50D user....come in!!!

Purchased a 50D 18mm-55mm kit, plus a 70mm-300mm IS USM from Bally. Altogether with addition battery and UV lens total $3089.
1) Shinomori
2) Roasty
3) clioboy
4) Rubber_Duck
5) gwunwai
6) hammie
7) Blackgoddess
8) Habib Ansari
9) alieniverson79
10) alling
11) Jules
12) linkk
13) sanfong
14) bEnd1ck
15) lyz77
16) Andrewyeo85
17) jhune09
18) solasido
19) Geylang
20) Sukevin
21) Gonjolz
22) khloh46 (Keith)
23) Jamesu
24) Rossi (newbie to DSLR)
25) valentinik
26) inked
27) Moebius
28) mmjia
29) TakeTwo
30) CY Liyu
31) SoonHan
32) zeyar20 (Beginner)
33) Alex87
34) Alloycious
35) ahboy168 (Newbie)
36) Yaevlejunce
37) Jcanon
38) MolaMola
39) Kelvinkoh81
40) disegno
41) ayanbhe
42) Microscope
43) nickyeow
44) n a u t i b o y
45) adzean (newbie)
46) level18 (newbie)
47) kekteo
48) suzzer (noob)
49) crs69 (newbie)
50) hamsomeJ
51) Nigel84
52) xtn32
53)ngian (noob)
54) blue2th
55) Oyster26
56) GaleFujimiya

Last edited:
Purchased a 50D 18mm-55mm kit, plus a 70mm-300mm IS USM from Bally. Altogether with addition battery and UV lens total $3089. $1850

Wat kind of battery and UV filter?

UV filter is a simple one...my fren sold me for $10? And the batt is compatible, $25

Hey 50D users,
not too sure if you know this or if you're interested in reading it...there's this guide book called "Canon EOS 50D Digital Field Guide" which is available for us (well maybe me cos i'm still new) to understand more about the 50D and how to use each of it's functions and when and where to use the functions. Much more better than the "lauya" manual that came with the camera. At least now i am able to master my own camera without cracking my brains. :bsmilie:

It's a yellow colored book written by Charlotte K. Lowrie. I've searched through Harris, popular and borders but only found Kinokuniya at Ngee Ann City carrying it. going for approx $34.19.

Also available for many other models.

Purchased a 50D 18mm-55mm kit, plus a 70mm-300mm IS USM from Bally. Altogether with addition battery and UV lens total $3089.
1) Shinomori
2) Roasty
3) clioboy
4) Rubber_Duck
5) gwunwai
6) hammie
7) Blackgoddess
8) Habib Ansari
9) alieniverson79
10) alling
11) Jules
12) linkk
13) sanfong
14) bEnd1ck
15) lyz77
16) Andrewyeo85
17) jhune09
18) solasido
19) Geylang
20) Sukevin
21) Gonjolz
22) khloh46 (Keith)
23) Jamesu
24) Rossi (newbie to DSLR)
25) valentinik
26) inked
27) Moebius
28) mmjia
29) TakeTwo
30) CY Liyu
31) SoonHan
32) zeyar20 (Beginner)
33) Alex87
34) Alloycious
35) ahboy168 (Newbie)
36) Yaevlejunce
37) Jcanon
38) MolaMola
39) Kelvinkoh81
40) disegno
41) ayanbhe
42) Microscope
43) nickyeow
44) n a u t i b o y
45) adzean (newbie)
46) level18 (newbie)
47) kekteo
48) suzzer (noob)
49) crs69 (newbie)
50) hamsomeJ
51) Nigel84
52) xtn32
53)ngian (noob)
54) blue2th
55) Oyster26
56) GaleFujimiya
57) tf2628 (newbie)

UV filter is a simple one...my fren sold me for $10? And the batt is compatible, $25

Surely a ripped off. Sorry to let you know that. Just need to call any reputable shop ask for the price and compare, yes including 70-300 IS

Surely a ripped off. Sorry to let you know that. Just need to call any reputable shop ask for the price and compare, yes including 70-300 IS

I don't have a very good impression of Bally either, personally.
I went to them cos I saw them included in the Canon DSLR Prices section (so I assumed they are considered "reputable retailers"). And indeed, they opened their prices very competitively saying price was net.
So I went around for a while and decided to go back to them.
This time, story changed. They whip out their calculator and slap on GST. So I protested and told them that was not what they said at first. But they insisted it was. So I took my money and left.

