ;)

Adiemus said:
you sure your camera needs calibration. I bought mine 1 month back and it's ok.

regarding firmware upgrade. can help you do it if you can bring it my office.

or i suppose if you go to Nikon Council meetings during the weekdays at Spinelli's at Peninsula, the guys will be able to help you. ;)

Hi Bro, i would think so. anyway i am a newbie to camera. i did a test as discuss by fellow bro here. I aim the camera at 45 degree angle away from a row of words. those words nearer to the camera were blured. the centre portion which i aim at is suppose to be very sharp however, instead the words further away from the camera were very sharp. this i would think is back focus rite? :dunno:

the d70 is a gift from my sis and she bought it from best denki without my knowledge and she actually pay the rrp with no free gift at all... ;(
think could be old batch cos i think most bro would have bought from the regular preferred outlet rite?

yep would like to meet up with fellow bro and learn more. just wondering wat time will bro be at spinelli? and how do i spot NC? all with camera ard neck?? :D

anyway tks for responding and hope to see u guys soon.

reflecx said:
Just bring your warranty card and receipt down to Nikon, they will register for you on the spot.

bro, think no receipt leh...cos is a maybe must ask from my sis see still got or not.

if dun have how??? no warranty issit? :sweat:

alcatraz said:
bro, think no receipt leh...cos is a maybe must ask from my sis see still got or not.

if dun have how??? no warranty issit? :sweat:
give it a try even if u've no receipt, the D70 was released less than a yr anyway.


Hi bro, if u click this link u can see the back focus problem. i was focusing on the 2 x 2 x 8 portion. however 2 x 4 area was sharper.

is this back focus problem which everyone is talking abt?

wah.... your pic difficult to tell leh... you could do the measurement test lah... but damn leh chay.....

Nikon Council is there almost every other weekday. You should check out with the regulars...

any NC regulars here?? please help this bro here.... :D

Hi Bro,

just some update. brought my camera to Nikon without receipt. No problem. Nikon will trace the DOR from the shop u buy from.

warranty registered with Nikon now. yuppiee...

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