60`s Fashion Shooting Event @ Xenbar

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CSLee said:
A lot of ppl complain about the place(too small,messy,blah,blah ...), but this is a very good chance and place to train our skill.
A good photographer can take nice picture at what ever time or place.so we must try our best to overcome these problem.

I fail to understand what it is you were practicing. Regardless of the numbers and size of location, if you are practicing as a photographer then everything matters, especially the details. If you just want to practice being a little creative, getting the right composition and simply pressing the shutter button, then you have done that to a degree.

Whereas if you want to practice being a photographer then you must also take on the role of producer (normally done by a paying client). This means you must control every aspect of the shoot and marshal the inputs to produce the desired output. If you are posting your images and claiming credit for the final results, then it is assumed that you have done this and as such open your self to criticism as well as praise. In the images I have seen so far, both in this post and elsewhere, the effort can certainly be commended, especially under the circumstances, but the execution is poor.

The things that are being mentioned here, especially by Pro Image and Deadpoet are absolutely correct. Sure mistakes can be forgiven as long as you learn from them, but do not defend the making of mistakes, take the feedback offered, especially by those far more experienced then yourself and learn from them do not defend against criticism when it is well founded on relevant experience.

Guys, please don't turn into a war here. It's good if we can keep a cool head and just give better suggestions so that all the members can benefit, which includes those who have yet to attend a model shoot. There will always be members a little defensive about it but just let them know in a nice way so benefits us all instead of getting this thread lock up.

Please try to have a civilised feedback so the organiser can learn and produce better model photoshoots.

To me as a professional photographer, I would see this as a good platform for some photographers/hobbyists to be together and learn new things, make friends with each other BUT not too many in one group.

A max of 5-6 people would be good enough to keep everyone busy as after all joining model shoots is about going through a process learning to capture the essence of each model, framing them and piecing up together for the next 3.5 hours.

Peace man.....

well i guess in a situation like this, it's more a fun thing than a learning thing. i know i attend model shoots not becos i want to learn, but want to chill.

then again, i still take pride in shooting so while chilling, certain standards still need to be met. question here is, standards differ, either according to personal experience/expertise, and most importantly, pride. i'm too proud to post crap.

in case anyone's sensitive, i did NOT say these photos here in this thread are crap.

jOhO said:
well i guess in a situation like this, it's more a fun thing than a learning thing. i know i attend model shoots not becos i want to learn, but want to chill.

then again, i still take pride in shooting so while chilling, certain standards still need to be met. question here is, standards differ, either according to personal experience/expertise, and most importantly, pride. i'm too proud to post crap.

in case anyone's sensitive, i did NOT say these photos here in this thread are crap.
To me this is a good chance to learn too. That is to learn to take pictures even when there's a crowd in a confined area.

Most importantly, I'm shooting with friends and having fun.

yilishengxian said:
To me this is a good chance to learn too. That is to learn to take pictures even when there's a crowd in a confined area.

Most importantly, I'm shooting with friends and having fun.

no doubt, that is the view of someone who will try and make the most of a bad situation.
which is wholly commendable.

but i think the point is, when people who are paying money for such a shoot, should they be put in such a situation in the first place.

of course, those who like to be "tested" may relish such opportunities. but there are also those who like to have space and time with models and who would not enjoy shooting in such conditions.

given that shoots like this have to cater to everyone, then from an organisation perspective, i think organisers should by reason cater for those in the latter category.

or at the very least, now that this matter has arisen, in future, organisers should warn if there are any unusual conditions that are likely to be prevalent i.e. cramped conditions.

i also think, to be fair to all participants, that it would also be a good idea if a proper briefing was conducted before shoots, by the organisers, of the basic etiquette of group shooting.

There are so many things to comment, but almost no one commented on the "core" of the problem before pro-image and deadpoet.

Some of the pics posted on this thread are passible, a few are good, a lot need massive improvement. I had reframed from giving any comments since the thread starter intended this to be a sharing session and not a critque session. Giving comments like "nice series", "your pics are nice", " your pics are :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: " is not going to do any good, it will only "harm" the thread starter and others who have joined in to share.

