8 Milo peng per second ... Thread XIX - All Hail - LOBANG KING!

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hahaha...i dun really like marina mandarin...haha...

orchard hotel better...=p

i attended a wedding there before, is it the one near the orchard Toys R Us there?

you are so right... maybe we take one each la, you go PA errz, i go PA cyrn... would want to PA will also.. but i think i might get in all of their ways more likely... -_-"

u realli wan to pa mi? :think:

my next confirmed shoot is christmas eve... wan to be second photog?

got 1 but she's in australia....
...... no gfs got same hobby as me.. :cry:

How come girls got no girlfriends one. :dunno:

aust also got access to CS mah.. here since when it's purely about photography... it's mainly about Milo Dino mah.

:think: :think: :think:

tis one I shoot for friend... ;) , juz tat I wan to eat the dinner "peacefully" and dun wan to shoot tables.

Else I wouldn't even take it up.... christmas eve leh. :angel:

tis one I shoot for friend... ;) , juz tat I wan to eat the dinner "peacefully" and dun wan to shoot tables.

Else I wouldn't even take it up.... christmas eve leh. :angel:

aiya... wasted.. i think i might be overseas... >.< pai seh sia...

How come girls got no girlfriends one. :dunno:

aust also got access to CS mah.. here since when it's purely about photography... it's mainly about Milo Dino mah.
got alot of girl friends.. but none of them want to sweat under the sun, walk far far and shoot... and talk bout lens, aperture .....

my fren gt come CS, juz no time + lazy to come in :bsmilie:

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