Another time I called and asked for a quote of a lens I was considering.
They come up with the usual got-something-to-hide practice of saying "Sorry we don't quote price over telephone". So fine, I take my business elsewhere too.

Difficult to visualize "strip" of light, better to post photo here. By the way, did you use a diffuser?

Haven experience any err03 yet. Could be battery connection.






Hey 50D users,
not too sure if you know this or if you're interested in reading it...there's this guide book called "Canon EOS 50D Digital Field Guide" which is available for us (well maybe me cos i'm still new) to understand more about the 50D and how to use each of it's functions and when and where to use the functions. Much more better than the "lauya" manual that came with the camera. At least now i am able to master my own camera without cracking my brains. :bsmilie:

It's a yellow colored book written by Charlotte K. Lowrie. I've searched through Harris, popular and borders but only found Kinokuniya at Ngee Ann City carrying it. going for approx $34.19.

Also available for many other models.

You can try the book by David D.Bush, he is the #1 camera guide author. The book can be purchase 1 floor funan Riceball shop. I bought it...The book consist of all you need to know about 50D...how to use the functions...IMHO...so far its the best book for 50D. you guys can take a look;)

1) Shinomori
2) Roasty
3) clioboy
4) Rubber_Duck
5) gwunwai
6) hammie
7) Blackgoddess
8) Habib Ansari
9) alieniverson79
10) alling
11) Jules
12) linkk
13) sanfong
14) bEnd1ck
15) lyz77
16) Andrewyeo85
17) jhune09
18) solasido
19) Geylang
20) Sukevin
21) Gonjolz
22) khloh46 (Keith)
23) Jamesu
24) Rossi (newbie to DSLR)
25) valentinik
26) inked
27) Moebius
28) mmjia
29) TakeTwo
30) CY Liyu
31) SoonHan
32) zeyar20 (Beginner)
33) Alex87
34) Alloycious
35) ahboy168 (Newbie)
36) Yaevlejunce
37) Jcanon
38) MolaMola
39) Kelvinkoh81
40) disegno
41) ayanbhe
42) Microscope
43) nickyeow
44) n a u t i b o y
45) adzean (newbie)
46) level18 (newbie)
47) kekteo
48) suzzer (noob)
49) crs69 (newbie)
50) hamsomeJ
51) Nigel84
52) xtn32
53)ngian (noob)
54) blue2th
55) Oyster26
56) GaleFujimiya
57) tf2628 (newbie)
58) HolySharK


Internal flash dont produce such result, until something is blocking the flash during shutter closure which I doubt. Better to send to CSC liao.

Internal flash dont produce such result, until something is blocking the flash during shutter closure which I doubt. Better to send to CSC liao.

Yah... send it to CSC.. btw without the flash.. do u hav this problem?

Btw... there's a firmware update for 50D...

anyone upgraded yet? seems like this will fix the noises when we save in sRaw (I didnt even know we got this problem)

Internal flash dont produce such result, until something is blocking the flash during shutter closure which I doubt. Better to send to CSC liao.

I kinda reproduced the kind of image you are getting.

Does your flash pop up fully when you take the pic or is it like somehow stuck halfway?

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You can try the book by David D.Bush, he is the #1 camera guide author. The book can be purchase 1 floor funan Riceball shop. I bought it...The book consist of all you need to know about 50D...how to use the functions...IMHO...so far its the best book for 50D. you guys can take a look;)

Hey bro.

I'm looking such a book to read up. Thanks for the advice ! =)

hello 50D users, any idea how much is the 50D nowadays? including 18-200mm lens? what about 18-55mm? planning to upgrade soon ;)

it's S$2.5k est.... with 18-200mm
abt S$1.9k with 18-55mm

Am still thinking if the 18-200mm is worth it?

Quoted from..... http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/digital/10d300dlenses.html

My Lens Recommendations for APS-C DSLRs (Rebels, 20D, 30D etc.)

There are dozens of possible lens combinations and the one that's best for you depends on your particular needs and how much you want to spend. Here are three or four suggestions, but they are by no means the only good combinations. I'm sticking here with the modestly priced lenses described above which I think represent good value. Obviously you could buy all fast "L" series primes and zooms, but besides being larger and heavier, they are also significantly more expensive.

I'd say that the best low cost solution would be the 18-55 coupled with a 50/1.8 and a 75-300. This gives you one wide-angle zoom, one telephoto zoom and one fast lens ideal for portrait work. I wouldn't worry too much about the gap between 55mm and 75mm.