Not going to get specific but somethings i noticed was that the make up was way off. In particular for elise. Did not know what the art director or MUA is trying to do but i doubt that in the 60s, women with sensual thick lips paint their lips that thick. Some poses had the model in such a weird position that it seems their shoulders are at risk of poping out. Very forced feeling to it.

Toking about training skills, if the back ground is messy, do something to clear it up. Or at least make an attempt to frame it in such a way that it looks intentional. This is definately lacking in a lot of the shots posted here.

Last time i join one event at Pulau Sibu its about 50 ppl and 2 model ,the model won't just pose for you only, its all depend on your skill how to get a good photo and no photographer complain it.
If you really want
1) Good BG.
2) Good Lighting.
3) Clean Mirrors.
4) Good Make-up.
you have to pay more, not just $61-68 for 6-7 model + Foods + MUA + 3 hour shooting time,
may be $40 for 15min or more expensive.

i also notice the negative part and hope the organisers can do better next time.

CSLee said:
Last time i join one event at Pulau Sibu its about 50 ppl and 2 model ,the model won't just pose for you only, its all depend on your skill how to get a good photo and no photographer complain it.
If you really want
1) Good BG.
2) Good Lighting.
3) Clean Mirrors.
4) Good Make-up.
you have to pay more, not just $61-68 for 6-7 model + Foods + MUA + 3 hour shooting time,
may be $40 for 15min or more expensive.

i also notice the negative part and hope the organisers can do better next time.

I just noticed you said Pulau Sibu (an island in Malaysia) which means it's very spacious comparable to Xenbar. It's at least 50 times larger than Xenbar? Which means photographers can be at any angle to shoot the the 2 models.

You can't really compare a bar to an island. Who would complain when they are in an island. Later the organisers abandon them.....hehe.:bsmilie:

You are right on it's photographers skills to make the best out of it, not just the models posing for you.

For the pricing matters, I wouldn't say you need to pay 15 mins for $40. If you see some other organisers like CHARBY, the pricing maybe be a little ex ($80-100 for 3 hours) but if you notice some of the photos which has been posts are relatively quite well done by our members here with nice place, clean bg, good lightings and good make-up. And most important with a maximum of 8-10 people in a group.

Pro Image said:
I just noticed you said Pulau Sibu (an island in Malaysia) which means it's very spacious comparable to Xenbar. It's at least 50 times larger than Xenbar? Which means photographers can be at any angle to shoot the the 2 models.

You can't really compare a bar to an island. Who would complain when they are in an island. Later the organisers abandon them.....hehe.:bsmilie:

You are right on it's photographers skills to make the best out of it, not just the models posing for you.

For the pricing matters, I wouldn't say you need to pay 15 mins for $40. If you see some other organisers like CHARBY, the pricing maybe be a little ex ($80-100 for 3 hours) but if you notice some of the photos which has been posts are relatively quite well done by our members here with nice place, clean bg, good lightings and good make-up. And most important with a maximum of 8-10 people in a group.

actually, on the charby shoots i been on, its been max 5 to a group..

Jus want to drop my personal opiniion...

I hope u ppl would forgive n forget abt the bad experience ..... If u want to give comments [more like complain], Y not sent email to Suekay so that she can look into the case n make better preparation....

Things will turn better the next time.... anyway Yilishengxian, Eow n I oso have quite alot of decent shots .... We have no regret to pay our $65, its worth it.... anyway Suekay does have her :thumbsup: models.... I give her a 8/10 for each model....:thumbsup:

Cyber said:
Jus want to drop my personal opiniion...

I hope u ppl would forgive n forget abt the bad experience ..... If u want to give comments [more like complain], Y not sent email to Suekay so that she can look into the case n make better preparation....

Things will turn better the next time.... anyway Yilishengxian, Eow n I oso have quite alot of decent shots .... We have no regret to pay our $65, its worth it.... anyway Suekay does have her :thumbsup: models.... I give her a 8/10 for each model....:thumbsup:

I think nobody is complaining in here. We are just observers and giving personal views on what we saw. Why be a hush hush affair? It is good to share and learn from this experience as there maybe other potential organisers wants to learn from this lesson. If we just write to SueKay, it would only be her knowing it, right?

As for photo wise, I shall not comment about it. If you think it's worth your $65.00, then I am glad about it if you just take it from a newbie point of view. The main reason for any forum is to share and talk about the experience that you all went through, be it good or bad. Posting photos will make you learn more than you expect. You will learn from it what comments are worth listening and what's not.

All models are beautiful and I always respect every single one of them. I will not gauge them on a scale of 10 but each model has their weakness and strong point. If make-up is done up professionally, the models that you have experience in this shoot will look even better than you expect. Trust me on this.

So far if you read through again, you can see some of our comments will actually help SueKay and other organisers. At least they will know what to avoid and what they can improve on future shoots which will benefit both parties.

Perhaps I should not comment as
  • the organizer, Suki, is my good friend,
  • I was involved in the shoot as a model,
  • I am not a photographer and do not have photography knowledge.
Nevertheless, I am here to learn as much as I can and progress. Thus, kindly allow me to comment.
I agree with
  • Pro_Image that
  • background is too messy and makeup is done averagely,
  • this is a good platform for some photographers / hobbyists to meet, make friends and learn new things.
I have no comment for the background regarding it messiness. Personally, I find the makeup unsuitable for me but at least, there is a makeup artist. I appreciate the makeup-artist effort. I did shoot before in the past that the photographers think having a makeup-artist is unimportant and did not hire one. The photos produced may be beautiful but the photos are still imperfect when they are enlarged.

* As I know, one of Suki’s initial intentions of this shoot is to provide a good platform for photographers / hobbyists and models to meet and make friends. Perhaps the models and photographers may even have their owe 1 to 1 shoot.
  • Deadpoet that
  • the Cheong Sams do not make the shoot 60s.
* Yes, Cheong Sam is not from the 60s shoot. As I know, Suki did her best to search for 60s costumes. She borrowed those Cheong Sam from me when she was unable to get enough 60s costumes for all models. As a selfish person, I hesitated lending those Cheong Sams to the models, as I dislike wearing clothes that have been worn by other ladies. I asked Suki to go shopping for 60s clothes but she did not. She mentioned to me that if she does so, the cost incurs will increase and photographers will have to pay more. Then, it may become expensive for some photographers to afford.
  • CSLee that
  • Xenbar is small yet a good chance to train up a photographer’s photography skills.
A good chance to train up a photographer’s problem-solving skills. Not everyday is a Sunday.
  • Jdredd that
  • perhaps photographers who paid for this shoot, should not be put in such a situation,
  • there are photographers who prefer to have more space and time with the model,
  • organizer should cater for photographers who prefer more space and time too,
  • there should be a proper briefing regarding basic etiquette in a group shoot before the shoot.
Yes, perhaps photographers should not be put in such a situation. However, there is rarely anything that is low-price and excellent at the same time. I can’t say I am an experience model but I am sure you guys are aware there are models who did a few shoot, mentioned they are experience and charge photographers at the average market rate. Of course, a few of these models have the supermodel potential are right to charge average market rate right after a few shoot.
  • Ren Hao that
  • the makeup on me is way off that perhaps women with thick sensual lip paint their lips thick.
Yes, the makeup is off for me, especially my lipstick. With a thick sensual lip, I should not have my lips painted glossy. The make-up artist should use matt lipstick. Nevertheless, it is only right for me to accept the makeup. I should respect the makeup-artist artwork.

*Suki, please correct me if I mentioned anything wrongly.

I’m not siding with any party but simply revealing my thoughts. If I did offend anyone, please excuse me for my shallowness.

elise_ng said:
Perhaps I should not comment as
  • the organizer, Suki, is my good friend,
  • I was involved in the shoot as a model,
  • I am not a photographer and do not have photography knowledge.
Nevertheless, I am here to learn as much as I can and progress. Thus, kindly allow me to comment.
I agree with
  • Pro_Image that
  • background is too messy and makeup is done averagely,
  • this is a good platform for some photographers / hobbyists to meet, make friends and learn new things.
I have no comment for the background regarding it messiness. Personally, I find the makeup unsuitable for me but at least, there is a makeup artist. I appreciate the makeup-artist effort. I did shoot before in the past that the photographers think having a makeup-artist is unimportant and did not hire one. The photos produced may be beautiful but the photos are still imperfect when they are enlarged.

