A7r mk2

I am used to the f2.8 available and i like the DOF whenever i take portrait...
So hope to find something similar

for portrait, below lens can easily beat f/2.8 zoom even Sony has it, i presume 24-70

FE 35 f/1.4
FE 55 f/1.8
Batis FE 85 f/1.8

Depend which focal length u like.

for portrait, below lens can easily beat f/2.8 zoom even Sony has it, i presume 24-70

FE 35 f/1.4
FE 55 f/1.8
Batis FE 85 f/1.8

Depend which focal length u like.

I believe both lens u mentioned will dish out very nice portraits.

Thanks.. But i am looking for f2.8. Can't seems to find... Also sony FE lens are very very limited

There are other brands with FE lenses, for primes the 55/1.8 is very good for portraits. I also have the Zhong Yi Mitakon 85mm F1.2 but it is a manual lens. A great lens too.

Like the others have said, F2.8 can only be found on the A mount lenses like the 24-70 F2.8. You need the LA-EA4 adapter to mount on the Alpha 7 series cameras. Works in AF mode too.

Pardon me but isn't f2.8 on a cropped sensor like 7D equivalent to the f4 on a FF sensor? Also focal length like 17-55 with the crop factor is pretty close to 24-70 on FF.

Alright..the G Master is here..

now.. A7 series user have the F2.8 lenses now..

Just announced.
24-70 F2.8 GM
85 1.4 GM
70-200 F2.8 GM.

People will still kpkb saying that it is not a Zeiss lens.

Or it is overpriced. Cost too much for what it does.
Or AF is too slow.
Or metal is too cold to touch some times.
LOL. We are humans. Cant be helped la..

Finally, E mount F2.8 zoom lens. Take them long enough to come out (after their FF mark 2 come out 1 year later)

24-70 F2.8 GM, no oss means only 3 axis IS in body ?

Hi Seniors... Anyone here using 3rd party battery which can last longer. Thanks

Always use original battery... 3rd party battery may harm your lovely camera

+1.. If you can spend so much money on the camera, why would you take so much risk by scrimping on a few tens of dollars?