Recent content by adrian26

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    switzerland II

    Matterhorn is really majestic! Nice pics and composition! thanks for sharing! May i ask how long u travelled to zermatt? how many hours is it from zurich?
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    Singapore Fireworks Festival - Singapore Team (Glorious Singapore Pte Ltd)

    Nice no.1, very nice composition. :)
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    1st Try at SFF... Pls Coment

    hi nicely composed shots but thought would b better if u could reduce the smoky effect...its kind of removing the sparkle out of the pic. did u use the black card method to shoot these shots or otherwise? what were ur settings etc. used? anyway, im a newbie only, jus my honest opinion and...
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    Across the Bay of Pebbles

    Nice shot of the condo! but the colour seems a little too intense..maybe its my eyes but jus my opinion hehe...anyway, im still new to photography.
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    Shanghai Night

    Hi there, No.2 shot is seem to keep ur camera pretty well positioned despite the conditions! :)
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    Fireworks Festival @ Esplanade 15 Aug 04 - PartI

    Hi, jus some comments: thought the merlion in ur pic is too small..perhaps shd have tried to let if fill a larger portion of the pic in a similar position or dont include it at all cos it seems to look out of place n distracting as it is now..jus some comments..thanks for sharing ur pics! :)
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    Nikon UV filter 67mm questions?

    Thanks gooseberry for the insights! never knew abt this product i know...gotta check it out! :)
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    I drove 200km yesterday for this .... (d100/sigma20f1.8)

    Hey Marc very nice pic of the famous jetty u have there.. :thumbsup: like the orange glow and shadows on the houses' roof...haiz..dunno when then i'll be able to take such pro-looking shots.. looking forward to ur future posts!
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    Nikon UV filter 67mm questions?

    Hi am a newbie here..would like to ask wats a lens pen and where can we get one and how much does it tyically cost?
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    My first brown throated

    Hey nice pic but felt that the background is too 'bright' looking, doesnt allow the subject to stand out but u do like the overall positioning of the subject..btw, may i ask wat settings and equipmt u used to shoot this pic?
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    Had ur Dinner? Penang Laksa!

    Hey very nice shot of good food! Like the composition of the subject at the corner with more food as the background! :)
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    Model shoot

    Hi, No.3 is very nicely taken...nice composition and liked the effect of sunlight on the model's face..very radiant and confident expression. thought No.2 seems to have a little of a distracting factor in the form of the foreground..
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    Pulua Redang

    Nice pics u have its a nice place! looks really peaceful and nice. ya, the pics seem to have a slightly 'tilted' horizon...easily corrected though. thanks for sharing! :)
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    Night City

    Nice composition..liked No.2...thought the darker scene makes the city view look kindda calm and very reflective of our s'pore realistic...guess each type of exposure has their own 'beauty'...must say the other pics posted by acidbyte and rncw are splendid too...very dynamic and...
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    Some pics of a flying journey...wings in action! Feel free to comment! Thanks! 1) Getting ready for the approach. 2) Almost there. 3) Touched down...slowing down.