* As I know, one of Suki’s initial intentions of this shoot is to provide a good platform for photographers / hobbyists and models to meet and make friends. Perhaps the models and photographers may even have their owe 1 to 1 shoot.
  • Deadpoet that
  • the Cheong Sams do not make the shoot 60s.
* Yes, Cheong Sam is not from the 60s shoot. As I know, Suki did her best to search for 60s costumes. She borrowed those Cheong Sam from me when she was unable to get enough 60s costumes for all models. As a selfish person, I hesitated lending those Cheong Sams to the models, as I dislike wearing clothes that have been worn by other ladies. I asked Suki to go shopping for 60s clothes but she did not. She mentioned to me that if she does so, the cost incurs will increase and photographers will have to pay more. Then, it may become expensive for some photographers to afford.
  • CSLee that
  • Xenbar is small yet a good chance to train up a photographer’s photography skills.
A good chance to train up a photographer’s problem-solving skills. Not everyday is a Sunday.
  • Jdredd that
  • perhaps photographers who paid for this shoot, should not be put in such a situation,
  • there are photographers who prefer to have more space and time with the model,
  • organizer should cater for photographers who prefer more space and time too,
  • there should be a proper briefing regarding basic etiquette in a group shoot before the shoot.
Yes, perhaps photographers should not be put in such a situation. However, there is rarely anything that is low-price and excellent at the same time. I can’t say I am an experience model but I am sure you guys are aware there are models who did a few shoot, mentioned they are experience and charge photographers at the average market rate. Of course, a few of these models have the supermodel potential are right to charge average market rate right after a few shoot.
  • Ren Hao that
  • the makeup on me is way off that perhaps women with thick sensual lip paint their lips thick.
Yes, the makeup is off for me, especially my lipstick. With a thick sensual lip, I should not have my lips painted glossy. The make-up artist should use matt lipstick. Nevertheless, it is only right for me to accept the makeup. I should respect the makeup-artist artwork.

*Suki, please correct me if I mentioned anything wrongly.

I’m not siding with any party but simply revealing my thoughts. If I did offend anyone, please excuse me for my shallowness.

No you did not. In fact it's nice to share with all of us.

You are in www.modelmayhem.com right?

Pro Image said:
No you did not. In fact it's nice to share with all of us.

You are in www.modelmayhem.com right?

Thank you for your consideration. Thank you!

Yes, I'm in modelmayhem and onemodelplace too. Is there anything wrong with it? :embrass:

elise_ng said:
Thank you for your consideration. Thank you!

Yes, I'm in modelmayhem and onemodelplace too. Is there anything wrong with it? :embrass:

Haha.....no lar......nice photos of you. Better than what's in here.....keke!:bsmilie:

Pro Image said:
Haha.....no lar......nice photos of you. Better than what's in here.....keke!:bsmilie:

Thank you but DUH... The photos here are beautiful too. I think the photographers did a good job even though the resources are restricted.

Silly Flower's Portfolio

elise_ng said:
Thank you but DUH... The photos here are beautiful too. I think the photographers did a good job even though the resources are restricted.

Silly Flower's Portfolio

From a professional point of view.........DUH......none of the photos made you look good.

Resources maybe restricted but it should not be a hinder to any photographers.....LOL:bsmilie:

Pro Image said:
I just noticed you said Pulau Sibu (an island in Malaysia) which means it's very spacious comparable to Xenbar. It's at least 50 times larger than Xenbar? Which means photographers can be at any angle to shoot the the 2 models.

You can't really compare a bar to an island. Who would complain when they are in an island. Later the organisers abandon them.....hehe.:bsmilie:

You are right on it's photographers skills to make the best out of it, not just the models posing for you.

For the pricing matters, I wouldn't say you need to pay 15 mins for $40. If you see some other organisers like CHARBY, the pricing maybe be a little ex ($80-100 for 3 hours) but if you notice some of the photos which has been posts are relatively quite well done by our members here with nice place, clean bg, good lightings and good make-up. And most important with a maximum of 8-10 people in a group.

Ya, island is big when come to shooting its a difference story.

CSLee said:
Ya, island is big when come to shooting its a difference story.
I agree :angel:

elise_ng said:
Thank you but DUH... The photos here are beautiful too. I think the photographers did a good job even though the resources are restricted.

Silly Flower's Portfolio

:thumbsup: thanx for the compliment....on behalf of those photographers who posted your pics....

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