Model shoot

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Senior Member
Sep 29, 2003
Tomato Town
Hi Fellow Snipers,

Below is my take on Priscilla. Hope I get the name correct. No special effect in PS, juz a light USM and crop. Comments & suggestions on my techniques (not on model hor) are welcome :sweat:

Danke :)




Hmm... your shots seem underexposed ? or is it my monitor ? You could have used some form of reflector to light up her face for the first 2 shots .... you had backlight for the second shot, which could have fooled your metering.... Anyway, good use of side ligthing for the third shot :)

Hi, No.3 is very nicely taken...nice composition and liked the effect of sunlight on the model's face..very radiant and confident expression.

thought No.2 seems to have a little of a distracting factor in the form of the foreground..

Very nice natural shots :thumbsup:

Adrian, ur photos are well taken. It will be better if it is "alive", because I dont see any "life" in it.

sorry, talking too much.

Hi Adrian,

Pai sai, newbie here, may i know what camera u are using ?


digipat2003 said:
Hi Adrian,

Pai sai, newbie here, may i know what camera u are using ?


er u referring to Adrian026 or me? If u referring to yours truly, my name not Adrian :) I am using D70 with 70-200 for this series.

One thing I learnt in this photoshoot, sometimes the matrix/spot/center metering can be easily fooled resulting in overexposed pics. I have then to rely on my agar agar mode. :bsmilie:

Kusumak10k: I see, Danke for the pointers :) Possible to point me to a link that u have in mind to illustrate the life u r referring to? Hope to learn more abt potraitculture.

oops :bigeyes: , thats really :embrass: , ;p great cam u have, hope to see more, no wonder can get the really out of focus effect for the background... very well taken.

just some comment hope u dun mind, somehow "feel" like is abit underexpose. think the matrix metering is much better than centered-weight, awkward light condition think use spot will be better :)

hehehe, no problem man :) All feedbacks no matter how critical are appreciated :sweat:, only then can improve on my technique! Thanks :thumbsup:

what i feel is that, there is no connection between u and the model, no "communication". it is like she posed for other photographer, not for you.

well, actually i dont have enough experience on this. So, maybe I am wrong. :)


Ahhh now I see what u r referring to :) I not handsome so model don't like to look at me :bsmilie: Or maybe I am weird or something like this, I actually prefer to capture from side angle :think:

Below are some shots she posed for me. Comments will be appreciated.



hehehe, that is not wht i mean. Anyway, I also cant make my photos "alive" yet, so I cant tell you wht I mean exactly, hehehehe. So sorry

kusuma10k said:
hehehe, that is not wht i mean. Anyway, I also cant make my photos "alive" yet, so I cant tell you wht I mean exactly, hehehehe. So sorry

No prob lar, we will learn together lar :)

I tend to agree with kusama10k in that while the photos are generally well taken, they actually are very boring.

You had asked for comments on your technique, not the model. A portrait is the result of interaction between model/sitter and photographer. These kind of "portraits" are not meant to be "deep" and "profound". Even so there is much that can be done. As a photographer, you are to be the director (with exceptions of huge productions where there might be a artistic director and the photographer press the shutter!). So you direct the pose, the positioning of the model, the play of light on the model, the expression, the "tension", etc.

Your photographs (with exception of #3 ) are boring because there is a lack of tension/movement. #3 is interesting because there is a sense of motion which is lacking in all the others. The rest are "static". "static" does not mean lack of tension. Tension can be created even in the face.

Look at the model's expression. Think Fann Wong. There is only one expression. Boring+++++ Stop. Get her to close her eyes to feel the breeze, lift her chin up and get her to smell the air, fold her arms to enjoy the embrace of the flora, etc. Lower her head and stare up towards you as if to devour you etc. Introduce "tension/motion".

Play with the light. You may not even need strobes and reflectors (especially if you are doing it all alone). In #3, you had (accidentaly or intentionally?) put her face into "broad" lighting, making her face broader when in fact her face is quite slim. Turn her face round to the right (in this picture) and you have a "short" lighting which will create quite a different effect. Definitely "darker" and perhaps more mysterious.

So "techniques" are not just what cameras you use. In fact, digipat2003 had asked what is arguably the most unimportant question, viz, "Which camera?". Such pictures can be taken with any modern point and shoot with an aperture priority mode. "Techniques" involve studying your model and light, and the intrepretative play of these between model and photographer.

Oh, one other thing. Get a light meter. "agak agak" is totally unacceptable unless you are Cartier-Bresson or Weston. I understand some matrix metering can be quite good, but in back lighted situations, the computer can be fooled. Use a lightmeter. Next to the camera, the most useful accessories are tripods and lightmeters. I never shoot without taking a reading with my meter.

2nd 1 is good, the DOF just nice!

digipat2003 said:
oops :bigeyes: , thats really :embrass: , ;p great cam u have, hope to see more, no wonder can get the really out of focus effect for the background... very well taken. :)

The "great out of focus" effect has nothing to do with what camera you have. It has more to do with the focal length (longer the better the "blur") and the aperture (the wider the more the "blur") of the lens that was used. The character of the "blur"/"out of focus"/"bokeh" apparently has more to do with the number of blades the shutter has. This is controversial, but some lenses do appear to have "more pleasing" "bokeh" than others. For example, some feel that Nikkor lenses have less pleasing "bokeh" than say leitz lenses. I am biased. But I think my French angenieux 180mm f2.3 lens have the best "bokeh"! Even better than leitz and zeiss!

We can argue till the sun rises on the west and still have no consensus! ;)

Hi, I had small discussion via email with Mr. Aryono. an indonesia photographer and he told me a bit about portraiture (or let say taking human photograph).

He always says the importance of 'relation' between the photographer and the subject. We have to know well who is the subject, and here is the challenge, know the model well in no time, because sometime when we come to the scene, we dont know yet, who the model is. So it is important to talk as an ice breaker and make the subject our close friend.

As an illustration he told me that his wife know well about him, even if he lies, says, "white," his wife will smile, see to his eyes and said, "u must be lying." and he laugh and tell the true. He told me, that is the spectrum that cannot be seen or touched by other ppl, unless someone that is close.

Same when we shoot a model, if we know him/her as a close friend, they will know and feel our intention to make a good portrait with 'friend' approach.

So, what can I learn from wht he told me is that, portrait is not only about camera, technique, lighting, but it is combination of them with one more thing which is the most important factor. It is how well the photographer build a 'relation' with the model.

Hope we can learn together..


hi camedia,

zillion apology, is the stupid monitor in the office, no wonder seem like abit underexpose :embrass:

now at home, so can really relax and take a good look, not underexposed. but :think: will it be better if u put in softener or diffusion filter, especially when taking pics of young girls.

just wondering ;)

hi student,

tks for the reply, me newbie :embrass: , havent got a digicam yet, thinking of getting the olympus c770, so wondering will it able to create the same effect :D

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