85 f1.8 or 135L?

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New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Hi, i'm having a dilema on choosing either 85 f1.8 and 135L for portrait. I'm going for good bokeh. Understanding that 135L is superior but is it worth the difference in price in your opinion? Please give me some comment on the differences between both lenses. Thanks.

How far might TS want to stand from the subject ?
This will be the answer to the question :)

In the canon EF lens book there is a beautiful half body portrait of a girl using a 300mm prime.
Anything is possible !! ;)

You can read the discussion HERE.
The TS there ask pretty much the same question like you...

I am using a 85mmf1.8 on a 50D and i personally find it sharp and a good portrait lens. Depends on what you need and your budget. Happy Shooting:)

both are very good prime lens,
it depends on which is your prefered focal length

Both 85 f/1.8 and 135 f/2.0 have fast AF. On FF body, if you do more indoor portraits, the 85mm will suit better as you might run out of space with your 135mm. If you do more head shots rather than full body portraits, then go for the longer focal length. As for me, I like the 85mm focal length better.

The L has better colors and is definitely sharper wide open. The bokeh is better on the L. It also comes with its own hood. It is more than twice the price of the 85 1.8 though.

You should try setting your 70-200 to either focal length for a few days each and shoot. Decide which focal length would be better for you that way. The 135 would have more compression and have less DOF.

Go for the 135L, you are gonna leave your 70-200 at home.
Cos it damn sweet on FF.

Go for the 135L, you are gonna leave your 70-200 at home.
Cos it damn sweet on FF.
That's why I sold my 70-200 f/2.8 IS+1.4x II ($2,500+$380=$2,880) and get the 135L+Kenko 1.4x ($1,320+$147=$1,467) and still have almost $1.2k spare for another lens...

I am still able to shoot the 135L at f/2.8 with the 1.4x extender at 189mm focal length...

That's why I sold my 70-200 f/2.8 IS+1.4x II ($2,500+$380=$2,880) and get the 135L+Kenko 1.4x ($1,320+$147=$1,467) and still have almost $1.2k spare for another lens...

I am still able to shoot the 135L at f/2.8 with the 1.4x extender at 189mm focal length...

thanks for the sharing :). but no zoom also a little inconvenient? no?

same as CS TAN, i used to have a 70-200 then later changed to 135+1.4x t-con, much lighter and sharper as well.
it depends on what you are shooting, if u are limited by the space to move around.
a zoom lens will surely be more convenient to use

Hi. I've had both lenses and they are both good. 135L is better but you pay more for it. In the end I kept only the 135L as the 85 was too close to my 50 1.4. If you plan to have only one prime, I think the 85 is more usable. 135 will not be of much use indoors as typically the room would not be that big

As others have mentioned, depends on what you plan to use the lens for. The uses of the 135L tend to be more specialised than the 85.

Good luck!

same as CS TAN, i used to have a 70-200 then later changed to 135+1.4x t-con, much lighter and sharper as well.
it depends on what you are shooting, if u are limited by the space to move around.
a zoom lens will surely be more convenient to use

i see.. my concern about the 70-200 f2.8 is its weight. my lens is just about 500gr but already give me neck ache. Really :cry: . cannot imagine carry that around to shoot. And see quite a lot selling their 70-200 f/4. hahah... so also not confident.

thanks for sharing! this sheds some light in my lens hunting haha.

but do u think it is too long for cropped sensor in 7D?

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hmm depends on what u are shooting.
was using that setup on 5D and 1D, was using a 70200 when i was using 1.6x bodies

but since u are looking for a portraits lens, and on 1.6x go for the 85, 135 might give u too little working space

hmm depends on what u are shooting.
was using that setup on 5D and 1D, was using a 70200 when i was using 1.6x bodies

but since u are looking for a portraits lens, and on 1.6x go for the 85, 135 might give u too little working space

thanks for the advice :).

why don't they have 85 1.8 L? :p

They have 85 1.2L

Because that's not needed ;) The 85 1.8 is one of the more popular and highly recommended non L primes and has a huge following.

One tip is that you should try to sling your camera over a shoulder instead of your neck. Eases the neck aches. I personally use the Cotton Carrier (www.cottoncarrier.com) but that would only come out for serious shoots.

why don't they have 85 1.8 L? :p
Ok! so it is about the "L". In that case, I think you would prefer the 85mm focal length but would prefer the "L" in the 135mm. The only way to solve your problem is for you to save up enough to get the 85L.

My preference focal length is also 85mm on FF and my favorite portrait lens is also the 85L. That is the first prime I get.

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Because that's not needed ;) The 85 1.8 is one of the more popular and highly recommended non L primes and has a huge following.
why is it not needed? Sorry... I am newbie. hahah

One more question, can we use the extender on 85? how come it is not listed on canon website:

Looking for a long lens to shoot sport. but the more i read, the more confused I become. haha....

Last weekend went to shoot some running event with my 17-50 :sweatsm: . So either too small, or I totally lost them :p

One tip is that you should try to sling your camera over a shoulder instead of your neck. Eases the neck aches. I personally use the Cotton Carrier (www.cottoncarrier.com) but that would only come out for serious shoots.

whenever I carry my camera out, already draw some attention :embrass: . If I carry that Cotton carrier, I think.... hahahha

Sorry to hijack the thread :p

Canon won't have 2 85mm 1.8 lenses and one branded with L. It just wouldn't make sense, unless they added stuff like HIS (like what they did to the 100 macro) and have better build quality. By then the price would increase 30-40% already.

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