
i can't believe we're discussing Nikon here in the Sony sub-forum :bsmilie:

i can't believe we're discussing Nikon here in the Sony sub-forum :bsmilie:

Well we had a huge thread on Oly cameras too.

Since most Nikon cameras use Sony sensors I guess it's logical. ;)

Cant wait to see the rumored 50mm f1.2 Zeiss.

Yes, I was going to pick up a Sigma 50mm f1.4 until I heard this. Now have to wait till September.....:confused:
If they really make one, I will be right in front of the queue. ;p

Yes, I was going to pick up a Sigma 50mm f1.4 until I heard this. Now have to wait till September.....:confused:
If they really make one, I will be right in front of the queue. ;p

Don't bet on it. Being first is not necessarily a good thing.

bro your english isn't making sense again :bsmilie:

Does it matter it really make sense.LOL Even if u can write queen English,you are just a yellow skin it won't not bring to u a first class from U. K. nor an American first class citizen.Just a out class resident. What is important they can understand wat I mean.

Too much Kingfisher beer? ;-) Anyway, I doubt it's smart to buy a D800/E and adapt A-mount lenses via an adapter with corrective lens element.

Sorry if u only look at D 4 or even NIKon d 800,there many cam example like Pentex , OM or even Fuji can use Sony lenses with adapter as well as well.why only looking at Big gun.:bsmilie:

Yes, I was going to pick up a Sigma 50mm f1.4 until I heard this. Now have to wait till September.....:confused:
If they really make one, I will be right in front of the queue. ;p
I doubt it, it's more likely they're going for the F1.4 patent. Not even Nikon has a recent 50mm F1.2 anymore.


Sorry if u only look at D 4 or even NIKon d 800,there many cam example like Pentex , OM or even Fuji can use Sony lenses with adapter as well as well.why only looking at Big gun.:bsmilie:
I don't but that was the one previously mentioned. Anyway, it was just meant as an example for a DSLR because I thought you were talking about those. :)

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My focus is not on new body as my A850 still serves me well. Furthermore, I hardly use it and so, I can wait till another model or APS-C (A77 or newer). My main focus now is on building up more lenses. First on list, 70-400mm and then fisheye and new flashes. I will get a new video camera by end of next year as got free vouchers. (mostly sony) If got a new FF camera with FULL video recording (maybe dual sensor, haha!), it will be ideal. :D

For Alpha mount ?:dunno: Do you have the link for the rumour ? :think:

sorry..forgot the link..but according to rumor site.. the admin say it will be release with the A99..or very soon after..
Anyway its logical..see..we dont have any G or CZ 50mm yet..its about time. right?

affordability?? Sony Lenses, when you compare them to the other brands', is actually better priced for the image quality, even though they're "normal" sony lenses. of course if you want better optics like CZ or G, then you pay more!

Sony Alpha still has the unique advantage over Nikon or even Canon bodies on the same FF league.
The image clarity with faithful color is the key....

Does it matter it really make sense.LOL Even if u can write queen English,you are just a yellow skin it won't not bring to u a first class from U. K. nor an American first class citizen.Just a out class resident. What is important they can understand wat I mean.


the problem is, i don't think many of us can understand your first sentence :bsmilie:


Sorry if u only look at D 4 or even NIKon d 800,there many cam example like Pentex , OM or even Fuji can use Sony lenses with adapter as well as well.why only looking at Big gun.:bsmilie:

what's the point of having so many top-notch lenses? you're forgetting that while the lens helps you achieve the shot, your skills are more important. even if one has all the lenses that Sony has to offer :bsmilie:

what's the point of having so many top-notch lenses? you're forgetting that while the lens helps you achieve the shot, your skills are more important. even if one has all the lenses that Sony has to offer :bsmilie:

More often than not, when you have too many lenses, you end up not knowing which one to deploy ........ You confuse yourself........ The cause of it ......LBA. :p

Does it matter it really make sense.LOL Even if u can write queen English,you are just a yellow skin it won't not bring to u a first class from U. K. nor an American first class citizen.Just a out class resident. What is important they can understand wat I mean.

Yes it does matter that it makes sense. Nothing about skin colour suggests that anyone can get away with bad command of language. If one chooses to communicate in that language, it not only makes sense but is common courtesy to ensure that their ideas and intentions are fully understood by others. What is important, as you have stated is that others understand exactly what you mean. First class citizen or not is what resides in your mind and the mind of others, just another way of exploiting racism.

Does it matter it really make sense.LOL Even if u can write queen English,you are just a yellow skin it won't not bring to u a first class from U. K. nor an American first class citizen.Just a out class resident. What is important they can understand wat I mean.

So you're saying that if you go to an "Ang Mo" country, you're second-class citizen because of your skin color?

Then how are you classified when you go to China ? would they, the mainlanders welcome you with open arms and hail you as one of their own ? ...I've seen Chinese going to China get treated much worst by the locals than in a western country.

So what does that makes you? ;)

So you're saying that if you go to an "Ang Mo" country, you're second-class citizen because of your skin color?

Then how are you classified when you go to China ? would they, the mainlanders welcome you with open arms and hail you as one of their own ? ...I've seen Chinese going to China get treated much worst by the locals than in a western country.

So what does that makes you? ;)

.............. an Alien ......... ET phone home ..........