[ZZ] Go Magical Melbourne & Vivid Sydney

Zig Ziggler

Senior Member
Sep 22, 2008
Good day all, like to share some of my pics from my recent trip to Australia.
Haven't post anything here for quite some time, any C&C welcomed~

About to touch down around 7am in Melbourne. So much difference in view from either side of the plane.

#1 East Wing

#2 West Wing

Reached hotel in Swanston and walk around the city. There's definitely a energetic vibe in the streets.
The people, the cool weather (autumn) instantly energises one even after a long flight.

#3 Town Hall

#4 Candy Floss

#5 Chillax@ Flinders

#6 Lunchtime Chatter

Anywhere you walk around, you can find artists, musicians sitting at the sidewalks, pavements doing their art.

#7 Happy Artist

#8 Potential buyers

The freedom to "vandalise". And check out the scale of their graffiti.

#9 Graffiti Lane

#10 New Work

#11 Pose


Next day, joined local agency Wildlife Tours to Great Ocean Road. Much cheaper than Grayline and more importantly, smaller group of tourists.
Our driver/guide Jared, a young friendly chap took us to a small park by the lake to have morning tea break enroute to GOR.

#12 Lakeside Picnic

#13 Park bench

#14 School excursion


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The vast beach near the archway of the start of GOR. Saw the famous Pole House overlooking the coast along GOR.
Ideal albeit expensive place to stay if one wishes to self-drive at GOR.

#15 Vastness


After a perfectly bright day, got to the Apostles around 3-4pm and it was raining. Plus crowded with tour grps.
The outlook was very grim (flat sky, slippery ground). Only had less than an hour to explore.
Took a few shots and kept my wet camera. :(
Hope to self drive here next time and spend more time exploring/shooting the area like what macaroni did with his inspiring GOR pics.

Spent quite a bit of time to process the pics as close as possible to what I envision of GOR.

#16 Apostles

#17 The End Point

#18 The Other Side


Visited Cape W. Perfect beach for some solitude.

#19 Woolamai Surfers


Last month, Melbourne has experienced one of the mildest late autumn month of May on record.. from the look of your pics, I guess you were there during the uncommon mild autumn weather.

Nice pics, thanks for sharing.

Last month, Melbourne has experienced one of the mildest late autumn month of May on record.. from the look of your pics, I guess you were there during the uncommon mild autumn weather.

Nice pics, thanks for sharing.

Oh didn't know it could be colder. But I enjoyed the coolness a lot. Tks for dropping by :)

Went to this penguin nestling area at Phillip Island.
One could actually wait and shoot the sunset here before heading for the Penguin parade a short drive away.

#20 Noobies


Nice series. More please.

Tried making my way by tram from Chinatown to Brighton after lunch. Thought we took the right tram number which ended up in East Brighton. Our tram driver gave us some how-to-get-there instructions before we got down at this sleepy town. Walk around this town not knowing at all how to get to Brighton Beach. In my mind was, "how far can this beach be..I mean this is East..take cab should be quite near." Very wrong assumption.

Luckily, our tram driver spotted us while he was preparing for the U-turn route back to Chinatown. Came down and chit-chat with us (very nice Indian uncle), before picking us up again and dropping us near to a tram stop for our next tram (67 IIRC). Eventually need to transfer thru rail before reaching Brighton Beach.

Reached our destination near 4pm and approaching sunset. A lucky coincidence? For me, the sole attraction seems to be only the colourful beach houses. The beach is nothing wonderful at all. But the sunset here is pretty intense. Spent too much travelling here and back that by the time I reached Skydeck in Melbourne, too late for any blue hour shots (initially wanted to camp at Skydeck from 4pm-7pm).

#21 Beach Houses

#22 Sunset photoshoot


One city view from Brighton.

#23 Melbourne City


It's difficult to stakeout sunrise/sunset spots during a vacation (at least for me).
Most of the times either too rush or too tired from joining local tours. Every night I tell myself, "Ok need to wake up early to shoot sunrise." Next thing I know, the alarm goes to snooze in the morning.

Only managed to scramble out of bed on the last day in Melbourne. Didn't do any research on sunrise/sunset locations in Melbourne. But I happened to see the sky breaking over at Flinders Station one morning while waiting for my tour van. So just came over to the bridge overlooking Yarra River. There was only one other Aussie guy shooting on the bridge as me and we briefly acknowledged each other. Quite an intense sunrise I should say.
And sadly only one of the few landscape pics with good light that I shot during this trip. :(

#24 Autumn's Sunrise


Experienced the so-called "Four Seasons in a day" in Melbourne a few times during my visit.
Encountered one that same morning too after shooting at the bridge.
It was drizzling about 10 mins after crossing the road to St Paul.

Lucky to see this double rainbow over at Flinders station. Quickly setup shot and left.
Bumped into some street hobos (they hollered at me) requesting for pics. Obliged and showed them the pics before hastily making my way back.

At this point, don't really feel safe as its a Sunday morning and a few drunkards from last night's party till roaming around the street.

#25 Double Rainbow


Sorry been distracted by World Cup fever so never update here.
Just one pic of St Paul's Cathedral from that lovely morning

#26 Sunday Church


Very nice pictures! :) Love the #24 the autumn sunrise. The clouds and colours are amazing!

Thank you. Glad you liked it. I see ya from Sydney? Will be posting some pics from Sydney soon.