Recent content by xlynn

  1. xlynn

    Sound out! 60 Second video contest, win cash prizes up to $2000!

    Very Good price for the technology.
  2. xlynn

    Nikon FM2

    Good review.
  3. xlynn

    where to change light seals for a canon ql17 GIII?

    Thanks for posting.
  4. xlynn

    Timelapse on NEX-7

  5. xlynn

    Chroma Green / Blue (3x5m) + Backdop stand - $180

    Very Good price for the technology.
  6. xlynn

    Canon S100 or iPhone 5?

    I think Canon S100 is better.
  7. xlynn

    Budget professional camcorder

    Take a look at Canon EOS Rebel T3i. Although it is a DSLR, it shoots 1080p HD at 30 fps and 720p at 60 fps.
  8. xlynn

    Anyone considered selling Canon gear and switching to Nikon?

    I sold my canon to switch to olympus.
  9. xlynn

    Sony Alpha DSLR camera and Nex rental

    Very Good price for the technology.
  10. xlynn

    Accessories @ Camera Rental Centre

    Good review and nice accessories here.
  11. xlynn

    [ closed ] Olympus Announces its latest Micro4/3 camera and lenses - OM-D

    It actually was a pretty good review site. It’s comparable to dpreview.
  12. xlynn

    My Nocturne Photography

    Nice, thanks for sharing in the above information.
  13. xlynn

    My Street Photography (x-pro 1)

    Thanks for sharing it.
  14. xlynn

    will canon stop producing new apsc dslr soon?

    I think so.