Recent content by jacnjil

  1. J

    SB800 Latest Price?

    hey, care to share where u bought it? thanks.
  2. J

    Esplanade Cancel New Year Eve Fireworks

    guys, thanks for the info...
  3. J

    Esplanade Cancel New Year Eve Fireworks

    eerr..just wondering--is the mardi gras parade/countdown at clarke quay also cancelled? anyone has an idea? thanks..
  4. J

    AH 22 Dec

    nice collection you got here. educational too--national geographic-like photos :thumbsup:
  5. J

    Recommend a tripod for D70 + 50-500mm

    190ProB + 488RC2 is approx 2.3 kg D70 + Bigma is approx 4.6 kg. 190 ProB supports up to 5 kg. while 488 RC2 supports up to 7.5 kg.
  6. J

    Recommend a tripod for D70 + 50-500mm

    my previous set-up was 055 ProB and the 3-way pan head. and nemesis is right--it is much sturdier but 2x heavier. The whole setup was 4.5kg so it was just in my cabinet collecting dust. if you really want something much sturdier than 190 ProB but lighter--then you should try those CF tripod...
  7. J

    Recommend a tripod for D70 + 50-500mm

    i also have d70 and the Bigma. I am using manfrotto 190 ProB with 488 RC2 ballhead which cost me less than $300 from TKFOTO--i bought it only 2 months back.
  8. J

    Which to buy? CompactDrive or X-Drive?

    oh yeah--i think mine is only 5Gb coz am using only 1.5Mp cam coz my D70 spoiled on the very first day!!!
  9. J

    Which to buy? CompactDrive or X-Drive?

    moreover, i used it for my 20-day trip to Europe last month and it didn't drained a pair of 2100mAh NiMH Sanyo rechargeable battery.
  10. J

    Which to buy? CompactDrive or X-Drive?

    is X-drive II still out in the market? Anyway, that was also my choice due to the price diff between Compactdrive PD7X. I got the Compactdrive and I am very happy with the performance--never failed and faster transfer rate.
  11. J

    D70 shutter problem?

    hi, i'm in italy right now and on my first day here, i also encountered this problem..less than 6 months since i bought it!!! i tried the suggestions here: reset the cam 2x and nothing works. even take out battery overnite and recharged and changed it--nothing works...i'm using all nikon...
  12. J

    Which Protable Didital Photo Storage Device to buy?

    hi, i'm also looking for one good portable storage drive for my 3-weeks trip in Nov. Like you, I cannot decide which ones to buy. anyway, here's a couple of shop i know that sells them: