50D unable to switch on. Anyone had same problem?


Jun 29, 2008
Singapore | Perth, Australia
Hi guys.

Camera decided to go on strike today and refuse to be powered on.
Was working perfectly yesterday.

Used my batteries on my friends 30D and they were full.

Anyone encountered such a problem before?

Thanks in advance!

Bring down to Canon service center for a check.
The technician is more helpfull with technical problems.

I encountered once...but it did indicate "error 50" on the screen....Brought it to CSC and was told that the firmware corrupted...thus they reinstall and it works again....CSC is the best solution...

Just a little update
The guy at the counter said could be short circuited
I was hit by some drizzle yesterday but i kept my camera soon after, had some drizzles last time but no problem...

But anyway...
He quoted me budget of $350...
No warranty. The ex owner told me this cam had international warranty. I got conned... sigh . Valid only in Canada and USA.

Had the same problem on my 40D, I paid 400$+ to fix this (forgot with or without GST). This all Canon problems start make me worried.

Had the same problem on my 40D, I paid 400$+ to fix this (forgot with or without GST). This all Canon problems start make me worried.

your cam is not water proof lah :bsmilie:
take care when you take pics in the rain

Just a little update
The guy at the counter said could be short circuited
I was hit by some drizzle yesterday but i kept my camera soon after, had some drizzles last time but no problem...

But anyway...
He quoted me budget of $350...
No warranty. The ex owner told me this cam had international warranty. I got conned... sigh . Valid only in Canada and USA.

Sorry to hear that.

But you should have done your part as well to find out about the warranty policies. In CS here, a lot of us has posted time and time again that Camera bodies are only local warranty. It is even a sticky in the BnS section I think. Only lenses have international warranty.

Anyway, good luck with the repair.

wei jie ar? hehe happened to see this thread =)

Just a little update
The guy at the counter said could be short circuited
I was hit by some drizzle yesterday but i kept my camera soon after, had some drizzles last time but no problem...

But anyway...
He quoted me budget of $350...
No warranty. The ex owner told me this cam had international warranty. I got conned... sigh . Valid only in Canada and USA.
The only camera body carries international warranty is Olympus. Sony does have "Tourist Limited Warranty" for digital cameras, DSLRs and lenses but not flashes. Canon and Nikon have international warranty for lenses and flashes but not DSLR bodies.

The issue is not about warranty.

Even if it is a local set, does warranty covers short circuit because the camera was used in a downpour situation? Is this considered as a manufacturer defect? If yes, then warranty is useful, else it has no meaning.

I still remember one guy posted some time ago to say that he wanted to test whether the 1-series camera can withstand washing by running tap water. But don't know what is the outcome. Can someone update if you do recall?

I still remember one guy posted some time ago to say that he wanted to test whether the 1-series camera can withstand washing by running tap water. But don't know what is the outcome. Can someone update if you do recall?

Best way to clean camera :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Had the same problem on my 40D, I paid 400$+ to fix this (forgot with or without GST). This all Canon problems start make me worried.

The problem which TS had is user problem doesnt link with manufacture defects.. if everyone "blame" canon for user problem, it will be unfair for the CSC or other brand's service centre. ;p

Sorry for the late reply .
Sent the camera to Camera Hospital, changed 2 PCBs for $400, got it back within 2 days.

CSC quoted me nearly $800 and when i said I would take my camera elsewhere to repair, I'm sure i heard a chuckle from the guy on the phone. Very professional...

Sorry to hear that.

But you should have done your part as well to find out about the warranty policies. In CS here, a lot of us has posted time and time again that Camera bodies are only local warranty. It is even a sticky in the BnS section I think. Only lenses have international warranty.

Anyway, good luck with the repair.

Yes, my fault on my part to be too trusting, lesson learnt :) Anyway warranty period is over so no issues anymore. Given that Camera Hosp is 5mins from my house, I would use them.

wei jie ar? hehe happened to see this thread =)


The issue is not about warranty.

Even if it is a local set, does warranty covers short circuit because the camera was used in a downpour situation? Is this considered as a manufacturer defect? If yes, then warranty is useful, else it has no meaning.

Not sure what happened, a drizzle definitely wouldn't cause that i hope.. as evident by that photo of that abused 50D.

The problem which TS had is user problem doesnt link with manufacture defects.. if everyone "blame" canon for user problem, it will be unfair for the CSC or other brand's service centre. ;p

It should be my fault but not sure what caused it.
Even high end brands have problems at times, you mean that will stop you from getting? Canon is as reliable as Olympus/Nikon etc...

Shortlisted the problems to
- 3rd Party Batt
- That short drizzle before i took my cam undershelter
- Improper disconnection from PC

Wonder if 3rd party batt is really the cause, I've not used my 3rd party for a long time now, just leaving in my cam bag in case my original batt dies.

Thanks for all your advices guys.
Lesson learnt as well.

i dun think improper connection from PC will short cirucit your cam ... unless your USB sends a hi voltage into your cam
in which case, your pc got problem.

3rd party batt seems unlikely the reason as well and there are many 3rd party batt ard, never heard that the batt short ciruit any cams ard.
a short cirucit within the batt will probably dmg the batt it self and heats up and explode... electricity would take the path of less resistance so it probably wont go thru your cam and short ciruit

i think it is more likly some how water had gotten inside your cam and somehow u didnt realise that.
you dun need to soak your cam inside water to get it dmg. a drop of water on the impt circuit board and it can be fried.

in any warranty case, your cam is not cover under exposure to water regardless where u buy from.
same as other gadgets ard like iphone etc