zuiko 45-150mm lens prob

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New Member
Mar 18, 2007
hi, im wondering if any of you guys have this problem. I recently tried cleaning my 45-70mm lens with a cleaning kit and after spraying the liquid onto the glass in front, i noticed the water seeped in from the side of glass and enters into the next layer. I am now able to see the wetness through the glass and i also noticed a few days beforehand that there are dust trapped inside and cant be removed. If i remembered correctly, the glass should be sealed tightly and will not allow dust, liquids and other foreign particles to enter. Can anyone enlighten me on what should i do? and if its possible for me to claim warranty for this. Thanks alot in advance

I don't know which lens is the 45-70mm. Never heard of that focal length, nor the 45-150mm as the title says. Probably you mean the 40-150 ;) .

Actually, there are only three things you can do:

1. Consider Olympus service

2. Ignore it if it does not effect the image

3. Try to remove the front lens element and clean it by yourself.

I would go for #1. Even if the effects of it can not be seen today, you may not know how it will be later. I would not try to do the job myself since there is risk for making things worse. Then, again, it can never happen to me, since I never use ANY form of spray (air or liquide) because I really believe that those can cause more damage then good some times. Another thing is that the 40-150 is not weather proof, like the pro and top pro line of Oly lenses, but even it was, like my 14-54 or the 50mm, I would not take any chances. IMHO, clear glass filter or UV filter protects the front element from ever being in a need of cleaning. But, if against all odds there would be a need of wet cleaning, I would spray onto a microfibre cloth or a tissue and would use that to clean with.

Sorry if this is of no help, but hopefully it will help for the future. I am really sorry :cry: for you, you have my sympaties. :sweat:

Firstly you have committed the rookie mistake of applying the cleaning fluid directly onto the glass element rather than onto a cloth/tissue. Just how much liquid did you apply anyway? Did you use water? :bigeyes: The curvature of the front element will naturally cause the liquid to seep to the corners as you have discovered. Unfortunately you probably won't be able to make a warranty claim. Best to send it back for service as it is risky to disassemble the front element because:
a) you probably have no idea how the lens is to be assembled or disassembled
b) not all front elements can be removed if you don't have the necessary tools
c) lenses need to be collimated every time it is disassembled to ensure proper focus

There is only one advise if you want to continue to use this lens : Send it in to Olympus.

A painful lesson learnt. Hope it is not too costly a lesson.

Thanks alot for your help, im sorry typo here its the 45-150 lens. i will send it back to oly for servicing. However, i noticed that dust had entered a few days before i started using the cleaning kit. Is that normal?

That is part of a standard kit lens. It is also in the Standard category hence no seals. Only the HG and SHG lenses are Weather sealed. Even then, I have seen HG grade 50-200 having condensation inside the lens.

Thanks alot for your help, im sorry typo here its the 45-150 lens. i will send it back to oly for servicing. However, i noticed that dust had entered a few days before i started using the cleaning kit. Is that normal?

You kept mentioning cleaning kit... what kind is it?

All solvents should be applied onto a carrier (micro-fibre, tobacco paper, etc) before applying on the elements. What you did is something that I have never come across... which is weird. No cleaning kit I have seen in the past has advised spraying any form of solvents directly onto elements.

Its actually a normal kit which comes with the cleaning fliud, blower, brush, cotton buds, lens paper and a micro fibre cloth. Well the difference is that the liquid comes in a spraying bottle. I bought it in challenger so i guess its supposed to be genuine and useable. I did not use the cotton bud and brush, because it looks unsafe. Thank you very much for taking the time to help me, really appreciate it.

Its actually a normal kit which comes with the cleaning fliud, blower, brush, cotton buds, lens paper and a micro fibre cloth. Well the difference is that the liquid comes in a spraying bottle. I bought it in challenger so i guess its supposed to be genuine and useable. I did not use the cotton bud and brush, because it looks unsafe. Thank you very much for taking the time to help me, really appreciate it.

It is one of the carve on stone rule never to overly wet the lens with cleaning solution especially in the compact camera's small lens and double-piece filter or risk seeping. I learned that lesson in my early days when the solvent seep into my compact film camera until the aperture stuck. The spray design is likely for multi-purpose to include screen and spectacles.

Service centre is the best option and my advise is not to wait to long in case it stain the lens and helps eliminate worries.

hey thanks alot, i've sent my lens to oly service center for servicing. It still under warranty so still free haha. Oh yea recently read in another thread about an E-1 replacement body in october so i asked the guy in oly out of curiousity, but he said its not confirmed yet. Just that it will be coming out by this year. Thought of sharing it with you guys, but well maybe its old info alr.. im not really updated:dunno:

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