37th season of Weight Loss Cafe. Its around the corner.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

cos there got a poing poing poing....................

dang. what did i missed for the past few weeks? dun understand poing poing poing.

and what is hbk?

Heart-Break Kid.. why you keep asking this question? the answer is already given so many time....

ohh............kk. i thought you people joking only.:what:

hee hee.:bsmilie:

Still in US?

yeah. now in houston texas. i missed NY.:( being with friends(esp girls) was much more fun.

how is the night over there? is it very dark during the night time? can shoot stars or not?

well..... i will let this picture speak for itself.

cos that fella was poing poing poing after it...the poor chicken was scared shi-tless.. :bsmilie:

hey, you replied! :D i was worried if you were angry about me quoting you in my signiture.

you miss being with girls meh? cos you share their makeup kit etc is it? :bsmilie:

well... let's say whenever i go into the bathroom, i see certain "clothes" hanging on the door.

NO! i did not touch anything. i left it there untouched.:angel:
edit: but please dun get to wrong idea. it wasn't that that made the trip fun.

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