8 Milo peng per second ... Thread XIX - All Hail - LOBANG KING!

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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So arcanic also aspiring to be a wedding photographer?

haha, i aspiring to be a starving photographer...

i like taking weddings.. cos got a lot of emotions to be captured... but i think i am still a looong way off from people like cyrn, william, joho and the list goes on and on and on and on and on...

up til now only took about 4 AD, all for free... :bsmilie: cos they are all my personal friends... and they already have a main.. i just go there build experience only...

haha, i aspiring to be a starving photographer...

i like taking weddings.. cos got a lot of emotions to be captured... but i think i am still a looong way off from people like cyrn, william, joho and the list goes on and on and on and on and on...

up til now only took about 4 AD, all for free... :bsmilie: cos they are all my personal friends... and they already have a main.. i just go there build experience only...

u need PA boh

haha, i aspiring to be a starving photographer...

i like taking weddings.. cos got a lot of emotions to be captured... but i think i am still a looong way off from people like cyrn, william, joho and the list goes on and on and on and on and on...

up til now only took about 4 AD, all for free... :bsmilie: cos they are all my personal friends... and they already have a main.. i just go there build experience only...

hahaha...then next time u earn fm it liao...giv me the $$$...then become REAL STARVING PHOTOGRAPHER liao...:bsmilie:

eh, you ask wrong la... haha, should be we asking errz if he needs 2 PAs..

Errz = 神
u noe y?




so we are all under him...

Errz = 神
u noe y?




so we are all under him...

you are so right... maybe we take one each la, you go PA errz, i go PA cyrn... would want to PA will also.. but i think i might get in all of their ways more likely... -_-"

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