The best single lens solution is probably the EF 28-135 IS or the EF-S 17-85/4-5.6. The 28-135 doesn't go very wide (45mm equivalent), but it does go quite long (216mm equivalent) and it has image stabilization so you can hand hold the system in conditions where you'd need a tripod to get sharp shots with a non-IS lens. It's a very sharp lens too! If you want more at the wide end and don't care so much about the long end, then the EF-S 17-85 is the obvious choice. Of course I'd throw in a $70 50/1.8 for really low light work and portrait work where you want blurred backgrounds. I know that's two lenses, but the 50/1.8 is so small and cheap, it doesn't really count!

The best two lens solution if you want to cover all bases at reasonable cost would be to add the EF 70-300/4-5.6IS USM to the single lens package as above. You'd than have 18-300mm covered with image stabilized lenses (and of course the EF 50/1.8 II for when you need a fast lens).

The best higher end solution might be the EF-S 10-22/3.5-4.5 for the truly wide end of the range, a Tamron 28-75/2.8 Di for the mid-range and the 70-200/4L for the telephoto end of the range. If you want to stick with Canon lenses and also cover the 24-28mm range, you could pick the EF 24-85/3.5-4.5 (or the EF 24-70/2.8L, depending on the depth of your wallet!).

Yah... send it to CSC.. btw without the flash.. do u hav this problem?

Btw... there's a firmware update for 50D...

anyone upgraded yet? seems like this will fix the noises when we save in sRaw (I didnt even know we got this problem)

No, I dont have this problem. Moreover I dont use the internal flash.:bsmilie:

This version is not critical, more for new flash 270ex. Dont really need to do anything unless you are getting the flash.

Lost my 40D *sob*, bought a 50D *hooray*!

1) Shinomori
2) Roasty
3) clioboy
4) Rubber_Duck
5) gwunwai
6) hammie
7) Blackgoddess
8) Habib Ansari
9) alieniverson79
10) alling
11) Jules
12) linkk
13) sanfong
14) bEnd1ck
15) lyz77
16) Andrewyeo85
17) jhune09
18) solasido
19) Geylang
20) Sukevin
21) Gonjolz
22) khloh46 (Keith)
23) Jamesu
24) Rossi (newbie to DSLR)
25) valentinik
26) inked
27) Moebius
28) mmjia
29) TakeTwo
30) CY Liyu
31) SoonHan
32) zeyar20 (Beginner)
33) Alex87
34) Alloycious
35) ahboy168 (Newbie)
36) Yaevlejunce
37) Jcanon
38) MolaMola
39) Kelvinkoh81
40) disegno
41) ayanbhe
42) Microscope
43) nickyeow
44) n a u t i b o y
45) adzean (newbie)
46) level18 (newbie)
47) kekteo
48) suzzer (noob)
49) crs69 (newbie)
50) hamsomeJ
51) Nigel84
52) xtn32
53)ngian (noob)
54) blue2th
55) Oyster26
56) GaleFujimiya
57) tf2628 (newbie)
58) HolySharK
59) KingKwong (newbie)

1) Shinomori
2) Roasty
3) clioboy
4) Rubber_Duck
5) gwunwai
6) hammie
7) Blackgoddess
8) Habib Ansari
9) alieniverson79
10) alling
11) Jules
12) linkk
13) sanfong
14) bEnd1ck
15) lyz77
16) Andrewyeo85
17) jhune09
18) solasido
19) Geylang
20) Sukevin
21) Gonjolz
22) khloh46 (Keith)
23) Jamesu
24) Rossi (newbie to DSLR)
25) valentinik
26) inked
27) Moebius
28) mmjia
29) TakeTwo
30) CY Liyu
31) SoonHan
32) zeyar20 (Beginner)
33) Alex87
34) Alloycious
35) ahboy168 (Newbie)
36) Yaevlejunce
37) Jcanon
38) MolaMola
39) Kelvinkoh81
40) disegno
41) ayanbhe
42) Microscope
43) nickyeow
44) n a u t i b o y
45) adzean (newbie)
46) level18 (newbie)
47) kekteo
48) suzzer (noob)
49) crs69 (newbie)
50) hamsomeJ
51) Nigel84
52) xtn32
53)ngian (noob)
54) blue2th
55) Oyster26
56) GaleFujimiya
57) tf2628 (newbie)
58) HolySharK
59) KingKwong (newbie)
60) tabako