3rd KT Outing : Invasion of Pulau Ubin (11/09/2005)

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Nice shots you have here :thumbsup: , alucard aka dracula.;)

alucard said:
oranges anyone?

Orange ;p , Got Apple...

alucard said:
More photos (better resolution) here. some older photos there too, would be nice if some CSers can give comments on them.

Bro, no link...... page unfound.

S11loop said:
lets do a BIRDING with K750i ! james can ?

Can... but u need to help me attach my birding lens onto the k750i first :sweat: :sweat: :bsmilie:

Inside the house of the uncle that sells drinks...


Fashion Accessory (anyone doing M.O. on these shades?)

"What shall I shoot next?"

Wah... PTI Snowspeeding tekaned the poor lizard! hehhee

S11loop said:
let me share 1 photo first coz just get hold of a very nice show " Legend of speed 2 " need to watch 20 series , will upload the rest later at night if possible .

1) The Gathering


never touch nor rearrange the chairs ... its in this form when i spotted them .

Hey Clement! I was right behind when you took that shot. I took on a different angle. Hopefully that B&W shot turns out good. Just send my rolls to Ruby Photo for Contact Prints. :)

T16 said:
the guy who shouted "Leica!" upon seeing my Seagull rangefinder >> could it be mann aka Mannish?
the guy who showed me his digi-lightmeter >> could it be DCA aka Andrew?
the guy who wore Nikon T-shirt who took our group foto with the Seagull 4B TLR. >> could it be Snowspeeder aka Lundy?

Thanks T16! So how do I address you? :)

alucard said:
a shot of me flickr :eek:

it was me... :embrass: heat stroke.... :)

Hello there alucard! I saw you were using a Angle Finder. What brand is it? Seagull or Nikon? I know Seagull sells angle finder too which I saw it on a Chinese website (sy916.net). :)
How much did u get it for? and where?

Cheers mate!

alucard said:
some of my newbie snaps...

when the ice-cream has melted away...



I like yr 1st shot - looks like an interesting fine-art shot to me. The textures on the rock-like table thing with the 2 ice-cream sticks, makes it look like an ancient sun-dial, telling time in the ancient way. :)

I like that snail shot too. You could have shoot more different angle of it, to capture its beautiful patterns on its shell. 'Touched' shows great details of the plant's hairy stem. Cool! :)

snowspeeder said:
Inside the house of the uncle that sells drinks...
"What shall I shoot next?"

Hi Lundy! Whoa! Didn't know I was snapped. In fact I was waiting for a vehicle or a cyclist to ride pass the road. Got a few shots and still crossing my fingers hoping all of my B&W shots are good enuff to show everyone. Most likely to get them printed and upload by next week. Cheers! ;)

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
T16 din go... but u can call him PS or Peng Siong..

OK! Thanks Andrew! Nice talking to you on dat day. What brand is yr hand-held lightmeter and how much is it? :) Looks pretty cool and small for easy carry-around. :)

Mezzotint said:
OK! Thanks Andrew! Nice talking to you on dat day. What brand is yr hand-held lightmeter and how much is it? :) Looks pretty cool and small for easy carry-around. :)

its the cheapest digital light meter... hehe.. Polaris 100 - cost about 200, i think... trying to save for a minolta...

nice talking to you too... hmm nice talking to everybody also...

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