Recent content by jesbert

  1. J

    Vpost? Comgateway? or Borderlinx?

    VPOST is suck... brought something from Amazon, tracking shown delivered and signed by VPOST USA on 8 Sept, send invoice to them on 9/9, only on 17/9 then it appears on their website (as also email) for shipping charge payment, paid immeadiately same day, today (22/9) now the status still...
  2. J

    wide-angle len for 5D

    Thanks those with the constructive suggestions. Yes, I have overlook the 17-40 and keep looking into 16-35, I suppose the mind-block was because I had a bad experience with a particular 17-40 sometime ago. Now it is the tough decision between 17-40 or 12-24... must get down to do some testings...
  3. J

    I am restless and discontented at this stage

    maybe TS set really has a focusing problem??? why don't let TS show some pic & data. a fellow CSer & friend has the same problem with his 450D, fortunately, we shared and I lend him my 17-55 f2.8 which is very sharp on my previous 350D ... and still having problem in his 450. So he send back to...
  4. J

    wide-angle len for 5D

    I am currently using the 24-105 f4 as a walk-around len. However, once in awhile, really need a wider angle len ... but looking around the Canon non-S len range, really don't have much economical choice (from Canon website). the 14mm f2.8 is $4199, the 20mm is not alot diff. from 24mm. next will...
  5. J

    EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM Vs EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM

    I have both lens mentioned. own 17-55 f2.8 for > 1 yr now .. love the len .. recently upgrade to 5DMK2 with 24-105 f4L for > 1 mth now, surely very eager to test them side-by-side, ... my own verdit.., in term of IQ, 17-55 f2.8 still the better one... (at least the copy I had)... and now, for...
  6. J

    Canon 5DMark2 offer

    FYI, MS told me I can bring back, test it & within 1-2 days ( & before register for warrenty) , they can do 1 to 1 exchange if found any back-focus problem, etc. .. so I trusted them and did not do any test at the shop.. just paid and go .. Luckily mine is ok .. after testing over the weekend ...
  7. J

    Canon 5DMark2 offer

    Thank, run the utility on my 5DMK2, mine seem to have zero count at purchase .. wow.. is this utility accurate? .. MS told me it was zero count.. quite sceptical initially as the box is not sealed...
  8. J

    Canon 5DMark2 offer

    hey, can share how you check shutter count in the shop? ...
  9. J

    EF-S 17-55mm F/2.8 IS Good?

    Fully agree .. that is the one single reason why it took me so long to decide on moving to 5DMK2...
  10. J

    New Canon EOS 500D

    1 May
  11. J

    Say I have 6k SGD, upgrade to FF?

    Just got myself 5DMK2 kits. Not a professional, just casual photog, main consideration is actual between 5DMk2 or up & coming 500D... however, the high ISO quality of 5DMk2 win me over. 500D? yes, need the short movie feature and can still keep my EFS 17-55 f2.8, but learn that high ISO still...
  12. J

    Prices for Canon DSLR cameras

    MS Colour - 5DMK2 with kit 24-105, $5180 (cash with GST) - 10 Apr 09
  13. J

    Seller not honouring his own rules.

    Do we alway need a "legal" contract to tell us how to behave like a human being? what will becoming of this B&S sections if every seller/buyer don't honour what he/she stated in the thread? hey, there is this thing call "trust" in each and every one of us that make us diff. from the animal in...
  14. J


    Hi .. yes .. West Coast Dog Run .. kinda regular these days ... The owner said it is a Whippet ... I think is a slight diff. breed from grey hound ... shot few grey hounds today .. try to post later ... Repator84... good suggestion .. thought of doing that .. leave the cam on the floor & let the...