3rd CanonGraphers Meeting < >

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Canew said:
Wah! What torture tool were you referring to Master Choy?

orh you haven't kena the Grand Disciplinarian torturing… ahem I mean disciplining you with the &#24635;&#38464;&#20027;'s &#31070;&#38829;&#12290;


hwchoy said:
orh you haven't kena the Grand Disciplinarian torturing… ahem I mean disciplining you with the &#24635;&#38464;&#20027;'s &#31070;&#38829;&#12290;


Whoa i think i'll skip this meeting...

Raptor... cannot you must come... want to meet you and talk abt SPCA... :D

You didn't do anything wrong, no need to worry abt USM's KinKy Tool&#8482;

philliptan said:
Raptor... cannot you must come... want to meet you and talk abt SPCA... :D

You didn't do anything wrong, no need to worry abt USM's KinKy Tool™

Sorry to say that most of the spca pics taken with PANASONIC :D only a few with canon :sweat:

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
4) +evenstar
6) Deadpoet
7) John Tan
8) jus
9) cyber_m0nkey
10) horsba85 (looks like i can make it
Sorry guys..I've gotta pull out of this meeting.Got a competiton to shoot.
Rock on guys...forever Canon

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
4) +evenstar
5) jediforce4ever
6) Deadpoet
7) John Tan
8) jus
9) cyber_m0nkey
10) horsba85 (looks like i can make it)
11) AMD1600

I'll be going too.. but don't know where is the exact location... got address?:dunno:

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
4) +evenstar
5) Deadpoet
6) John Tan
7) jus
8) cyber_m0nkey
9) horsba85 (looks like i can make it)
10) AMD1600
11) raptor84 (possibly see what time my classes finish)

i might be late for 7pm. probably 7.30. anyone wants dinner?

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
5) Deadpoet
6) John Tan
7) jus
8) cyber_m0nkey
9) horsba85 (looks like i can make it)
10) AMD1600
11) raptor84 (possibly see what time my classes finish)

got a sch function to attend to

shld i come along? then can get my card from phillip :sweat:

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
5) Deadpoet
6) John Tan
7) jus
8) cyber_m0nkey
9) horsba85 (looks like i can make it)
10) AMD1600
11) raptor84 (possibly see what time my classes finish)
12) Ren_Hao (Should be coming)

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
5) Deadpoet
6) John Tan
7) jus
8) cyber_m0nkey
9) horsba85 (looks like i can make it)
10) AMD1600
11) raptor84 (possibly see what time my classes finish)
12) Ren_Hao (Should be coming)
13) sumball (will try to be there)

So, it is at 2ns floor? First timer...

1) USM
2) philliptan
3) shadowmoses
4) Deadpoet
5) jus
6) cyber_m0nkey
7) horsba85 (looks like i can make it)
8) AMD1600
9) raptor84 (possibly see what time my classes finish)
10) Ren_Hao (Should be coming)
11) sumball (will try to be there)

Not free tomorrow....hope u guys enjoy & make this meeting a success.

Where is Slaam??? :dunno:

It seems that he has disappeared from the earth.

Judge hwchoy, you have the responsiblity to locate him and bring him to us on Friday evening. ;p

nice to meet u guys there. hope to be present the next time too.

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