Young and i mean real young photographers

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SpitFir3 (15)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)

SpitFir3 (15)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)
Jediforce4ever (14)
I think Some of the ages are wrong...

wah i just come page already so long... hehe.

hmm.. i young but i real photographer meh? lol. only hobbyist ar small fry only ;p

lol i now in SP first year going second year cum april...

Added me and my cs friend mintae. :)

SpitFir3 (15)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)
Jediforce4ever (14)
redstone (18)
mintae (18)

hmm so means must add myself ar... no wonders..

SpitFir3 (15)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)
Jediforce4ever (14)
redstone (18)
mintae (18)
metallilan (18)

SpitFir3 (15)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)
Jediforce4ever (14)
redstone (18)
mintae (18)
metallilan (18)
drumma (18)

SpitFir3 (17)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)
Jediforce4ever (14)
redstone (18)
mintae (18)
metallilan (18)
drumma (18)

I believe young here mean teenage -> 13 ( thirdTEEN ) to 19 ( nineTEEN )


photographer here anything from amateur photographer to master photographer.

This is interesting....

+evenstar said:
SpitFir3 (15)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)

Darn I'm 20... guess when my age starts wif 2 not counted already rite?

Sadded... i now 19 liao lor... soon 20 ><

hah.. erm. i just turned 17 =)

SpitFir3 (17)
Helbreath (15)
alexljy (15)
germ_boi (15)
y0ngcheng (16)
devilicboy (16)
ctzehock (16)
kirayamato (17)
Taurus (17)
nicholaslee (17)
acidboi (17)
SuperRaY (18)
bsplenden (18)
JunYang (18)
acetylcholine (19)
OzOn3 (19)
Poledra (19)
SianZronG (19)
MeNaCeWu (19)
gomaish (13)
::Inn0CeNt:: aka kai yi(15)
nickmak (17)
leeter (18)
id8 (15)
Vincentt_whale (19)
Blak (1:cool:
+evenstar (15)
allcowsmoo (16 tmrw! ) =)
AhFu (19)
AngelZhou (17)
Jediforce4ever (14)
redstone (18)
mintae (18)
metallilan (18)
drumma (18)

acetylcholine said:
going to be 19 in sep

didnt know i considered young :bsmilie: :p


member of Singapore Poly photographers

damn..why am i advertising here?

wah really ar? i was thinking of joining but nah... ;)

hmm.. is 16 considered young? hey! inform me if theres a outing too! loL!

i got a few ideas for outing..go matilda house take IR.. :D

wow, im very impressed a lot of young photographers here =)

13-19 --> young
under 13 --> too young
above 19 --> young at heart? *upz*

Yeah, teen photographers ROX =p

btw, Geno's girlfriend ( forgot her nickname ) also 19. mmmm... i hope she found this thread soon and join us =)

holildays coming.. i heard NP, SP and RP photo group planning something together eh? that's what i heard.. don't quote me. :p

organise shoots anyone? kekeke.. AZ be model!! :p (runs away!!)

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