A Bridal in Paris, Summer 2006

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Congratulations! Have seen many stereotype wedding pics, but these simply outshine the rest.

Your works just show that I have a LLLOOOONNNNGGG way to go.


Absolutely lovely... Words cannot express how beautiful they are.. Have been looking at your works, am truly in awe of you. I am in love with Paris.. Can I book you for my wedding at an unknown future date? Hopefully in Paris and the south of France? *dreaming* Please..?

Thanks for the kind words. I would very much love to return for a shoot in Paris. Anytime...=)

Anyways...I will be back there in Aug and May next year for bridal shoots.

Your pics make me go Wow...:thumbsup:
The first 2 pics on the amusment ride are very nice especially the first 1, very very nice.
The rest of the pics are wonderful too, nice setting with great photographer = WOW!

Thanks for the kind words. I would very much love to return for a shoot in Paris. Anytime...=)

Anyways...I will be back there in Aug and May next year for bridal shoots.

I would absolutely love that if I could afford it.. ^^ You should check out Chateau Versailles and Montmartre as well.. And never never overlook the beauty south of Paris.. Like Annecy, the place where I took this..

How did u manage to get the shots in the Lourve? I shot my wedding pics (got a french photog - who shoots for the UN, who did very candid shots for me!) in Paris in April n we got chased away by security guards within 10 mins at the Lourve! Lovely photos! I want to return to Pars to do some landscape photography of my own soon!

AWESOME.....Wish I have the skill like you.

Annecy is a real beautiful city (old city and the lake = the purest in Europe), but avoid august, as it is summer holidays(soooo crowded). Better choose june or september. This year september' weather was perfect, (august was a nightmare, we got snow at 2000 m high!! nearby).
but there are a lot of a beautiful places in France. If i like so much Singapore, i do recognize that France is not so bad (i'm French !!;) )
hey guys, let me just smile when you say that Paris is Soooo Romantic. remember the riots. And now they are going to celebrate 1year anniversary, so i bet a lot of "fireworks" pretty soon, due to political manipulation before presidential election.
But this is not the subject.
back to the pictures, they are really nice and stunning :thumbsup:

How did u manage to get the shots in the Lourve? I shot my wedding pics (got a french photog - who shoots for the UN, who did very candid shots for me!) in Paris in April n we got chased away by security guards within 10 mins at the Lourve! Lovely photos! I want to return to Pars to do some landscape photography of my own soon!

Hi... brilliant that you had yours shot in Paris and by a parisian no less. =)

The situation with the Louvre I think very much depends very much on how much "they" precieve you are disturbing the public with your bridal shoot. We were very mindful of that and were actually warned not to disturb the ublic but they didnt stop us from shooting there...

Anyways, the crowd was excellent, people simply moved away to allow you the opportunity to shoot before clustering back in...talk about being civic minded...this happened all over (Monmarte, Versailles etc)

Omigosh...fabulous pics! You are really going places! Paris, Perth....what's next? ;)

Awesome photos!

I like the emotion, and idea behind each photo.

Btw, I heard that photos of the Elfel Tower at night are copyrighted?

i am certainly amazed. you really know your places in paris and the other areas very well!

Thoroughly enjoy viewing your photos. Just picking up photography, and your works are a real inspiration to me. So much feeling.
I'm a big fan. Simply awesome.

A+++ :thumbsup:

Have you taken pics in the lavender fields?

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